Seth Keshel – “You will not want to live in the world they wish to create”

Seth Keshel – “You will not want to live in the world they wish to create”

Can’t say enough good things about Seth Keshel, former US Army Captain involved in military intelligence.  He applied his talents to examining and explaining the impossibility of Joe Biden receiving 81 million legal votes in 2020, and he has as a result taken the insult-and-mockery hits that only real truth-tellers experience and understand.

Keshel frequently acknowledges the inspiration provided by his father (also a veteran) and is riding that inspiration to a higher and deeper perspective on the world war we are living through…and what it means to join the fight, as well as the consequences of not joining the fight to preserve the keynote of America’s heritage:  individual freedom and responsibility under God.

Seth Keshel is a new American hero, for sure.

Read and consider his latest post, reproduced below.  Here’s a gem to ponder from that post:

The global order wants to dissolve the created order.


You Will Not Want to Live in the World They Wish to Create