31 Oct Seth Keshel – “You will not want to live in the world they wish to create”
Can’t say enough good things about Seth Keshel, former US Army Captain involved in military intelligence. He applied his talents to examining and explaining the impossibility of Joe Biden receiving 81 million legal votes in 2020, and he has as a result taken the insult-and-mockery hits that only real truth-tellers experience and understand.
Keshel frequently acknowledges the inspiration provided by his father (also a veteran) and is riding that inspiration to a higher and deeper perspective on the world war we are living through…and what it means to join the fight, as well as the consequences of not joining the fight to preserve the keynote of America’s heritage: individual freedom and responsibility under God.
Seth Keshel is a new American hero, for sure.
Read and consider his latest post, reproduced below. Here’s a gem to ponder from that post:
The global order wants to dissolve the created order.
You Will Not Want to Live in the World They Wish to Create
There are tremendous positives to being a public figure or prominent person in any movement. Positive words generally outweigh and outnumber negative ones, especially within the bubble. There are events and gatherings with friends and colleagues that are best when they are used to educate people and give them marching orders. Sometimes, these events are nice, full of good food and people who nod along with anything you say and laugh at all your jokes. Engagement is an important thing, so I am not knocking the fancy events. After all, none of the issues impacting our liberty will be remedied without the diligent work of these unsung heroes in all 3,143 counties and independent cities in the United States.
I have been afforded lifelong connections and friendships that come from this movement, and thanks to having had my work prominently endorsed and disseminated by some of the biggest names in the Patriot movement, have received tons of positive press and enjoy a level of professional credibility I have never experienced.
But it is not all sunshine and rainbows. I have been hit by nearly every major institution in the American syndicate of media propagandists. I have had my work panned by “experts” who simply say that election skeptics are conspiracy theorists and threats to “democracy.” Never mind the fact that the truest threat to “democracy” is that a large majority of Americans no longer trust the system of elections that is used to select our political representation in a country purported to function on “consent of the governed.”
When given a massive platform, an individual can choose from two paths to travel. The first is about the glorification of self. Sometimes, people who choose that path start off with a pure heart and good intentions. If they read too many positive press clippings and let ego go to their heads, they become corrupted and of not much use to the mission, doing everything to force their own narrative and becoming blind to information that does not actually threaten their existence, but edifies their message if they would simply apply the available lessons.
The second path is the one that leads to success and a lasting legacy. The one that uses a platform for good, to spread the hard work of others and combat the poisonous narratives spread by the corrupt mainstream media and its political allies. My mission is to equip you, the reader of this article, to embrace your mission and fulfill it completely.
The average life expectancy, not interrupted by disease or premature death, is now approaching eight decades. Females get a few more years, probably because they need the time to remind everyone how wrong the men supposedly are. Nonetheless, everyone eventually comes up against an expiration date. When you reach the end, it is too late to turn around and enter the fighting season of life and engage at the point in time in which you punted the proverbial football, hoping someone else would carry the banner.
I will be succinct. Unless you are very old and very well off, and living in the right places, those last to be conquered by rapid urbanization and social programming, you will not be able to ride out this fight for our national survival. You will either commit to engagement and involvement as never before, or you will effectively surrender your terrain to people who will engage you. You will be forced to care. The enemies of liberty do not observe your holidays, your occasions, your need for “let’s pick it back up in a month after holidays.” They ram their beliefs and corrupt systems down your throat when you are enjoying milk and cookies by the fireplace (ironically, one of our great American moments took place on Christmas, when George Washington crossed the Delaware River and took his opponents by surprise).
If everyone with a heart for this nation and restoring her to her founding principles stands up, we will redeem this land. If we do not get maximum participation, we will fail and go the way of fallen empires written about for all time. Simply put, the cost of inaction is too great. You will not want to live in the world they wish to create.
You have seen the first fruits of their labors. The global order wants to dissolve the created order. It began in a “live and let live” way in the 1960s, socially speaking. It has been in action longer than that in other ways that effect national sovereignty and individual liberties. The psyche of man has been controlled by endless warfare, borderless nations, collectivist mindsets, public indoctrination of children in school and adults in the corporate and pop culture world, and the leftist takeover of nearly every institution.
I am known for my work in election integrity. The elections crisis did not suddenly materialize on the evening of November 3, 2020, nor did it begin in the 2018 midterms. Our elections crisis began when we surrendered control of our own liberties to the belief system of “we are America, and it can’t happen here.” It has happened everywhere. Every major power on Earth has undergone coups, power struggles, civil wars, and collapse, as they are much older than this nation. Their inaction at one point or another eventually led to the deaths of millions, who either successfully or unsuccessfully had to sacrifice to reverse the failures of their fathers to combat evil in its cradle.
You will take major heat when (not if) you begin to upset the apple cart. You are not in it to make one show and slam the door and go away. You are in it to win it if you are in it at all. If you don’t have a perfect past (newsflash – none of you do), then your enemies will try and dig up all your dirt to discredit you. If you own a business and employ others, the local, and maybe even the national, media will seek to have you cancelled and publicly denounced. You may find it difficult to resume any sense of normalcy in your life. You may be run through the court system in a frivolous manner and find yourself penniless or imprisoned, or worse.
Count the costs. It is far better to be cut down defending what you believe in at a young age, than it is to live out your entire lifespan under a burden of serfdom. Free people must act like free people again, and with it bear the cost of upholding this, the last hope of man on Earth.
You will not want to live in the future they want to create. We must stand for what we believe in, and begin discipling others in that mindset.
All freedom depends on it.