Show Guests and Links

Show Guests and Links

The December 30th Show (2018)

BIG NEWS for America, Can We Talk? in 2019!  We are MOVING to a state of the art studio in Dallas!  ACWT will soon be on four days a week, Monday-Thursday, 3-4pm, starting January 14. We will still be on FaceBook LIVE on Sundays at 6pm for a few more weeks.

GOOD NEWS: You’ll be able to both watch and hear ACWT four days a week at 3pm on FaceBook Live AND on more than 15 top social media and podcast platforms!

Email to [email protected] for more info about all the ways you can listen.
ACWT = More hours. Bigger audience. New days & time.  SAME Truth about America.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 30th show:

The January 3rd Squad is Coming and They Don’t Play Nice 

Intersectionality at the Crossroads 

California Town Cancels Women’s March Due to Overwhelmingly White Participants

 Mizzou Officials: Tall Men Asking out Short Women is Sexual Misconduct 

CONFIRMED: EU Gave £140,000 to Organizers of Anti-Semitic Al Quds Rally in London

Clarion Project map of Islamic Extremist Organizations in the US

Exclusive Clarion Interview with Convicted ISIS Fighter

2 Scandinavian Women were brutally killed in Morocco – ISIS

TRUMP calls for US to ‘Get Tough’ on Border Security as Police Suspect Officer was killed by illegal Immigrant

Chuck Schumer speaks with forked tongue on illegal immigration

Retiring Dem Senator: When you talk ‘Medicare for All,’ You ‘start losing people in my state’

Report: On-Duty Police Officer Deaths Rose in 2018 

Why we should worry about the Cult of RBG 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Committee Is Winning Even In Defeat 

Shutdown? What Shutdown?

The Democrats anti-Catholic Bigotry

Check your Progressive Privilege

New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump’s golf club — and Mueller, FBI are involved in probe 

House Quietly ends probe into FBI’s 2016 Decisions 

What’s Next in FBI oversight?



The December 23rd Show (2018)

Guest interview – Lathan Watts, Attorney and Director of Community Relations, First Liberty Institute

Lathan Watts is Director of Community Relations for First Liberty Institute, responsible for all efforts to increase First Liberty Institute’s profile in local and national markets. His focus is on expanding public awareness of First Liberty’s mission, legal matters, and educational projects by coordinating communication with community leaders, influencers, policy makers, and the public at large.
Prior to joining First Liberty Institute, Watts served in various campaign and official staff positions for U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, and Texas Governor Rick Perry. His executive leadership roles in non-profit organizations specializing in political affairs and community outreach contributed to the election of numerous members of the U.S. Congress, multiple state legislators, and governors. His work in and around the political process served him well in the four years he spent as a City Councilman in Lewisville, TX.
Watts received his Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi where he served two terms in the student senate one as President Pro Tempore. He received his Bachelor of Arts in History from Harding University, where he was a member of multiple honor societies and the University Concert Choir.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 23rd show:

Gutless President in Wall-less Country – Ann Coulter

Air Force Veteran starts a GoFundMe to pay for a border wall – and raises $1 Million in two days

First Liberty Case Summary: Central UTA case

First Liberty: Rowan County Legislative Prayer Case

First Liberty: Ken Hauge Case

First Liberty: Light of the World Gospel Ministries

Fifth Graders at Arizona School Provided Shocking Adult Transgender and Gay Curriculum

Parents are being groomed (transgender)

Colorado Cake Lawsuit: Baker Back in Court after Refusing to Make Transgender Cake

Teacher Fired for Not Using Transgender Pronouns May Sue High School

Trump’s Safety Panel Seeks to Revoke School Discipline Rules, Hopes to Curb School Shootings

Little Girl with inoperable Brain Tumor Gets a Christmas Miracle

 The top 10 worst countries for Christian persecution

China Arrests Christians in  Systematic and Escalating Crackdown: Whole world Needs to pay Attention, says Christian Leaders 

215,000,000 Christians persecuted, mostly by Muslims

Why US Forces must step into save Iraqi Christians from extinction



The December 16th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 16th show:

Incoming NY Attorney vows to use full power of the State to get Trump

Stark political divides second only to health care on America’s list of national worries

 Flynn’s Fate

Is the Flynn Guilty Plea going to be thrown out?

DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/{age Text Messages Before the IG Could Review Them

US Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify before panel on Clinton Probe

Trump Inauguration Spending under Criminal Investigation by Federal Prosecutors

David Harris Video on Blexit


Trump speaking at WH Congressional Christmas Party

No room for a Christmas Miracle” Donald Trump is canceling White House party for press

Trump Names Mulvaney Acting White House Chief of Staff

44 ex-Senators pen op-ed calling on Senate to defend democracy as Mueller probe ends

Democrats Introduce Bill Requiring US to Call Abortion a “Human Right”


Professor Marc Lamont Hill tells UN that he wants to see a Palestinian State from river to the sea (calling for destruction of Israel)

A Rabbi speaks out on Marc Lamont Hill and the rising tide of open anti-Semitism

Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional


Boy Scouts of America may file for bankruptcy following lawsuits over sexual abuse allegations

Liberalism Bankrupts the Boy Scouts


The December 9th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy

Frank J. Gaffney is the Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., a not-for-profit, non-partisan educational corporation established in 1988. Under Mr. Gaffney’s leadership, the Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters.

Mr. Gaffney is the host of Secure Freedom Radio, a nationally-syndicated radio program heard weeknights throughout the country. He is and associate author of highly acclaimed Shariah: The Threat to America and the publisher of over a dozen other books and monographs from the Center for Security Policy Press.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 9th show:

The Riots in France Aren’t just about Gas Taxes, but about the West’s Decline

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers have hundreds of pages of evidence 

Judge orders new fact-finding in Clinton email scandal, hits Hillary with scathing critique 

Comey’s Confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant 

Report: Mueller pressing hard on Trump Tower Meeting 

Mueller’s Theory: Trump Defrauded Voters 

Andrew C. McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney 

The Russia Probe becomes a banal sex scandal 

Can a sitting president be indicted? Constitution does not give a definitive answer 

Retiring Paul Ryan Pushes Stealth Outsourcing, Amnesty for Irish Lobbies 

Principal bans candy canes. Says “J” shape stands for Jesus 

‘Your time is up’ South Africa sets date for white farmer land grabs – March 2019 

Retiring Paul Ryan pushes Stealth outsourcing, amnesty for Irish lobbies 

Caravan Organizers dump migrants, flee responsibility 

The Education of Huawei 

Trade War: US can start to reverse China’s “debt-trap diplomacy’ 

Don’t Trust the Intel When it Comes to Iran’s Nuke Program 

Gold Star Families $10 Billion lawsuit against Iran Opens in Federal Court 

Congressional Law Fails to Reach Female Genital Mutilation


The December 2nd Show (2018)

Guest interview – Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

Since 2004, Dr. Jerome Corsi has published over twenty books, six of which were New York Times Best Sellers. Two of his books were reached the top of the list, ranking Number #1 on the New York Times non-fiction book list: Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored in 2004 with John O’Neill, and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality in 2008.

Dr. Corsi has recently been drawn into the Mueller investigation, apparently in relation to emails involving Trump aide Roger Stone and email references to Wikileaks’ Julian Assange.

In 1968, Dr. Corsi received a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he majored in political science and economics. In 1972, he received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.


Guest interview – Hans Von Spakovsky 

Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.

He is the co-author with John Fund of the book “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk” (Encounter Books, 2012) and “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department” (HarperCollins/Broadside June 2014).

President Donald Trump appointed von Spakovsky to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017.

His analysis and commentary have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, The Hill and USA Today, as well as such outlets as National Review Online and Fox News. His series for PJ Media, “Every Single One,” was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. He appears regularly on Fox News Channel and on other national and regional TV and radio news outlets.

A 1984 graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law, von Spakovsky received a bachelor’s degree in 1981 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He currently resides in Vienna, Va.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 2nd show:

Another Nothing-burger? Catherine Herridge breaks down Michael Cohen’s guilty plea ‘bombshell”

No End in Sight: Cohen, Manafort Developments Seen as Keeping Mueller Probe Going Into 2019 

Report: Mueller Zeroes in on Jerome Corsi for Forwarding Email on Assange                                                                                            

Exclusive: FBI Raids Home of Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says 

Curtains for the Clintons – Maureen Dowd 

Judge Dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case 

Paris protests: Hundreds arrested in third week of demonstrations 

Professor Thinks Banning These Words Would Fix Free Speech on College Campuses 

Brenda Snipes reneges on resignation, will stay as Broward Supervisor of Elections 

US, China reach tariff ceasefire after Trump-Xi meeting 

Federal Employees Ordered Not to Discuss the ‘Resistance’ on Work Time                                                   

Hans von Spakovsky: Acting AG Matt Whitaker has no conflict of interest and no reason to recuse himself 

What Matthew Whitaker must do to protect the Justice Department: Alberto Gonzales 

The stomach-turning ‘ballot-harvesting’ that enabled Democrats to walk off with California 

Half of Young Americans Say US is ‘Racist’ and ’Sexist,’ Survey Finds 

Glenn K. Beaton: Group victims to group guilt- the Left’s Identity Politics 

“Walking Away” from the Animus of Identity Politics



The November 25th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is the daughter of an Austrian diplomat, and was partly educated in Iran, where she was present during the Islamic revolution of 1979. She worked at the Austrian embassy in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion in 1990. She subsequently worked as assistant to the Vice Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Wolfgang Schüssel (1995-1997), at the Austrian Embassy Kuwait, Visa Section (1997-2000) and the Austrian Embassy Tripoli, Libya (2000-2001). Since 2001, she has been an ESL and TOEFL teacher at an English language institute in Vienna.[1] In 2010 Sabaditsch-Wolff was a speaker at a conference sponsored by the Freedom Defense Initiative at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC, entitled: “Jihad: The Political Third Rail — What They Are Not Telling You.”[2] [from wikispooks]

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 25th show:

Migrants traveling to US Sue Trump, government; Claim violation of Constitutional Rights 

Caravan Migrant who Disdained Donated Mexican food as “fit for pigs” expects free US HealthCare

President Trump: “If for any reason it becomes necessary, we will CLOSE our Southern Border.”…       

John Kerry joins Hillary Warning Europe of Threat of Immigration 

Howie Carr: Asylum caravan’s future Democrats dream of life in Land of the Free (Stuff) 

The Debate Over Nationalism is a Debate Over the West’s Future

Merkel: EU States Must be Ready to Hand Sovereignty Over to Brussels

 America’s First Socialist Republic 

Socialism is Causing Venezuela — with the world’s oil reserves – to run out of gasoline 

Whaaa? Exit Poll Shows Beto O’Rourke Won Native Texans, Ted Cruz Won Transplants 

How a Blue Wave Wiped Out Republicans in the Largest County in Texas

The Hidden Agenda Behind Climate Change

Trump Mocks Global Warming Amid Frigid Thanksgiving Forecasts

A Quick Refresher Course to Remind us of previous global warming/cooling scares 

How Governor Jerry Brown Burned California – And Why President Trump Was 100% Right 

California Burning: How the Greens Turned the Golden State Brown 

How Could California’s Fires Get Worse? Climate Change, says new report 

Report: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Pushed A Top Executive To Publicly Disavow Support For Trump, Then Fired Him 

Criticism of Trump’s Saudi Decision Misses Mark 

Chief Justice Roberts pushes back against Trump’s ‘Obama Judge’ Remark 

Trump slams Chief Justice Roberts, insists there are Obama judges 

Brexit Withdrawal agreement approved by EU Leaders 

Barack Melts Down

The EHCR Rules Against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch Wolff on Secure Freedom interview


HR 569 – Condemning Violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States

Laura Loomer Banned From Twitter for Criticizing Rep Ilhan Omar, Muslim. Here’s her response.

Australia: Prime Minister Scott Morrison Mulling Plan to Strip Jihadis of Citizenship & Expel Them from the Country



The November 18th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Kelly Kullberg, American Association of Evangelicals

“Advancing truth, because of love.”  The AAE is a growing, informal coalition of Christians who see that timeless biblical truth is the highest love for human beings.  We have three (3) goals:  1) Share the Christ-centered gospel; 2) Teach biblical worldview on today’s issues; 3) Engage opposition to the gospel and nation.  As clever opponents cherry-pick Bible verses and don “minister” outfits to confuse and divide the Church and nation for political purposes, we speak up.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 18th show:

Judge Orders White House to Reinstate Acosta’s Press Credentials

Gillum Concedes Florida Governor’s Race to GOP’s DeSantis

Bill Nelson concedes Florida Senate Race to Rick Scott after manual recount

Stacey Abrams ends bid for Georgia governor and pledges to fight ‘gross mismanagement’ of election

 Rep Mia Love pulls ahead of Democrat Ben McAdams as judge dismisses her lawsuit

Funny Business in GOP Congressional Winner Young Kim’s Sudden Loss in the Recount?

 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Blesses New Push to Oust Incumbent Democrats in Primaries

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already pressuring Nancy Pelosi on Climate Change

Asia Bibi: Anti-blasphemy protests spread across Pakistan

 State of Maryland asks judge to declare Rosenstein acting attorney general

 Inside the Flat Earth Conference, where the world’s oldest conspiracy theory is hot again

Bob Corker Cracks Open Door to 2020 Challenge of President Trump       


Michael Avenatti arrested by LAPD on Suspicion of Domestic Violence


Kamala Harris says Border Enforcement just Like KKK



The November 11th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Dinesh D’Souza, Author, Speaker, Documentary filmmaker

Dinesh D’Souza has had a prominent career as a writer, scholar, and public intellectual, and has also become an award-winning filmmaker. Born in India, D’Souza came to the U.S. as an exchange student at the age of 18 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College. Called one of the “top young public-policy makers in the country,” D’Souza quickly became known as a major force in public policy through his books, speeches, and films.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 11th show:

Why do White Women Keep Voting for the GOP and Against their own interests?

Memo to Black Men: Stop Voting Republican

Gender Gap Was Big in Midterms

Watch: Texas Poll Worker Tells Undercover Reporter They’ve Allowed ‘TONS’of DACA recipients to vote   

Whoops! Brenda Snipes Office Mixed bad provisional ballots with good ones 

Breaking: Broward County Employee Signs Affidavit Admitting Seeing Election Staff Filling Out Blank Ballots

Rubio: Broward County Officials And Dems Trying to Steal Rick Scott’s Victory in Senate

President Trump has full constitutional power to stop border invasion-even without Congress 

69 year old Man Attempts to Legally Lower His Age to 49

7 Staggering Quotes Made by Progressive Democrats’ New Star        

 Trump Issues Final Rules Protecting Religious Groups Like Little Sisters of the Poor From Funding Abortions

Transgenderism supporters can tolerate no dissent in UC Berkeley Student Senate

Illegal Alien Killed Three After release from Custody in New Jersey                                        

The State of Hate (WaPo re SPLC) 

Antifa protesters chant outside Fox’s Tucker Carlson’s home, break door

Macron Rips nationalism as Trump looks on: ‘Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism” 

Jeff Sessions put the Justice Department back on course


The November 4th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, ret’d)

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Allen B. West is a Christian constitutional conservative, combat veteran, and former member of the US Congress. His life has been defined as one of service, sacrifice, and commitment to this Republic, the United States of America. He believes it will be conservative, free market policies — not politics — that secures a sound economic future for Americans – with growth, opportunity and returning the promise of the American dream for this generation and those to come.

He is a Fox News Contributor, Director of the Booker T. Washington Initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Senior Fellow at the Media Research Center, contributing columnist for, and author of Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Family, Faith and Freedom. His forthcoming book, Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death, is due fall 2018 from Brown Books Publishing Group.

West is an avid distance runner, a Master SCUBA diver, a motorcyclist, and, in his spare time, he enjoys cheering his beloved Tennessee Volunteers.

He is married to Dr. Angela Graham-West, a financial adviser, and they have two daughters, Aubrey, who recently graduated with her Master’s from Southern Methodist University, now attending Physician Assistant school in West Virginia, and youngest daughter, Austen.

For more information about Lt. Col. West and his current activities, see The Old School Patriot website.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 4th show:


Here it is: Complete List of President Trump’s Accomplishments in the Two Years Since his Historic 2016 election win 

Trump challenges Dems after Kavanaugh accuser allegedly admits to making false rape claim 

Republicans, Yet Again, Do Right by Black Americans

Caught on Video: Gillum Staffer makes racist statements and admits campaign is lying to voters 

The New York Times Just Made A STUNNING Admission About Why Leftists Often Refuse To Call Out Anti-Semitism

Is It Safe to Be Jewish in New York?

Former Obama Campaign Worker Arrested for Neo-Nazi Graffiti, Writing Kill All Jews on Brooklyn Synagogue

Pittsburgh Hospital staff thanking and praising President Trump

Investigation Underway into alleged failed hack of voter registry by Democratic Party of GA 

Tickets to Bill and Hillary’s Tour will cost you a fortune                                                           

Blexit: Escaping the Progressive Socialist Plantation 

Trump to curtail asylum at border, build tent cities to hold migrants 

Tucker Carlson plainly schools convicted felon Pied Piper who is bankrolling lawsuit for migrant caravan 

Is it legal for Trump to use the Army at the Border? 

Human Rights Foreign Policy after Murder


The October 28th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Steve Cortes, Hispanics for Trump


Steve Cortes, a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN political commentator, is the national spokesman for the Hispanic 100, an organization that promotes Latino leadership by advancing free enterprise principles. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.

Guest interview – Matt Rinaldi, Texas State Representative, District 115

Matt Rinaldi of House District 115 was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 2014 to represent the Northwest portion of Dallas County. Representative Rinaldi sits on both the House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and the Committee on Agriculture & Livestock. He was also elected by his fellow caucus members to serve on the influential House Republican Caucus Policy Committee.

Representative Rinaldi attended James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he graduated cum laude with a B.B.A. in Economics, and Boston University School of Law, where he earned his Juris Doctor, cum laude. He is currently a healthcare attorney and a strong advocate of tort reform in the legal community. Matt also serves on the board of directors of a publicly-traded real estate investment trust in the hotel and hospitality industry.

Representative Rinaldi is a trusted source on constitutional issues and has spoken extensively on these matters throughout the state and on Fox News Radio affiliates throughout the country. He is a strong advocate for limited government, pro-liberty and free market policies, secure borders, education, Second Amendment rights, and the protection of life.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 28th show:

The anti-Semitism is coming from the left

Candace Owens: Black Lives Have Never Mattered to the Democrat Party

Sunken Place Summit: Twitter Destroys Candace Owens’ Young Black Conservatives Event

PHOTOS: #WalkAway from Democrats Rally Draws Hundreds of Patriots, ‘We Love America and Trump’

No, Democrats are not entitled to Hispanic Votes

Defaming Muhammed Does Not Fall Under the Purview of Free Speech, European Court Rules

Hyatt Takes a Stand Against Free Speech, Will Ban Disfavored Groups from holding events


Cruise: Candace Owens Dec Speech Dallas; Dems Made CA Poor, Brazil election, Obama Lies about Lying, SCAD & Justice Thomas,  “I am that Man’ movie- Matthew Marsden, Jail for illegal alien who voted here, Hyatt P Parenthood/Gosnell

California Ranks as Poorest State; One of the worst for Income InequalityPlanned Parenthood Shuts Down Private Screening of New Gosnell Movie in Texas

Obama Says Politicians Lying is Something ‘We have not seen before”

Illegal Alien faces prison for voter fraud: ‘Been voting since at least 1994’

Fight the Mean-Spirited Democrat Attack on Justice Clarence Thomas                                                               


EXCLUSIVE: ‘People who deny there are criminals in the caravan are naive – MS-13 are everywhere.’ Ex-member of vicious gang says Trump is RIGHT and he knows nearly a dozen gangsters hiding among the migrants on way to US border 

Kasich: ‘The Lord Doesn’t Want’ Americans Opposing the Migrant Caravan

Ohio Gov Kasich: The Lord Doesn’t want Americans to oppose Migrant Caravan




The October 21st Show (2018)

Guest interview – Douglas Lang, Justice, Texas Court of Appeals

Justice Douglas Lang is in his 16th year of service on the 5th District Court of Appeals. In light of the fact that Chief Justice Carolyn Wright will not be running for re-election, Doug is running for election in 2018 to become the next Chief Justice of the Court.

Justice Lang and his wife, Martha, have been married for 44 years, have three sons, and six grandchildren. Doug actively participates in service to his church.

Guest interview – Clare Lopez, Center for Security Policy

Clare Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and a member of the Board of Advisors for the Canadian Mackenzie Institute. In 2016, she was named to Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign national security advisory team. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi.

Formerly Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a 2011 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute.

Ms. Lopez is a regular contributor to print and broadcast media on subjects related to Iran and the Middle East and the co-author of two published books on Iran. She is the author of an acclaimed paper for the Center, The Rise of the Iran Lobby and co-author/editor of the Center’s Team B II study, “Shariah: The Threat to America” as well as The Tiger Team’s “The Secure Freedom Strategy: A Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement.” She co-authored “Gulen and the Gulenist Movement” with CSP’s Vice President for Outreach, Christopher Holton, and “See No Shariah: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Line of Defense” with Frank Gaffney, CSP President.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications and French from Notre Dame College of Ohio and an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a military commission to join the CIA.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 21st show:

George Soros’ March on Washington

Arizona Democrat Attacked  “Bullshit” stay-at-home moms  for ‘Leeching off their husbands”

 NYT accusing Trump and Kavanaugh of Tribalism and Desire for a return to the rule of white men


Soros? GOP Rep Posts Video Purportedly Showing People Being Paid To Join Honduran Caravan


Migrant Caravan re-forming to pursue push north, uncertain if it can reach US


Cruise: CNN Lies about Trump remark, Nikki Haley & the UN Cuban Mob, SCAD votes to remove Clarence Thomas, Eric Holder Supports Trump resistance inside WH, Ford’s Folly on Poly(graph)


Facebook Just Silenced Political Speech in America. And No One Seems To Care.


CNN anchor claims Trump, Don Jr., said white men have a lot to fear right now       


Minnesota Dem Official suspended for anti-GOP ‘bring them to the guillotines’ remark


Haley Demands UN Punish Cuba, Bolivia, after ‘mob scene’ at US Event for Cuban Political Prisoners


Christina Blasey Ford’s Polygraph was BS


Keep Justice Thomas’ Name on the Clarence Thomas Center for Historical Preservation at SCAD


Why the Media Couldn’t Care Less About Khashoggi


Behind the Khashoggi Disappearance: Let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water


How 57,000 Socialists and Communists Are Planning to Take Over the Democrat Party


78K Sign up for Trump-Cruz Rally at Venue that holds only 18K


Is Beto BurnOut Setting in? The House wasnt; full for Fort Worth rally


Trump @ War Movie


Fed up with Trump, A GOP women’s PAC is backing Dems in 2 key Michigan races


Once again, Obamacare’s Constitutionality Comes Into Question



The October 14th Show (2018)

Guest interviews

GOP Congressional Candidate Chip Roy (Texas CD 21)

Chip Roy is a genuine conservative, a committed husband and father and a true patriot with extensive experience in both the private sector and public service.

Most recently, Chip served as the Vice President of Strategy for the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Previously, he served in several top leadership positions for Texas elected officials, including as the First Assistant Attorney General of Texas under Ken Paxton. Prior to that, he served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and as a senior advisor to Texas Governor Rick Perry – including as director of State-Federal Relations for the State of Texas.

GOP Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas CD 32)

A conservative community leader, United States Congressman Pete Sessions has combined hard work, innovative thinking, and common-sense principles to successfully represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas.

Congressman Sessions grew up in Waco, Texas.  He graduated from Churchill High School in San Antonio and went on to graduate from Southwestern University in 1978, where he now serves on the Board of Trustees. He worked for then-Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for 16 years, retiring as District Manager for Marketing in Dallas. As a businessman, he served as Chairman of the Northeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce.

Thanks to this private sector experience, Congressman Sessions understands the need to fight bureaucracy and to utilize market-driven solutions to effectively solve problems in our communities and in government.

Congressman Sessions serves as the Chairman of the powerful House Committee on Rules, which is best known for establishing the terms and conditions of debate on the House floor, including most importantly determining the amendments – if any – that are made in order for a vote. In 2008 and 2010, he was elected by the House Republican Conference as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.  In 2010, Chairman Sessions dedicated himself to winning the majority back from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, and thanks to his leadership Republicans won a net of 63 new seats and the House majority.

Congressman Sessions is married to Karen Sessions and resides in Dallas, Texas. Pete is a proud member of the Highland Park United Methodist Church. He is the proud father of two sons, as well as three stepsons – Bill is a third year medical student, Alex is delighted to work at Home Depot in Lake Highlands, Conor proudly serves in the United States Navy, Liam is a sophomore at Baylor University and Nicholas has been accepted to Baylor and is expected to join his brother in September. Congressman Sessions continues to be active in his community where he is an Adopt-A-Shoreline Team Leader in the effort to maintain White Rock Lake in Dallas and an Advisor to the President of Special Olympics Texas.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 14the show:

American Pastor Andrew Brunson Released from Turkish Custody

Pastor Freed From Turkey to meet with Trump in the Oval Office

With Brunson Release, Trump’s Record of freeing Americans gets even longer


What Jamal Khashoggi’s Disappearance Means

A Royal Saudi Mess

Prudence is the Right Response to the Khashoggi Affair

Saudi Hit Squads May Saw My Bones, But Words Can Never Hurt Me 


Chip Roy interview


Three Lies Taylor Swift Told About Marsha Blackburn

Marsha Blackburn up 14 percent despite Taylor Swift’s plea for opponent Phil Bredesen in Tennessee race





State Department Revokes Security Clearances For Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Four Additional “Research Aides”…

Facebook Cleans House – Purges Several Top Conservative pages FOUR WEEKS BEFORE ELECTION


New York City Passes Bill Allowing Parents to Choose ‘X’ for their Children’s Gender


Portland Mayor Stands by Decision to allow Antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Who Will Save Democrats From Their Leaders?

Pete Sessions Interview


The October 7th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 7th show:

SCOTUS Kavanaugh and what we know about the accuser … NO credibility. #GuiltyBecauseAccused OR Presumption of Innocence..

Ms. Blasey-Ford Legal Team: No Further Plans To Pursue Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh…


Bill Maher says things have moved from listen to a woman who said she’s been wronged to automatically believe


Read Susan Collins Speech in Support of Brett Kavanaugh 

Rand Paul’s wife writes open letter to Cory Booker 

14 Completely Insane Reactions to Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses


Capitol Police arrest 567 protesters in last 3 days


Militant #MeTooMob is tribalistic #ProtectOurSons


Tomorrow’s Elite Lawyers Disavow Due Process


Trump Tweet about Dems, Nikki Haley & UN,

Georgetown gives ‘castrate their corpses’ prof a paid vacation

New Counter-terrorism Strategy Names Radical Muslims as the Enemy 

Trump’s Remarkable Week


Snowflake update -Academic Grievance Studies Fraud

Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship


Patti Stockman…

Supporters Say Former GOP Congressman’s Conviction Latest Example of ‘Deep State’ Retaliation


The September 30th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Kelli Burton, Texas State Senator

Konni Burton is first and foremost a wife, a mom, and a life-long Christian.

Before becoming heavily involved in Texas politics, Konni simply did her civic duty – voting in elections and working within her church and the community to make Texas a better place to live. But the last decade of out-of-control spending by Democrats and Republicans alike motivated Konni to take action.

Konni began to get involved in local grassroots groups and campaigns, walking blocks, organizing events, and donating money to advance candidates that espoused her shared belief in fiscal responsibility, personal liberty, and smart, limited government. Konni served as one of Ted Cruz’s top organizers in DFW during his historic 2012 campaign for U.S. Senate. Eventually, Konni’s involvement led her to the State Capitol in Austin where she began to interact directly with state leaders and legislators on a number of important issues.

Konni began to reevaluate her role in politics, which led her to consider and ultimately run for the Texas Senate in 2014. Konni secured the Republican nomination amidst a crowded field and was successful in winning back SD 10 from the Democrats the following November. While Texas families are under constant pressure from big government at all levels, the state of Texas must refuse to follow the same path, and as State Senator, Konni is committed to doing her part.

Konni and her family reside in Colleyville.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 30th show:

The Genius of the Elevator Women

I was demanding a connection’: Ana Maria Archila reflects on confronting Jeff Flake

Leland Keyser’s Letter Tells Us Nothing New     

FBI targets four people to question about Brett Kavanaugh allegations


Bernie Sanders requests another Kavanaugh investigation. Grassley destroys him with epic statement.


Konni Burton – Texas State Senator and

WATCH: Kanye West Rocks MAGA Hat on SNL Season Premiere, Refers to it as His ‘Superman Cape’

Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Take a Hard Look at Running for President after Midterms

Kanye West Says he was bullied backstage at SNL for MAGA hat, riffs about Trump, Democrats after feed cut


Abbas Praises Palestinian Terrorists in U.N. Speech: ‘I Pay Tribute to our Hero Martyrs’


Fusion GPS Operator Refuses to Testify to Congress- Chairman Goodlatte Subpoenas


The Mueller investigation: Where it stands at the Midterms


 Erdogen opens mega-mosque funded by Turkish government in Cologne Ger


What your GOP Congress did while you were distracted


The September 23rd Show (2018)

In studio guest interviews

Wade Miller is the Political Director of the Ted Cruz reelection campaign.






Ron Wright is the GOP candidate for Congress in District 6.

More information at Ron Wright for US Congress.





Lisa Luby Ryan is the GOP candidate for Texas State House District 114.

More information at Lisa Luby Ryan for Texas State House.




Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 23rd show:

Is this Ford an Edsel?

Fourth purported witness claims no knowledge of alleged Kavanaugh assault against Ford

The Presumption of Guilt


Trey Gowdy: Be a reporter, not a lawmaker, if you want to see the McCabe memos


Cruz vs O’Rourke Debate


Cosby sentencing is new milestone for #MeToo movement

Venezuela’s president ate steak at Salt Bae’s restaurant while people in his country are starving

A Clean Media Miss: The Murder of San Antonio College Student Jared Vargas by an Illegal Immigrant 

Maduro and his Steak  


NBC News/WSJ poll: Democrats hold the advantage in November’s elections


The September 16th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Allen West 

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Allen B. West is a Christian constitutional conservative, combat veteran, and former member of the US Congress. His life has been defined as one of service, sacrifice, and commitment to this Republic, the United States of America. He believes it will be conservative, free market policies — not politics — that secures a sound economic future for Americans – with growth, opportunity and returning the promise of the American dream for this generation and those to come.

He is a Fox News Contributor, Director of the Booker T. Washington Initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Senior Fellow at the Media Research Center, contributing columnist for, and author of Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Family, Faith and Freedom. His forthcoming book, Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death, is due fall 2018 from Brown Books Publishing Group.

West is an avid distance runner, a Master SCUBA diver, a motorcyclist, and, in his spare time, he enjoys cheering his beloved Tennessee Volunteers.

He is married to Dr. Angela Graham-West, a financial adviser, and they have two daughters, Aubrey, who recently graduated with her Master’s from Southern Methodist University, now attending Physician Assistant school in West Virginia, and youngest daughter, Austen.

For more information about Lt. Col. West and his current activities, see The Old School Patriot website.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 16th show:

A Word to the Wise: Overthrow Your Tech Overlords While You Still Can

The Most Powerful lawyer in the US is open to investigating the Silicon Valley Giants

Google partners with Federal Education Department to Mine Private Student Date


Obama Demonizing Trump and Republican Voters Coast to Coast

Ted Cruz: ON the Issues

Do you know BETO?


He’s Always Treated Women with Respect: 65 Women Who Knew Kavanaugh in High School Issue Letter to Dianne Feinstein

Ruth Bader Ginsburg blasts Brett Kavanaugh hearings as ‘highly partisan show’


Lisa Page Testimony: Collusion Still unproven by time of Mueller’s Special Counsel appointment

Woodward: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched for Two Years Manafort Indictment also Implicates Tony Podesta, the Clinton-Connected SuperLobbyist  


New York City Passes Bill Allowing Parents to Choose ‘X’ for their children’s gender

Rahm Emanuel’s failure is an ill omen for all Democrats

Rally in Washington Will Urge Disillusioned Democrats, Leftists to ‘WalkAway’


Kerry Admits to Meeting Iranian officials over nuclear deal

Pompeo doubles down on criticism of Kerry: The Iran deal failed, ‘let it go”


Islamic Terrorists want Dems to win in November

Destroying This Republic and the US Constitution

What Our Founding Fathers Would Think Today


Growing nationalism could give Trump an edge over EU


The September 9th Show (2018)

Guest interview – David McIntosh,  President –  Club for Growth on:  The Fight for Texas in 2018

David McIntosh is a leader for the principles of limited constitutional government and individual freedom. He is president of the Club for Growth, the leading advocate for economic liberty.

Former Congressman David McIntosh represented Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District in the United States Congress from 1995-2001. As a Freshman, David chaired the Subcommittee on Regulatory Relief. He passed the Congressional Review Act and held extensive oversight and field hearings to build a record of public support for regulatory relief initiatives in energy, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, healthcare, transportation and technology sectors. Another issue that he championed was the elimination of the marriage penalty in the Federal Tax Code.
David served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to Attorney General Edwin Meese III, and as special assistant to President Reagan for Domestic Affairs. During the first Bush administration, he served as executive director of the President’s Council on Competitiveness and assistant to the Vice President. The Competitiveness Council coordinated the cost/benefit review of major regulations and promoted legal reform measures.

David is a co-founder of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy and serves on the Board of Directors. He remains active with several free market and conservative think tanks and grassroots organizations. David has also had stints at the Hudson Institute and as a Professor of Economics at Ball State School of Business.

Guest interview – Elizabeth Yore, Child Advocate

Liz Yore recently served as Special Counsel at Harpo, Inc. as Oprah Winfrey’s child advocate.

Previously, she was General Counsel at the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services for 8 years and the General Counsel at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 9 show:

WATCH: Famed UFC Fighter, Special Forces Vet Tim Kennedy Says Special Forces Furious About Nike’s Kaepernick Ad

National Association of Police Organizations letter to Nike


Kamala Harris tweets out deceptively edited video to smear Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh Chaos: The hearing that was Congress at its worst


Cruz/O’Rourke Eminent Domain

Cruz Campaign implications


How the Anonymous Op-Ed Came to Be

Mattis-Trump relationship put to the test by Woodward book


Cruise: Serena and Naomi, Federalist and Justice Clarence Thomas in Ft Worth, and Policy Circles

It’s shameful what US Open did to Naomi Osaka


Female Genital Mutilation is not a ‘nick’ – Don’t let spin hide brutal reality as Michigan trial starts

Maine is now a safe harbor for FGM Mutilators


In America, it is reality vs fantasy

Obama cracks up with Trump Derangement Syndrome

 Barack Obama and the Evil Plan to Destroy President Trump


25 no-brainer immigration plans to make America safer- and win the election


The September 2nd Show (2018)

Guest interview – Robert Spencer, Author and Commentator, Jihad Watch

ROBERT SPENCER is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of eighteen books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (Regnery Publishing) and The Truth About Muhammad (Regnery Publishing). His latest book is The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS (Bombardier Books).

Spencer has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the FBI, the United States Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), the Justice Department’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council and the U.S. intelligence community. He has discussed jihad, Islam, and terrorism at a workshop sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the German Foreign Ministry. He is a consultant with the Center for Security Policy.

Spencer is a weekly columnist for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, and has written many hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism. His articles on Islam and other topics have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Examiner, the New York Post, the Washington Times, the Dallas Morning News, Fox News Opinion, National Review, The Federalist, The Hill, the Detroit News,, Real Clear Religion, the Daily Caller, the New Criterion, the Journal of International Security Affairs, the UK’s Guardian, Canada’s National Post, Middle East Quarterly, WorldNet Daily, First Things, Insight in the News, Aleteia, and many other journals.

Spencer has appeared on the BBC, ABC News, CNN, FoxNews’s Tucker Carlson Show, the O’Reilly Factor, Megyn Kelly’s The Kelly File, the Sean Hannity Show, Geraldo Rivera Reports, the Glenn Beck Show, Fox and Friends, America’s News HQ and many other Fox programs, PBS, MSNBC, CNBC, C-Span, CTV News, Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News, France24, Voice of Russia and Croatia National Television (HTV), as well as on numerous radio programs including The Sean Hannity Show, Bill O’Reilly’s Radio Factor, The Mark Levin Show, The Laura Ingraham Show, The Herman Cain Show, The Joe Piscopo Show, The Howie Carr Show, The Curt Schilling Show, Bill Bennett’s Morning in America, Michael Savage’s Savage Nation, The Alan Colmes Show, The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Neal Boortz Show, The Michael Medved Show, The Michael Reagan Show, The Rusty Humphries Show, The Larry Elder Show, The Peter Boyles Show, Vatican Radio, and many others.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 2nd show:

Leftists Announce Boycott Against ‘In-N-Out Burger’ for Donating to the GOP    

Democratic leader’s call for In-N-Out Burger boycott meets its own resistance


This Labor Day, American Workers Can Say: The Economy is Strong

The Patriot Post “Trump Has the Nerve to Eliminate Pay Raises for Federal Employees

Blue-Collar Optimism Soars


1,400 Years of Jihad: Robert Spencer’s The History of Jihad

Mastercard Forces Patreon to Blacklist Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer

UK: Boris Johnson Sparks ‘Burka-Gate’


Palestinian Leaders Bet Future on Trump Impeachment

U.S. Announces Immediate End to UNRWA Funding

NPR: Over 66 percent of claimed shootings never happened

August Confirmations overcome Dem Obstruction

Dem Rep. Ruben Gallego to Immigration Officials: ‘When the worm turns you will not be safe’

FBI Arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped


FBI Denies China Server hack – Gohmert doubles down

Weissman Fake dossier Knowledge Should Shut Mueller Down

Bruce Ohr: FBI Knew About Bias Before Getting a FISA on Carter Page


Justice Dept Backs Suit Backs Suit Accusing Harvard of Discriminating Against Asian-American Applicants

Explosive Ivy League Study Repressed For Finding Transgender Kids May Be Social Contagion

Org. Claims College Banned Students from Hanging 9/11 Memorial Posters, But School Denies It

UC Berkeley Offers Class on ‘Deconstructing Whiteness’


DeSantis Warns Florida Not to Monkey this up, and many hear a racist dog-whistle

Andrew Gillum Would be a Disaster as Florida Governor


The August 26th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 26th show:

Who Will Succeed John McCain 

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein Pens Wildly Misleading Tweet About SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh

Schumer Makes His Move

Bill Clinton Got His Supreme Court Pick While Under Investigation


David Horowitz: Visa, Mastercard cut off payments to my think tank based on SPLC Hate Group Label 

Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks



Palestinian fury as Trump admin cuts $200 million in aid

British Protesters Plan to Protest London Mayor Sadiq Khan with a Blimp of their own

Parents Fight back after school drops Pledge of Allegiance for student-authored oath to ‘global society”

Who’s Cutting CO2 Emissions the Most?

DNC Passes historic reforms stripping superdelegates of power                                                          

Trump’s Sessions Strategy

Trump is not only right to criticize Jeff Sessions, It’s His Constitutional Duty

Left Declares Trump’s Concern about South African farm expropriations ‘racist dog whistle’


Peter Strzok Personally Hand-Picked the 3,000 Emails to be examined from Weiner Laptop

Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled to Pay Hush Money, Committed no Election Crime

NY State Authorities probe Trump Organization Payments to Michael Cohen


The August 19th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Ellen Grigsby, Director of Institutional Partnerships for Open Doors

Open Doors USA is a community of Christians who come together to support persecuted believers in more than 60 countries.  Ellen Grigsby’s role involves building relationships with trustees, directors of foundations and businesses; presenting grant proposals for their investment and the benefit of persecuted Christians worldwide.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 19th show:

Couple Bikes into ISIS territory to prove “Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept” – Gets Killed by Jihadis

Georgetown Students killed by ISIS

US Cyclists killed in ISIS-claimed attack in Tajikistan identified


The Left’s Enforcers: CNN sues to reveal names and addresses of Manafort Jurors

Journalists are not the enemy

300 papers anti-Trump editorial


Prager U Shadow banned on FB

MasterCard Forces funding platform to drop anti-jihad activist Robert Spencer

How the Left is Outsourcing Censorship of the Internet


Trump’s Full Statement on Pulling Brennan’s Security Clearance

ISIS  Fighter Omar Ameen Easily Achieved Refugee Entry into the U.S.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo: America Was Never That Great

Ellison on the Brink


The Never-Ending War on Capitalism

Socialism may be Implemented even when rejected

Child-Catchers: A Feature, not a bug, in socialist Norway


A dozen Christian Villages  in Nigeria Wiped Out in Four-day killing spree


The August 12th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Chuck Devore, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Since 2011, Chuck DeVore has been with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, and is its Vice President of National Initiatives.
From 2004 to 2010, Chuck DeVore represented almost 500,000 people in the California State Assembly in coastal Orange County. He was the Vice Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation and served on the Budget Committee as well.
In 2010, Chuck competed for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in California, earning more than 450,000 votes and raising more than $2.6 million.
Chuck worked in the aerospace industry for 13 years as an executive where he analyzed technology and corporate capabilities and worked in business development. At the time of his election to the Assembly in 2004, he was a corporate vice president.
Chuck served as a Reagan White House appointee in the Pentagon from 1986 to 1988. As Special Assistant for Foreign Affairs his duties included working with Congress to advance the President’s foreign and military policy. He later served on staff of a U.S. Congressman. From 1991 to 1996, he served as a City Commissioner for the City of Irvine.
Chuck served in the Army National Guard from 1983 to 2007 as an intelligence officer and is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army (retired) Reserve.

Guest interview – Caroline Lewis, Millennial Contributor, The Patriot Post

Caroline C. Lewis is a writer and advocate for human dignity, religious liberty and free-market solutions to global economic problems.   She is a contributing writer with the Patriot Post and Values4Europe.  Caroline graduated Phi Beta Kappa with honors in History from Southern Methodist University, Dallas. She previously served as Director of Communications for a public interest law firm based in Washington, D.C. and has owned a communications consulting firm since 2009.


The August 5th Show (2018) [pre-recorded July 30, 2018]

Guest interview – Jim DeMint, former U.S. Senator from South Carolina, Founder – Conservative Partnership Institute

Jim DeMint served as a United States Senator from South Carolina from 2005 to 2013. He previously served as the United States Representative for South Carolina’s 4th congressional district from 1999 to 2005. DeMint resigned from the Senate on January 1, 2013, to become president of The Heritage Foundation.
In June 2017, DeMint became a senior advisor to Citizens for Self-Governance, a group which is seeking to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution in order to reduce federal government spending and power.[7] Also in 2017, he became the founding chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute, which focuses on the professional development of conservative staffers and elected officials.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 5th show:

Number One in Poverty, California isn’t our most progressive state, it’s our most racist one 

Millennial Socialism: Stupid, Evil, or Both? 

Frank Gaffney’s Call to Save the Persecuted Christians at Abraham Lincoln Address in NYC 

A Game-Changing ‘Ministerial’ for Persecuted Christians 

Walsh: Quit the Hysterics. America is Responsible  for Almost None of the Plastic in the Ocean


The July 29th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Colonel John Antal, Author “Seven Leadership Lessons from the American Revolution”

Colonel John Antal, US Army (Retired) served 30 years in the US Army as a leader, senior staff officer and commander. He commanded tank and combined arms combat units at platoon, company, battalion and regimental level. He is Airborne and Ranger qualified. He has served in sensitive joint, combined Army staff assignments in the US and overseas. He also served as the Special Assistant to the United States Military Academy at West Point, the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College. Since his retirement from the US Army in 2003, he has become a successful author, speaker, magazine editor, film adviser and personality, mass-market video game developer, explainer-integrator, journalist, and leadership expert.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 29th show:

Jim Jordan says he’s running for House Speaker: Read the letter he sent colleagues


Devin Nunes, Washington’s Public Enemy No. 1


Grand Domestic Product – 2Q GDP Growth Hits 4.1%

Trump is Getting Desired Results from Tariffs


Facebook’s Face-Plant

Mark Zuckerberg Lost $15.1 Billion in 5 Minutes This Morning



Soros just quadrupled lobbying expenditures

Blue States Drowning in Irretrievable Debt thanks  to ‘grotesque’  public sector pensions. You’re about to get stuck with the bill


The July 22nd Show (2018)

Guest interview – Sidney Powell, Lawyer and Author of “Licensed to Lie”

Sidney Powell was born in Durham, North Carolina and grew up in Raleigh. She is a graduate of Needham Broughton High School and the University of North Carolina with a B.A. and a J.D. She obtained her undergraduate and law degrees at a young age, and she began her legal career as the youngest United States Attorney in the country. Ms. Powell has been lead counsel in more than 500 appeals. In 2014, she published Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. The book reads like a legal thriller but it’s true and it names names. It’s been a best-seller on Amazon in law/legal ethics, Judicial Branch, and white collar/true crime. She has appeared many times on NewsMax television, FOX with Cavuto, Hannity and countless radio shows discussing the book and prosecutorial and government misconduct.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 22nd show:

At Helsinki, Trump undermined our Power-Abusing Intelligence Agencies, Not America

Everyone is smart except Trump

Diplomacy 101 Versus Politics Writ Small


The Democratic Party Apologizes To Black Voters



Great new WalkAway video

Dems’ Main Obstacle to retaking House? Figuring out what they stand for         


Cruise: SFSanc/SorosKavanaugh/Gallup/ObamaHouseHypocrisy/DemsCheatIllVoter

POLL: Americans Don’t Give a Hoot about So-called Russia Collusion

Immigration surges to top of most important problem list: GALLUP

SOROS-linked Group will spend millions to stop Kavanaugh

Obama attacks wealthy in South Africa (for big houses) before returning to his $8 million mansion


FISA Warrant Application release

DOJ releases 412 pages of top-secret FISA documents on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page

First Thoughts on the Carter Page FISA Application


Sidney Powell  – FISA etc 

Trump has been Set Up, Framed and Relentlessly Persecuted by the American Intelligence Community 

Michael Cohen secretly taped Donald Trump discussing payment to Playboy model

Mueller and the Manhattan Madam


The July 15th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Clare Lopez, Vice President for Research and Analysis, Center for Security Policy

Clare Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and a member of the Board of Advisors for the Canadian Mackenzie Institute. In 2016, she was named to Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign national security advisory team. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi.

Formerly Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a 2011 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute.

Ms. Lopez is a regular contributor to print and broadcast media on subjects related to Iran and the Middle East and the co-author of two published books on Iran. She is the author of an acclaimed paper for the Center, The Rise of the Iran Lobby and co-author/editor of the Center’s Team B II study, “Shariah: The Threat to America” as well as The Tiger Team’s “The Secure Freedom Strategy: A Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement.” She co-authored “Gulen and the Gulenist Movement” with CSP’s Vice President for Outreach, Christopher Holton, and “See No Shariah: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Line of Defense” with Frank Gaffney, CSP President.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications and French from Notre Dame College of Ohio and an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a military commission to join the CIA.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 15th show:

Strzok by a Farce

5 Key Takeaways From The House Hearing with FBI Counterintelligence No. 2 Peter Strzok

 The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into a Puzzle Never To Be Solved

10 Ways DOJ Abused Its Authority When It Spied on Trump’s Campaign

DOJ Indicts 12 Russian Officials for Hacking The DNC in 2016

House Conservatives  Prepare Impeachment Charges against Rosenstein


The Left’s dismally weak case against Brett Kavanaugh


Walk Away? Been There, Done That

CNN reports: Black Men are succeeding in America




California Dems humiliate incumbent Dianne Feinstein by endorsing her radical opponent in general election

Democratic Socialism in one poster

House Dems outraged as Ryan and McCarthy call their bluff on Abolish ICE


Trump’s Brexit Blast

Free Speech is Dead – Police in Khan’s London ban Pro-Trump Rally at US Embassy

Trump: Britain Losing Its Culture Because of Mass Immigration

Mattis: NBC News Report on Pentagon Doing Damage Control After NATO “FICTION’


Israeli’s Stop Hamas Terror Plot

Hamas Terror plot proves Israel must control Judea, Samaria

Netanyahu Targets Hamas Militants as Israeli-Gaza Clashes Flare

The Road to Gaza runs through Tehran 

Iran is unsteady on the inside- the US should squeeze from the outside

As Iranian people rise up for liberty, America must stand with them



The July 8th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 8th show:

America is Over, But I Won’t See it Go Without An Epic Fight

The Left Celebrates July 4 by Denouncing the First Amendment

The Democrats Freak Out Over Jobs


#WalkAway Movement Gains Steam as  Free-Thinkers Reject the Left


A Dem grown-up warns the crazies that “Abolish Ice’ is a really bad idea

Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist fanaticism come from bitter failure in business?

Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Free Markets to Socialism


What the Left Doesn’t Want you to know about Jim Jordan’s accusers

The Left’s personal destruction machine turns its focus on Jim Jordan


Dallas officers, Thai cave rescue, MAGA hat at Whataburger, GOP Nazi candidate, Millionaires Flee CA, Trump & NATO  

The Myth of Obama’s ‘Disappearance

GOP senators challenge funding for global warming education programIllinois Governor Refuses to Tell Voters to Back a Democrat Over a Literal Nazi


Why Blacks are Leaving the Democratic Party


Rep. Maxine Waters Owed an Apology from top Dems for not protecting her against ‘unwarranted’ Trump verbal attacks, nearly 200 black female leaders say

It’s a Terrible Vote: Red-State Democrats Face an Agonizing Supreme Court Choice

Times Editorial Board: Let’s Have a Gang War


The July 1st Show (2018)

Guest interview – Lathan Watts, Attorney and Director of Community Relations, First Liberty Institute

Lathan Watts is Director of Community Relations for First Liberty Institute, responsible for all efforts to increase First Liberty Institute’s profile in local and national markets. His focus is on expanding public awareness of First Liberty’s mission, legal matters, and educational projects by coordinating communication with community leaders, influencers, policy makers, and the public at large.

Prior to joining First Liberty Institute, Watts served in various campaign and official staff positions for U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, and Texas Governor Rick Perry. His executive leadership roles in non-profit organizations specializing in political affairs and community outreach contributed to the election of numerous members of the U.S. Congress, multiple state legislators, and governors. His work in and around the political process served him well in the four years he spent as a City Councilman in Lewisville, TX.

Watts received his Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi where he served two terms in the student senate one as President Pro Tempore. He received his Bachelor of Arts in History from Harding University, where he was a member of multiple honor societies and the University Concert Choir.


The June 24th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Willie Billups, Candidate for Congress, Texas CD 33 

A Service-Disabled Veteran, Willie Billups retired after 20-years of active duty with the Army and Marine Corps.  In the Marine Corps, Willie specialized in Aviation/Aircraft Maintenance. After 12-years of active duty, he switched to the Army, where he served as a pilot in both helicopters and airplanes.  In 2015, Willie retired from Fort Hood, TX as a pilot with 15th Military Intelligence Battalion, Intelligence and National Security Command (INSCOM).​

An alumnus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Willie graduated in 2003 with a B.S. Aeronautics.  Willie was an aircraft mechanic in the Marine Corps. In the Army, Willie piloted the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter and the RC-12 Guardrail.  After retiring from the military, Willie joined SkyWest Airlines where he piloted the Bombardier CRJ-200/700/900 series aircraft from Chicago O’Hare airport.

Willie and his beautiful wife Hoshimi have four children together. Prior to marrying Hoshimi, Willie was single parent while serving on active duty in the Marine Corps. Willie and Hoshimi married in 2007, and have resided in Texas since 2012.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 24th show:

DOJ employee among Democrat socialists who chased HHS Secretary out of a DC restaurant

Haters! Sarah Sanders and Family kicked out of Restaurant Because she works for the President


The People Smuggling Industry – Bill O’Reilly

Voters blame Parents, not Feds ,for border children crisis

LEFT still not happy with border exec order and want abandonment of border security

CNN HOST Brooke Baldwin interviews Border patrol re kids


UN poverty report blasting Trump, US for ‘hatred for the poor’ uses data from last year of Obama’s presidency


Mark Meadows says Justice Dept turned over only ‘small percentage’ of subpoenaed Russia documents

Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

The FBI Deliberately Ignored ‘Golden Emails,’ Crucial Abedin Messages & More


The Bad Hate the Good: The Southern Poverty Law Center Tries To Smear PragerU 

GOP senators challenge funding for global warming education program


Asian Americans need to wise up and end our blind loyalty to the Democrat Party

Hispanics in Texas slated to become Majority population by 2022


Willie Billups – Congressional candidate CD 33


The June 17th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 17th show:

IG Report

Powell: IG Report Reveals Need for Criminal Obstruction of Justice Investigation of FBI and DOJ

11 Quick Things to Know about the Inspector General’s Report


DACA Amnesty- Surrender of the Century

Lou Dobbs: If Paul Ryan ‘Deceives” Trump into DACA Amnesty, GOP will Lose House Majority


Manafort Jail and HRC Wins Awards

Dershowitz blasts Manafort lockup as dangerous, ‘obnoxious to our Constitution”: “He’s as innocent as you and I’


Father’s Day, CA to 3 states, US out of UN  Human Rights Commission, Israel & Kite Attacks, Chick Fil A and PC’ness, Foster Catholic case

The U.N. Human Rights Council Whitewashes Brutality

U.S. Withdrawal from Misnamed UN Human Rights Commission ‘Imminent’


Asylum & Immigration/separating Moms & Kids, Domestic Abuse, Nazi-ism?

Statement by HHS Deputy Secretary on unaccompanied Alien Children program

Retired General Gets Smacked Hard for Using Holocaust to Score Political Points

Mother & Child Seeking Asylum Separated in the Name of Deterring Immigration


Italy barring boats and Merkel in Peril

Italy Bars Two More refugee ships from its ports

Migration fight shakes German govt as Merkel, ally, face off


Discrimination vs Asians = Politically correct Harvard & NYC public schools

New York City Schools Give the Shaft to Children of Legal Immigrants

Lawsuit: Harvard Ranks Asian-Americans Lower on Personality Traits


The June 10th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Dave Brat, Congressman, Virginia District 7

Dave Brat believes that the United States was founded on three pillars which together made this nation the greatest on the face of the earth: the Judeo-Christian tradition, the rule of law and the free market system. He is honored and humbled to fight for these values and serve the people of Central Virginia’s 7th Congressional District which stretches from Culpeper in the north to Nottoway County in the south.

Congressman Brat has a B.A. in Business Administration from Hope College, an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the American University in DC.

Early in his career, he worked in the private sector for the accounting firm Arthur Andersen in Detroit and Chicago and then at the World Bank assisting developing world economies. Over twenty years ago he accepted a job at Randolph Macon College teaching economics and his family made Virginia home. He later became chairman of the economics and business department and also chaired the ethics minor program at the college.

He served two Virginia governors on their Economic Advisory Boards, as an Advisor to State Senator Walter Stosch, and also served as President of the Virginia Association of Economists.

The Brat family resides in Henrico County. He and his wife, Laura, have two children, Jonathan and Sophia who attend public schools in Virginia.

Congressman Brat is a member of the House Budget Committee, Education and the Workforce Committee, and the Small Business Committee. He is the Chairman of the Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.

Guest interview – Geoff Diehl, Candidate for US Senate, Massachusetts

Geoff Diehl is a Massachusetts State Representative from Whitman whose hard work on behalf of taxpayers has saved residents across the state from having to pay billions of dollars in new taxes.

Geoff learned the value of hard work, the importance of getting an education, and the virtue of treating people honestly at an early age. At 16, he earned the rank of Eagle–the highest achievement in Boy Scouts of America.

He graduated from Lehigh University with a double major, and went on to pursue a career in the private sector in both advertising and television.

In 2010, Geoff ran for state representative and won. On January 5, 2011 he was sworn in as a member of the 187th General Court of Massachusetts, serving the people of the 7th Plymouth District (Abington, East Bridgewater and Whitman) as their state representative.
During his time in office, Geoff has led the fight for more transparency and accountability at the State House. He has worked to increase jobs and send more local aid to cities and towns.

In 2016, Geoff was Co-Chairman of the Massachusetts effort to elect Donald Trump as President.

Geoff and his wife, KathyJo, are involved with many local organizations. Geoff is a member of the Abington Lions Club, the East Bridgewater Business Association, and the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. He also is a Member of the Board of the BSA Old Colony Council. KathyJo is Director of Whitman Youth Cheerleading, she is a member of the Whitman Cultural Council, and she supports Hanson’s Little League and D.A.R.E. program. The couple has two daughters.

Geoff’s service as a state representative has been recognized by a number of groups. In 2011, Geoff was recognized as an “Emerging Leader” by the State Legislative Leadership Foundation (SLLF). And, he was named as the 2016 Legislator of the Year for the Massachusetts Ambulance Association.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 10th show:

Deep State & Wolfe/Watkins Leakers

Leak Investigations, Journalists, and Double Standards

More Trump-hating lovebirds: Ali Watkins and the rise of casting-couch journalism 

G7 Trump Tariff Truth – Clip ONE

Trump Nails Trade Hypocrisy


Austria & Wilders & Refugees – Clip TWO

Austria is Shutting Down Mosques and Ejecting Imams

Italy’s new Populist Government pledges to deport 500,000 migrants

Sign Our Petition to Designate American Jihadi Cult

Sometimes Tough Love is What You Need Raheel Raza re Austria 

Violence explodes at Tommy Robinson protest after Dutch far right MP Geert Wilders calls for him to be released from jail and the EDL’s founder’s supporters injure police officers near Downing Street


Congressman Dave Brat VA CD 7

Securing America’s Future Act

Cruise through the news


Bourdain, Spade deaths shine spotlight on growing number of suicides


Trump administration tells court it won’t defend Obamacare against lawsuit seeking to cripple it

 Rep Geoff Diehl


Eagles & WH & Criminal Justice & Clip THREE

Trump co-opting NFL Critics with pardon offer

Trump cancels Eagles’ White House celebration on eve of visit after fewer than 10 players planned to attend





Wasserman Schultz & Awan Probe

It’s not just that Wasserman Schultz tried to shut down IT Probe, it’s that the server went missing after

Sources: Wasserman Schultz screamed at House Officials to Kill Hacking Probe, intervened in Pakistani Criminal matter

Ex-Dem IT Aid Imran Awan poised for a plea deal, after months of Mysterious delays

44 Dems, including Wasserman Schultz, exempted Pakistani IT Aides from Background Checks


The June 3rd Show (2018)

Guest interview – Claudia Rosett, Foreign Policy Fellow, Independent Women’s Forum

Claudia Rosett is an award-winning journalist who has reported over the past three decades from Asia, the former Soviet Union, Latin America and the Middle East. She is widely credited with groundbreaking reporting on the United Nations and its dealings with despotic regimes.

Ms. Rosett is a Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum. She writes a column on foreign affairs, “Freedom’s Edge,” for, and has contributed to numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Weekly Standard and The Journal of International Security Affairs. She makes frequent appearances on TV and radio, and has appeared before six U.S. Senate and House Committees and Subcommittees to testify on such topics as U.N. corruption, and the Iran-North Korea strategic alliance. She blogs at The Rosett Report, on From 1984-2002 Ms. Rosett was a staff writer at The Wall Street Journal, serving as a member of the Editorial Board in New York (1997-2002); reporter, promoted to bureau chief, in Moscow (1993-96); editorial-page editor of The Asian Wall Street Journal in Hong Kong (1986-93); and book review editor in New York (1984-86). From 2003-Jan., 2016 she was affiliated as journalist-in-residence with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Ms. Rosett is a winner of the Journalism Leadership Eagle Award of the New York Respect for Law Alliance (2013); and the Eric Breindel Award (2005) and Mightier Pen Award (2005) for her reporting on corruption under the United Nations Oil-for-Food program. For her on-site coverage of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising, Ms. Rosett won an Overseas Press Club Citation for Excellence. She holds a B.A. from Yale University, an M.A. in English from Columbia University, an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 3rd show:

Fred Fleitz – A mafia-like smear


The Smearing of Fred Fleitz

Obama Allies Scheme to Kneecap Trump’s New National Security Team


Trump team letter

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained (NYT)

The Trump Legal Team’s Letter to Mueller


Gowdy & Rubio 

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was AppropriateSenator Rubio Says FBO was Spying on Individuals, Not a Campaign


Dinesh Pardoned

WaPo = ANOTHER show of disrespect for the Justice System

WND: D’Souza Case Exposes Startling Double Standard


Cruise through the news 

CA Primary, Sbux, Bobby Kennedy

Carr: Let’s Not Polish Saint Bobby Kennedy’s halo yet

Portland Bakery Fires two employees for refusing service to a black customer after closing time

Starbucks Baristas Reflect on the Company’s Anti-Cop propaganda Disguised as Anti-Bias training

California Primary: Ten US House Districts to Watch on Tuesday


Claudia Rosett & North Korea

Only Freedom Can Disarm Kim


Bee vs Barr

Roseanne Gets Kicked Outta Town For Her Slur, While Samantha Bee Gets Awards



The May 27th Show (2018)

Guest in studio interview – Lt. Col. Allen West, US Army (ret’d)

During his 22 year career in the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was a Battalion Commander in the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and later in Afghanistan. He received many honors including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals and a Valorous Unit Award. In 1993 he was named the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year.

In November of 2010, Allen was honored to continue his oath of service to his country when he was elected to the United States Congress, representing Florida’s 22nd District. As a member of the 112th Congress, he sat on the Small Business and Armed Services Committees and was instrumental in passage of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

He is also a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regularly writes for numerous media outlets.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 27th show:

Memorial Day

How You can Honor the Fallen this Memorial Day


Tommy Robinson

Tommy  Robinson Arrested for Live Reporting Grooming Gang Trial  The Bolshevik Revolution Reveals Six Phases from Freedom to Communist Misery


DACA & Discharge Petition

Amnesty First Breaks Faith with the American People


Seattle Taxes & CA Free healthcare- Intro Policy Circles

California wants to become the First State to Offer Free health care to Illegal Immigrants

Stossel: Seattle’s Amazon Tax


Cruise – Trump/Twitter, Starbucks, TSA $1M, Rescission Countdown, NFL

Judge rules Trump can’t block users on Twitter

Roger Goodell’s Statement on national anthem policy

TSA Must pay $1 million dollars to Whistleblowers it retaliated against


NoKo & Nicaragua

How to Talk to Dictators


Rainbow Jihad  AND Hogg & NRA

Where is the “Social conservative’ pushback against the Rainbow Jihad and judicial immorality  

The Old School


Krugman & Collapse of Freedom in America & Foster Kids

The Collapse of Freedom

Kids Caught in the Backlash Against Christianity



The May 20th Show (2018)

Guest in studio interview – Dr. Kelli Ward, Candidate for US Senate from Arizona

Wife, mom, doctor, senator – Kelli Ward has a lot to be proud of. From humble beginnings as a coal miner’s granddaughter in West Virginia, Dr. Kelli Ward is a graduate of Duke University, the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, and A.T. Still University. While in medical school, she met her husband Michael, an emergency physician who has served for over 33 years in the US Air Force and Air National Guard. In 1999 they moved to Lake Havasu City, Arizona where they built their family and their businesses.

Kelli entered politics by running for a seat in the Arizona State Senate in her effort to defeat Obamacare. After winning a tough primary election in 2012, she was unopposed when running for reelection in 2014. While serving in office, she continued to practice medicine in the emergency departments in Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Arizona.

During her time in office, she sponsored legislation that enabled small businesses in Arizona to thrive, protected our second amendment, decreased the size of government by consolidating redundant departments, and protected vulnerable students in our schools. In her last year in office, nineteen of her bills were signed into law.

Noted as the most conservative member of the Arizona State Senate, in 2015 she announced her candidacy for the United States Senate against 34-year incumbent John McCain in the Republican primary in the 2016 election. Despite being outspent 10 to 1, Kelli held McCain to his lowest historical primary total ever at 51%.

In October 2016, Kelli announced that she would challenge Republican Senator Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s biggest foes, in the 2018 primary election. Senator Flake subsequently announced he would not seek re-election in 2018, leaving Dr. Ward as the leading conservative candidate to replace him.  Congresswoman Martha McSally and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio have since joined the race, which will be decided in the Arizona primary on August 28, 2018.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 20th show:

NRA boss Oliver North blames Ritalin, ‘culture of violence’ for school shootings 


NYT and Mueller etc.

H.A.L.P.E.R. spells game up for Obama’s spies

After a year of Investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication

In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures


Dr. Kelli Ward

Arizona Border Ranchers Live in Fear as Illegal Immigration Crisis Worsens

Senate trashes Rand Paul’s plan to cut federal spending by 1 percent

Pulling the subsidy plug on Planned Parenthood

 Press Falsely Treats Trump’s Rescission Proposal As ‘Cuts’


CRUISE through the news

Starbucks decides to turn its cafes into homeless shelters

Anatomy of a Smear: How the Media Created a Malicious Lie about Trump’s Animals’ Comment


The Left’s End Run around the Constitution


Al Sharpton says racists are ‘losing their minds’ over royal wedding and boasts that white supremacy is on its ‘last breath’

 Hillary Clinton to receive prestigious Harvard medal


The May 13th Show (2018)

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 13th show:

FBI Source = Obama/Brennan Plant

About that FBI Source – WSJ Strassel Column

Did the FBI have a Spy in the Trump Campaign? 


Embassy in Jerusalem – Israel & Peace thru strength

Netanyahu’s Finest Hour


NK & Iran Deal

Angry Iran Threatens to Expose Which Western Officials Took Bribes to make nuke deal happen


CRUISE thru the news 


Soros Funding App that helps migrants  evade immigration/law enforcement Putin is an Evil Man – John McCain

Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse


Candace Owens – encouraging black Americans to think for themselves and to question liberal orthodoxy

Candace Owens speech at Center of the American Experiment


National Popular Vote Interstate Compact 

The Left’s End-run Around the Constitution


The May 6th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Dr. Peter Brookes, The Heritage Foundation

One of America’s most prominent voices on international affairs, Dr. Peter Brookes helps develop and communicate The Heritage Foundation’s stance on foreign and defense policy through his research and writing, media and public appearances, and congressional testimony.

Currently a foreign affairs columnist for the Boston Herald, he has established a major presence in a range of print and digital media, publishing hundreds of articles and commentaries for numerous newspapers, journals, magazines, and websites.

He also is a force in broadcast and cable media, having logged more than3,000 appearances as a national security and foreign affairs commentator on national, international and local television and radio. Brookes has guest-hosted talk radio programs in major markets, including XM.

On Capitol Hill, Brookes has testified 10 times before six different Senate and House committees, both as a public official and a private citizen.

In 2016, Brookes completed his fifth, two-year term as a congressionally appointed member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, named to the Commission by two different Speakers of the House of Representatives.

Prior to beginning his civilian career, Brookes served in the U.S. navy. He carried out assignments in Asia, the Middle East and Latin America in aviation and intelligence billets. He has more than 100 missions and 1,300 flight hours aboard the Navy’s EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft.

Now a retired naval intelligence officer with the rank of commander, while a reservist, Brookes served with the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Office of Naval Intelligence, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Office of the Vice President.

He holds a doctorate from Georgetown University and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. He received his bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Academy, appointed to Annapolis by the late Congressman Jack Kemp (R-NY).

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 6th show:


LEFTISM war on America in front of our eyes

We are losing our country, and conservatives are letting it happen

The Left is Merciless at Keeping Conservatives in the Closet


The Caravan at the Border

Border Caravan? Call it the George Soros Express

How Trump can protect the border without Congress


Peter Brookes – Iran Nuclear program

Bibi’s Presentation shows why it’s time to change course on Iran

The Short and Ugly History of the Disastrous Iran Deal


Amil Imani

Watching Netanyahu in Tehran


CRUISE through the news   

Unemployment falls to lowest level since December of 2000 

And Now for our Latest Blue Wave Report

Texas Wins Dogged Fight for Voter ID

Anti-trump mural school in Chula Vista caters to illegals, sports and abysmal academic record



40 Questions Special Counsel Mueller must answer

Federal Judge accuses Mueller’s team of ‘lying,’ trying to target Trump: “C’mon man!’

Why all the Secrecy?  

Michael Caputo says Mueller team knows more about the Trump campaign than anyone who worked there 

“God Damn you to hell’ Michael Caputo tells Senate intel panel


Schools & education

Battle Over Books (George)


The April 29th Show (2018)

In studio interviews

Caleb Waller, PR Director of HaYovel, a US-Israel grassroots cooperation effort

Caleb Waller is HaYovel’s Director of Public Relations. As a tour host and key spokesperson for the organization, he has helped to recruit thousands of people from around the world to come to Israel and has educated many more on the importance of standing in support of Israel – the people and the land. He is known among his family and peers as an unstoppable visionary. Caleb is a dedicated husband to his wife Kendra, and a loving father to his growing family of four beautiful girls.


Bunni Pounds, GOP Primary Run-off Candidate for Texas Congressional District 5

Bunni Pounds is running a grassroots campaign for Texas Congressional District 5, recently vacated by Jeb Hensarling’s retirement.  Bunni’s campaign is focused on faith, freedom, and fiscal responsibility. She has a decades-long record of service to the conservative movement which started with her position as a Garland precinct chair. By background she is a small business owner and conservative Republican known as a woman of integrity strongly anchored in her Christian faith, deeply devoted to her family, and firmly committed to the founding principles of our nation.

In announcing her candidacy Pounds said, “We must elect someone who will not waver on the fight to protect the unborn, defend traditional marriage for future generations, and protect our families from government encroachment that is clamping down on our rights to worship, petition, assemble, and bear arms. We must elect someone who understands the effects of Obamacare, high taxes, and government overreach upon our families, small businesses, and communities. We must elect someone who stands up to protect our families by fortifying our borders, strengthening our military, and ensuring that we remain safe and free.”

Congressman Jeb Hensarling said of Bunni, “I know her well, and I know she is committed to the conservative cause like few others. Her integrity is unmatched, and I trust her with not only my liberty, but the liberty of our nation as a whole.”


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the April 29th show:


A Tale of Two Babies



Declassified Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied about Dossier leaks to CNN

Clapper’s Actions sure do look like political manipulation


Three more cities revolt against California Sanctuary State law


CRUISE Through the News

UT to treat masculinity as a mental health issue 

Comedian Michelle Wolf’s jokes fall flat, or offend, at DC dinner

How Bill Cosby’s defense team’s vicious strategy backfired on them


Bunni Pounds- CD 5


Candace & Kanye     

I Love the Way Candace Owens thinks: Kanye praises black conservative activist 

Republicans Moving UP in race for California Governor and US Senate, poll finds




The April 22 Show (2018)

Guest interview – James Capra, former Chief of Global Operations of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

James L. Capra is currently the CEO and Founder of The Front Line Leadership Group, a leadership training and development firm located in Argyle, Texas.  Capra has successfully managed and led thousands of multi-generational employees during his government tenure having served in numerous leadership positions.  He now shares his successful strategies on how to effectively develop outstanding organizational leaders across generational boundaries in the global business arena.

Prior to his retirement from DEA, Jimmy served as the Chief of Global Operations responsible for 227 domestic offices and 86 foreign offices in 67 countries. Mr. Capra is a highly sought-after speaker, who passionately shares his proven and battle tested strategies on how to successfully develop leaders in a multi-generational workforce while pursuing organizational and personal excellence.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the April 22nd show:

Members of Congress sent referral to DOJ 

The GOP Strikes Back: DOJ Referral for Investigation of Comey, McCabe, Clinton and Others

The text of the letter of referral


Comey Memos

10 Notes on the Comey Memos

Memos Don’t Prove Obstruction; They Further cement Comey’s legacy as a leaker


Media Mafia

MPR Board member donated to group that placed anti-Islam ads

Former Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson resigns from Boards of General Mills, MPR after political donation


Paris traffic stop & Iranian protest 

France: Arrest of woman wearing niqab triggers five nights of rioting and millions in damages


CRUISE Through the News: 

Israel 70th anniversary and change to stop calling Palestinian “occupied”

Two Starbucks patrons vs Two police officers killed

New AP U.S. History Textbook implies Christians are Bigot, Reagan a Racist

Dallas City Council Resolution calls for Demolition of Confederate War Memorial

Finland Pulls the Plug on  guaranteed basic income experiment


James Capra – Marijuana Legalization

Colorado governor says there’s no problem with legal marijuana. He’s completely wrong.


Tom Steyer’s multimillion-dollar mission to impeach Trump falls flat

4.18  Impeach President Trump? Not So Fast, Voters Say


The April 15 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Katie Hopkins, English media personality and columnist

From Katie Hopkins herself:  “When people meet me they are always surprised by how small I am. When you’re known as the biggest bitch in Britain, I think you’re also supposed to be massive, like a proper monster. Or at least be terrifying in the flesh.

Instead I’m 5’8″, 130 lbs, kind of bouncy and laugh at myself a lot. Some call me the British Ann Coulter, the female Farage or an Evil Ellen DeGeneres.

But I am a woman on a mission. I am serious about telling the truths not being told. From the systemic slaughter of white farmers in South Africa, to the plight of Christians in the Middle East: I have one clear aim: to tell the stories not being told.”

Also ‘best of’ interviews with Allen West, John Guandolo, and Sidney Powell

During his 22 year career in the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was a Battalion Commander in the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and later in Afghanistan. He received many honors including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals and a Valorous Unit Award. In 1993 he was named the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year.

In November of 2010, Allen was honored to continue his oath of service to his country when he was elected to the United States Congress, representing Florida’s 22nd District. As a member of the 112th Congress, he sat on the Small Business and Armed Services Committees and was instrumental in passage of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

He is also a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regularly writes for numerous media outlets.

Lieutenant Colonel West has recently joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation to lead its Booker T. Washington initiative.  This work will lead the way in the national conversation on alleviating poverty and encouraging economic prosperity, with the goal of inspiring and new wave of major state and national reforms that seek to reduce barriers to success and open new paths to prosperity.

John Guandolo is the Founder of, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state and local leadership and agencies, and designing strategies at all levels of the community to defeat the enemy.

Mr. Guandolo is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served with 2d Battalion 2d Marines as an Infantry Platoon Commander in combat Operations Desert Shield/Storm. From 1991-1996, he served in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit’s Airborne and Diving Officer. During this time, he also deployed to the Adriatic/Bosnia. He served for one year as the Unit Leader for the CINC’s In-Extremis Force, directly reporting to a Combatant Commander in a classified mission profile. Mr. Guandolo was a combat diver, military free-fall parachutist, and a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School.

Sidney Powell was born in Durham, North Carolina and grew up in Raleigh. She is a graduate of Needham Broughton High School and the University of North Carolina with a B.A. and a J.D. She obtained her undergraduate and law degrees at a young age, and she began her legal career as the youngest United States Attorney in the country. Ms. Powell has been lead counsel in more than 500 appeals. In 2014, she published Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. The book reads like a legal thriller but it’s true and it names names. It’s been a best-seller on Amazon in law/legal ethics, Judicial Branch, and white collar/true crime. She has appeared many times on NewsMax television, FOX with Cavuto, and countless radio shows discussing the book and prosecutorial and government misconduct.


The April 8 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Dr. Robin Armstrong, Texas Republican National Committeeman






Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the April 8 show:

Soros Funded Groups Fueling Laura Ingraham Advertiser Boycott 

The Media Matters thuggery behind the astro-turfed boycott of Laura Ingraham


Impound Act   — In for a Penny, In for Impound


380 Sheriffs in 40 States demand Congress build Trump’s wall, end illegal immigration

Senate Rule 12 TIME for Leadership

San Diego County to Consider Joining Federal ‘Sanctuary State’ Lawsuit

A Massive investigation accuses Obama of laying off a terror group for the Iran deal — and the reaction is split


Here’s the Truth about What Google and Facebook know about you



The April 1 Show (2018) (Easter Sunday)

Guest interview – Jerry Johnson, President and CEO, National Religious Broadcasters

Dr. Jerry A. Johnson is President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB).  Located in Washington, D.C., NRB is an international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations reach millions of viewers, listeners, and readers worldwide.

The mission of the NRB is to advance biblical truth, promote media excellence, and defend free speech.

Dr. Johnson previously served as President of Criswell College in Dallas, Texas.

He is a graduate of Criswell College, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. He received a Master of Arts in Historical and Theological Studies from Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado, and a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Johnson also studied at Oxford University in England.

He has written and delivered numerous theological position papers, and published various articles, editorials, and studies.

He currently serves on the board of NRBTV.

He is married to Rhonda and they have two children.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the April 1 show:

Religious Freedom in America

Kelly Shackelford Named “Jurist of the Year” for Groundbreaking Efforts for Religious Freedom

Coach Kennedy: School District fires football coach Joe Kennedy over prayer

Bladensburg Cross Memorial Won’t be Saved, Fourth Circuit Says in Dangerous decision

Five Major Actions of Trump’s First Year Defending Religious Liberty

Ban the Easter Bunny? No, just those bad religious ads


Save the Persecuted Christians – Interview with Dr. Jerry Johnson, President and CEO of NRB— National Religious Broadcasters

CPAC Panel: It’s Time to call Persecution of Christians in Middle East Genocide

Save the Persecuted Christians Begins Awareness Movement


Second Amendment

Opinion: John Paul Stevens is wrong. Trying to repeal the Second Amendment would be a pointless mistake.

Yes, Gun Control Advocates Do Want to Take Away Your Guns- Just Ask John Paul Stevens


Census to ask Citizenship Question

California Sues Trump Administration over Census Citizenship Question

Here’s the Real Reason Dems Oppose Census Change


Politics & Religion 

The Democrats Abandon Catholics 


The March 25 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Stacy Hock, Founder, Texans for Education Opportunity

Stacy Hock is a philanthropist, public policy activist, and business owner.  She serves as Chair of the Board of Texans for Education Opportunity, President of Texans First, and on the boards of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Aminex Therapeutics, the Blanton Museum of Art, and The African Dream Initiative.  Ms. Hock is a gubernatorial appointee, serving as Vice Chair of the Texas Commission on NextGeneration Assessment and Accountability, serves on Lt. Governor Patrick’s Education Advisory Council, and on TEA Commissioner Morath’s Philanthropic Council.

Previously, Ms. Hock served on the boards of City Harvest and The Bowery Mission in New York City. Also, Ms. Hock held senior management positions in the software industry, including running IBM’s WebSphere Software Services business for the Wall Street territory.

Ms. Hock received her B.S. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from M.I.T., and her M.B.A. from the University of Texas.

Stacy and her husband, Joel, have been married for fifteen years, have four boys, and reside in Austin, TX. Stacy is a 6th generation Texan.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the March 25th show:


Trump signs Spending Bill after Threatening Veto


McCabe PLUS the Gun March

Special Report: The Real Andrew McCabe: As Robyn Gritz Found Out, he’s not a gentleman

The Politicization of the FBI

Mass Hysteria and anti-gun marches


Stacy Hock – School Choice

Matthews: Correcting misguided education spending claims

In School Choice Fight, A Fresh Face Emerges



SMU Louder with Crowder…        

White House Forum Discusses Free Speech on Campus


Free speech on college campuses – two gender cases

College Student Kicked out of Class for telling teacher there are only two genders

Student banned from Christian Theology Course Allowed Back in Class


What to do about it – Qs from Georgia bill… 

To Restore Free Speech, Discipline is Necessary


The March 18 Show (2018)

Guest interview – David McIntosh, President of Club for Growth

David McIntosh is a leader for the principles of limited constitutional government and individual freedom.  He is president of the Club for Growth, the leading advocate for economic liberty.

Former Congressman David McIntosh represented Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District in the United States Congress from 1995-2001.  As a Freshman, David chaired the Subcommittee on Regulatory Relief.  He passed the Congressional Review Act and held extensive oversight and field hearings to build a record of public support for regulatory relief initiatives in energy, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, healthcare, transportation and technology sectors.   Another issue that he championed was the elimination of the marriage penalty in the Federal Tax Code.

David served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to Attorney General Edwin Meese III, and as special assistant to President Reagan for Domestic Affairs.  During the first Bush administration, he served as executive director of the President’s Council on Competitiveness and assistant to the Vice President.  The Competitiveness Council coordinated the cost/benefit review of major regulations and promoted legal reform measures.

David is a co-founder of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy and serves on the Board of Directors.  He remains active with several free market and conservative think tanks and grassroots organizations.  David has also had stints at the Hudson Institute and as a Professor of Economics at Ball State School of Business.

Guest interview – Brigadier General Robert Thomas, COO of Operation Homefront

Operation Homefront is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive — not simply struggle to get by — in the communities they have worked so hard to protect. For over fifteen years, we have provided programs that offer: RELIEF (through Critical Financial Assistance and transitional housing programs), RESILIENCY (through permanent housing and caregiver support services) and RECURRING FAMILY SUPPORT programs and services throughout the year that help military families overcome the short-term bumps in the road so they don’t become long-term chronic problems. Operation Homefront has consistently earned high ratings from leading charity rating services, including Charity Navigator, which gave OH 4 Stars for 10 consecutive years for superior service and accountability. At Operation Homefront, 92 percent of expenditures goes directly toward delivering programs and services to the military families who need it most.

Bob Thomas joined the Operation Homefront executive team in August 2015 following a nearly 31-year career of distinguished service in the Air Force. In his final command assignment, he led the Jeanne M. Holm Center for Office Accessions and Citizen Development, where he was responsible for directing the education and training programs that produce more than 81 percent of the officer cadre of the Air Force. In addition to being an experienced combat pilot, Bob held staff assignments at Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Joint Special Operations Command, the United Nations and the Air Staff. He has flown combat/combat support missions or deployed with ground-based special operations units in Panama and Somalia, as well as Operations Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Bob holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree from the U.S. Air Force Academy and Master’s degrees from the University of Southern California and the National Defense University.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the March 18 show:

McCabe Firing & Comey Defense 

McCabe fired a little more than 24 hours before he could have retired


Mueller & Trump Financial Investigation etc. 

Mueller’s Investigation Flouts Justice Department Standards


David McIntosh – Trade 

Understanding the Trump Trade Doctrine 

Help Workers Without A Trade War 

The National Security Tariff Ruse 

Trump Must Think Twice About Tariffs 

The Trump Conundrum 

This is How Trade Wars Begin


CRUISE through news 

Here’s what a Man Should Say When Told to ‘Shut Up’ About Abortion 

The Coming Shellacking 

Lessons from the Rise of America’s Irish 

Hillary Clinton’s Deplorables 2 Moment and why it matters for America’s Future 


Dennis Prager & YouTube Censorship 

PragerU Sues YouTube in Free-Speech Case 

PragerU Sues YouTube for Discriminating Against Conservative Videos


FaceBook Data Breach & Cambridge Analytica 

How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions

Furor Grows Over Facebook “Data Breach’ 


The March 11 Show (2018)

Guest  in studio interview – Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, ret’d)

During his 22 year career in the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel West served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was a Battalion Commander in the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and later in Afghanistan. He received many honors including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals and a Valorous Unit Award. In 1993 he was named the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year.

In November of 2010, Allen was honored to continue his oath of service to his country when he was elected to the United States Congress, representing Florida’s 22nd District. As a member of the 112th Congress, he sat on the Small Business and Armed Services Committees and was instrumental in passage of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

He is also a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regularly writes for numerous media outlets.

Lieutenant Colonel West has recently joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation to lead its Booker T. Washington initiative.  This work will lead the way in the national conversation on alleviating poverty and encouraging economic prosperity, with the goal of inspiring and new wave of major state and national reforms that seek to reduce barriers to success and open new paths to prosperity.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the March 11 show:

Democrats Release Tax Hike Plan  

Lawsuit reveals how Democrats are getting non-citizens to vote – and it’s worse than we thought 

Kris Kobach says Kansas Voter Registration Law blocked up to 18,000 noncitizen votes  

Don’t Meet with Kim 

Crown Prince Visits UK  

Trump pardons Navy Sailor imprisoned for taking photos 

Trump Pardons, congratulates Navy Sailor who took illegal submarine photos 

 The Growing Attack on Boys

 Our Society needs MORE masculinity, not less

 Slouching Towards Anti-Semitism

 Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan Delivers anti-Semitic speech


The March 4 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas

Dan Patrick was elected Lt. Governor of Texas in 2014, winning the general election by almost 20 points, including historic levels of support from Hispanic voters and women.

A preeminent voice for principled conservative policies both in Texas and across the nation, Lt. Gov. Patrick is leading the fight for life and liberty in Texas including securing the border, reducing property and business taxes, standing up for the Second Amendment and addressing Texas’ infrastructure challenges to assure that Texas continues to flourish economically.

Lt. Governor Patrick presided over what have been called the most conservative and productive sessions of the State Senate in Texas history. Focusing on strategies to keep Texas families and communities safe and the state economy strong, under his leadership, the Senate passed legislation to dramatically increase support for border security and reduced the franchise tax by 25% on a pathway to eliminating it all together.

Lt. Governor Patrick has championed property tax relief over several legislative sessions and continued the education reforms he began as Chair of the Senate Education Committee, tackling the problems of failing schools and giving parents more choices for their children.

Lt. Governor Patrick is an outspoken supporter of law enforcement and, among other things, initiated a program that ensures that every police officer on patrol in Texas has a bullet proof vest that is capable of withstanding a high caliber rifle shot. Lt. Governor Patrick passed the sonogram bill and has championed numerous other measures to support and protect every life in Texas.

Before he was elected Lt. Governor, he was twice elected to the Texas Senate representing part of Houston and Northwest Harris County. He is a successful small-business man and radio host, a former television anchor, sportscaster, musician, Christian author and movie producer.

Lt. Governor Patrick is also involved in his community. He has raised over $16 million for children with disabilities through his radio show and started the first seminary in a Texas prison to train long-serving inmates for the ministry.

Lt. Governor Patrick has been married to his wife Jan, a former schoolteacher, for 42 years. He and Jan have two children, Ryan and Shane and five grandchildren.


Guest interview – Boris Zilberman, Deputy Director of Congressional Relations, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

Boris Zilberman lends his background and expertise on a range of legislative issues encompassing defense and foreign affairs to FDD’s relationship with Washington’s leading policy makers. With a focus on the Middle East and Russia, Boris is an authoritative voice helping to frame complex issues affecting America and her allies.

Boris leads FDD’s Russia work as part of the Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance which focuses on the evolving financial and strategic developments in the US-Russia relationship.

Prior to joining FDD, Boris spent five years working as Manager of Defense Programs in the policy and government affairs department at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). He also carries coalition-building experience from his time at a Washington-based public affairs firm.

Boris holds an MA in Global Security Studies from Johns Hopkins University and a BA degree in Political Science and Russian from The University of Alabama. He was born in Moscow and is fluent in Russian.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the March 4th show:


The Astro-Turfing of America-Limbaugh story – 

Enemies of the People 

How Progressives Win the Culture War by David Brooks  

Clear Channel Boss: A Handful of People are mostly responsible for endless attacks on Rush Limbaugh 


Oppression/Victim Idea Factory & DEM platform 

Enemies of the People 

Texas Democrats Release “Texas Bill of Rights” ahead of March 2018 primary 


Lt GOV Dan Patrick & Keep America RED 

Texas Sets Early Voting Record in Non-Presidential Year 

The Only Good Thing About Trump is all of his Policies 



More than 30,000 callers blast ABC over view Co-Host Joy Behar’s anti-Christian Bigotry 

8 Million Mothers from 150 Countries Sign Declaration: ‘The Era of Radical Feminism Is Over’ 

At U of Miami, Free Speech is Expensive  


Boris Zilberman & Russia/Putin 

Russia Unveils Nuclear Weapons Putin Claims are Immune to Interception 

Trump and Russia:  the Good, the Bad and the Ugly 


NRA & 2nd AM & Fatherlessness 

Publicly Slighting Millions of NRA Members isn’t good for business or America 

School to Prison Pipeline – Ann Coulter  


First Amendment- Harvard and SCOTUS 

First Amendment and Public Unions 

First Amendment and Free Speech  

Harvard Punishes Christian Group



The February 25 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Chaplain Rich Stoglin, Chairman Frederick Douglass Republicans of Tarrant County

Chaplain Rich Stoglin retired after nearly 23 years from the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Medical Center, Fort Worth, on January 31, 2007.  His last position was Department Head of Religious Services.  Chaplain Stoglin has served his country in the United States Navy Reserve Chaplain Corp from November 1985 to November 2013.  He attained the rank of Commander and was immediate former Regimental Chaplain to the 14th Marines, the largest artillery command in the US Marine Corps.

Chaplain Stoglin is Chairman of the Frederick Douglass Republicans of Tarrant County, and also serves on the Tarrant County GOP’s Outreach Committee.  He offers an interesting and unique perspective on Black History Month.

Guest interview – Bob Hall, Texas State Senator

Texas State Senator Bob Hall, father of four boys and husband to Kay Hall, taught his family the importance of faith, family and hard work. Senator Hall graduated from The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina with a degree in Electrical Engineering and received a Regular Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force. Upon graduation, Bob began his active duty as a Systems Engineer working to develop the Minuteman Missile System during the Cold War at Norton AFB in California, where he achieved the rank of Captain.

After the Air Force he worked in the aerospace industry as a systems engineer and business development manager.  In 1982 he left the corporate world and began working as an independent proposal consultant to aerospace and defense corporations.

A compelling sense of duty, shaped by his military service, business experience, and love for this country, drives him to leave behind the legacy of a patriotic servant for his children and grandchildren. Envisioning their futures compelled him to become actively involved in the state’s political process.  Senator Hall strongly believes it is time to stand in the gap for our children, our liberties and our future.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the February 25 show:

Trump at CPAC 

5 Things Trump talked about while Wowing CPAC


Florida shooting 

Full Transcript: Tipster warns FBI Parkland Shooter ‘Is Going to Explode” 

A Total Failure of the State 

Report: Four of Sheriff Scott Israel’s Deputies Waited Outside Douglas High During School Shooting 

Parkland Officer’s Hesitation to Stop Shooting  Fits a Pattern of Police Cowardice       

The Failure of an Armed Guard to Even Enter the School Highlights the Myriad Law Enforcement Failures in Parkland 

Broward County Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline



World Relief Responds to Conflict of Interest Claims on Immigration advocacy

Are Students Actually Being Trained to Be Intolerant?

Fired Cooks at NYU demonstrate the impossibility of culinary commemoration of Black History Month

In God We Trust removed from classroom after Atheists parent’s complaint


DEM memo on FISA released        

Byron York: Assessing the Democratic intel memo

Chairman Nunes CRUSHES Schiff’s Memo With Point by Point Refutation What the Democrats Left out of their Memo 

Is Collusion With Russia Over? 


Streets of SF and Difference in Liberal and Conservative worldview 

The Soft Bigotry of Denver’s Public Pooping Laws 

Disturbing Survey Finds trash, needles, feces littering streets of San Francisco


The February 18 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Sidney Powell, Author –  “Licensed to Lie:  Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice”

Sidney Powell was born in Durham, North Carolina and grew up in Raleigh. She is a graduate of Needham Broughton High School and the University of North Carolina with a B.A. and a J.D. She obtained her undergraduate and law degrees at a young age, and she began her legal career as the youngest United States Attorney in the country. Ms. Powell has been lead counsel in more than 500 appeals. In 2014, she published Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. The book reads like a legal thriller but it’s true and it names names. It’s been a best-seller on Amazon in law/legal ethics, Judicial Branch, and white collar/true crime. She has appeared many times on NewsMax television, FOX with Cavuto, and countless radio shows discussing the book and prosecutorial and government misconduct.

Guest Interview – James Dickey, Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

James Dickey was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas in June 2017 with decades of experience as a conservative activist and Republican leader. Since his election, he has brought renewed focus to empowering the GOP grassroots, guided by the conservative ideas embodied in the party’s platform.

Inspired by the statesmanship of Ronald Reagan, James was three months too young to vote for the President in the 1984 election. Undeterred, he went to work helping a conservative win a seat in the U.S. Senate — in an area where more than 70 percent of the voters voted for Walter Mondale.

Chairman Dickey grew up in Ft. Worth where he graduated valedictorian of his high school class. He earned Bachelor’s degrees from Stanford University in Political Science and English. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Baylor University. Professionally, he is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of IMGA, a small insurance company that works with insurance agents and provides them with the tools they need to do their jobs easily and quickly.

Chairman Dickey has built a reputation for being a conservative leader in one of America’s hardest-to-reach Democrat strongholds as Chairman of the Travis County Republican Party. He has orchestrated several come-from-behind victories as the Party successfully held the line in notoriously liberal Austin.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the February 18 show:

Florida shooting, Second Amendment & Culture 

Florida Teacher of the Year’s gun violence post goes viral after school shooting 

Trump Slams FBI over ‘missed signals’ on Florida shooting, asserts Russia was distraction 


Florida shooting, Second Amendment & Culture 

School Shooter’s  Brother Committed to mental facility 

 Nolte: Catastrophic Law Enforcement Failures Abound as MSM Target NRA for Parkland School Massacre 

Does the FBI really have anyone investigating tipoffs about school shooters?


Sidney Powell and Mueller Indictments

The Mueller Dog Barks, but the Caravan Moves On 

Why Mueller Didn’t Indict The Russians For Meddling in the Presidential Election 

Russia Launches ‘Information’ War, U.S. Responds with Lawsuit and Self-Destruction

Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted ‘information warfare’ against US during election to help Donald Trump win 

John Kerry Approved Visas for Russian Operatives to Enter US in 2014 and ‘Interfere’ with Election 

General Flynn Should WITHDRAW His Guilty Plea. His New Judge Is A Government Misconduct Expert

Mueller indictments still miss the mark on Trump-Russia collusion 

What Do We Do about the Biased and Incompetent FBI?




Ted Cruz & CNN

Ted Cruz Did a 15-Minute Interview with CNN – They Aired None of it, Then Attacked Him For Not Coming on Air


Ted Cruz & Immigration – GOP Left of Obama?

Ted Cruz: Republicans are ‘to the left of Obama’ now!


 Obama Portraits –

The Obama Portraits: But Is It Art?

Obama’s portrait artist painted black women with severed heads of white women


LeBron James & Laura Ingraham      

I am More than an Athlete: LeBron James responds to Laura Ingraham who told him to “Shut up & Dribble” 

Laura Ingraham Invites LeBron James to Fox News After ‘Shut Up and Dribble’ Remark




The February 11 Show (2018)

Guest interview – Gordon Chang, Internationally Renowned Expert on China, North Korea

Gordon G. Chang is the author of Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World, released by Random House in January 2006.  Showdown focuses on nuclear proliferation in general and the North Korean crisis in particular.  His first book is The Coming Collapse of China (Random House, August 2001).

He is a columnist at The Daily Beast.

Chang lived and worked in China and Hong Kong for almost two decades, most recently in Shanghai, as Counsel to the American law firm Paul Weiss and earlier in Hong Kong as Partner in the international law firm Baker & McKenzie.

His writings on China and North Korea have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Far Eastern Economic Review, the International Herald Tribune, Commentary, The Weekly Standard, National Review, and Barron’s.

Chang has appeared on CNN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CNBC, MSNBC, PBS, the BBC, and Bloomberg Television. He has appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and is a regular co-host and guest on The John Batchelor Show.

Outside the United States he has spoken in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, New Delhi, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, The Hague, London, Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver.


Guest interview – Lisa Luby Ryan, Candidate for Texas State Representative for District 114

Lisa Luby Ryan is a prior participant on America, Can We Talk’s “Right View Roundtable”, and has recently stepped up her political activism with a decision to run for the office of Texas State Representative in District 114.

With a long history of volunteer, civic, and political leadership, Lisa is an entrepreneur and is known as an acclaimed interior designer and has also designed her own line of furniture.

Lisa is the past president of the Park Cities Republican Women, current board member of Council for Life, and a former board member of Brighter Dallas and Associated Republicans of Texans.  She currently serves on the Advisory Board for Dallas-based Initiative and has been previously involved with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Lisa’s association with e3partners, a media-based ministry, led to sharing her powerful personal testimony of redemption and serving as national spokesperson for their “I Am Second” campaign. Lisa was the second recipient of the Norm Miller Award, awarded to a person demonstrating a bold faith and impacting lives through their professional and personal life.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the February 11 show:

Budget Deal 

Ted Cruz Explains WHY he voted for new Budget Bill when other conservatives balked at it

Vote Alert: Massive Spending, Debt Ceiling Raise, and Democrat Priorities Funded

Tax breaks for Hollywood?! Jim DeMint calls out GOP ‘budget busting’ hypocrites 


What the GOP should run on in 2018  

GOP should run on Tax Cuts, per Newt Gingrich

Most Think Obama White House Spied on Trump Campaign, Want Special Counsel: IBD/TIPP Poll


Gordon Chang – Olympics and Foreign Policy re China 

Pence, returning from Olympics, says U.S. and South Korea firmly allied against North Korea 

Trump Announces ‘America First’ National Strategy

Security strategy outlines new direction for countering China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and ISIS

In the State of the Union, Trump Goes Where Kim Jong Un Fears Most: Human Rights 

At Olympics, Pence Faces South Korea’s appeasement and North Korea’s aggression


Cruise through the news

My Sister Kate: The Destructive Feminist Legacy of Kate Millett 

Falcon Heavy: Elon Musk’s giant SpaceX rocket makes triumphant launch 

Dr. Manny Alvarez: Gerber baby Lucas proves children with Down syndrome are just like you and me 

Nancy Pelosi says her grandson wishes he had brown hair and brown eyes like his friend 

In Praise of Elon Musk 

In California, a Christian Baker Wins Narrowly, on Free-Speech Grounds 

Passing Combat Endurance Test is no longer required for infantry officers

Marine Corps exonerates 7 officers wrongfully accused of killing women, children in Afghanistan 

Coast Guard rape conviction overturned after court’s scathing attack on women-packed jury


More on the Memo 

MSM eagerly collaborating with the Schiff-created memo redaction fake controversy

Why FISA-Gate is scarier than Watergate 

Grassley-Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo – Media Yawns


The February 4 Show (2018)

Guest interview – John Guandolo, Understanding the Threat

John Guandolo is the Founder of, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state and local leadership and agencies, and designing strategies at all levels of the community to defeat the enemy.

Mr. Guandolo is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served with 2d Battalion 2d Marines as an Infantry Platoon Commander in combat Operations Desert Shield/Storm. From 1991-1996, he served in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit’s Airborne and Diving Officer. During this time, he also deployed to the Adriatic/Bosnia. He served for one year as the Unit Leader for the CINC’s In-Extremis Force, directly reporting to a Combatant Commander in a classified mission profile. Mr. Guandolo was a combat diver, military free-fall parachutist, and a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the February 4 show:

The Memo 

FISA Memo: Charge and Response 

A Reckoning for the FBI 

The Constitutional Crisis the Fourth Estate Birthed

FBI Special Agent in Charge Who Has Testified in Front of Nunes Responds to Biggest Claims in Memo 

GOP Memo Proves the Deep State is Real 

Journalism is Dead 

Byron York: Answering 3 key questions about the House Memo 

Jim Jordan: DOJ & FBI dressed up Opposition research to ‘Spy on an American Citizen” 

The Nunes Memo Should be Just the Start


Elizabeth Warren: We March in Pink Pussy Hats 


MALKIN: ‘Death of the GOP’ AND Permanent Majority for Dems if Trump’s DACA Plan Passes 

Trump can’t extend DACA past March 5th: DHS 

Democrat Cave? Sen. Dick Durbin Signals an Unconditional Surrender on Immigration Deal


The January 28th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Heather McDonald, Manhattan Institute

Heather MacDonald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. She is a recipient of the 2005 Bradley Prize. Mac Donald’s work at City Journal has covered a range of topics, including higher education, immigration, policing, homelessness and homeless advocacy, criminal-justice reform, and race relations. Her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Republic, and The New Criterion.


Guest interview – Candace Owens, Turning Point USA

Candace Owens is the Director of Urban Engagement for Turning Point USA. She considers it mission critical to win back Universities, which have become a breeding ground for indoctrination.

Owens exploded onto the scene in the summer of 2017, gaining notoriety through her political vlog series. Prior to her entrepreneurial pursuits, Owens worked 4 years at a private equity firm in Manhattan, serving as the Vice President to their administration.

She attended the University of Rhode Island, and took executive training courses thereafter at the NYU Stern School of Business.

She is a contributing writer for the, and is enthusiastic about inspiring tough conversations today that will affect positive changes for tomorrow.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the January 28th show:

NO on Mueller interview & Process Crimes Defined

Donald Trump Should Refuse a Mueller Interview


WaPo & Left Hysterical about MEMO-projecting…run through the story

Trump reportedly called for release of FISA abuses memo, which DOJ says would be ‘reckless’ without review

Trump broke with Justice Department: Called for Release of Memo

Operation Sabotage the Memo

What Alleged Illegality is Mueller Investigating?  Trump Exercising lawful Presidential authority?


Candace Owens – Women’s March & who are you?

Civility on campus seen as manifestation of White Patriarchy

Black Protest has lost its power

Professor claims meritocracy in Math class is a tool of whiteness



USA Today: The Epitome of Fake news

Davos: Obama never understood that America Needed a Good Economy


Cruise Through the News

NO, Nancy Pelosi, A Thousand More Dollars in My Pocket Isn’t ‘Crumbs’

My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong: He is a great president


Heather Mac Donald

Heather Mac Donald with HLN’s Ashleigh Banfield on Aziz Ansari and #MeToo

Heather Mac Donald with Tucker Carlson on #MeToo Movement

Policing Sexual Desire by Heather MacDonald

Heather MacDonald speaks at Kenyon College on Civil Discourse


Left claims DACA deal is RACIST

House Conservatives balk at Trump Amnesty plan



Free Beacon reporter: Trump wanting to Fire Mueller Story Aimed to Divert Attention Away from FBI Texts

Who’s Afraid of Jordan Peterson?

GOP Complicity Grows as their members undermine the rule of law


The January 21st Show (2018)

Guest interview – David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth

David McIntosh is a leader for the principles of limited constitutional government and individual freedom.  He is president of the Club for Growth, the leading advocate for economic liberty.

Former Congressman David McIntosh represented Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District in the United States Congress from 1995-2001.  As a Freshman, David chaired the Subcommittee on Regulatory Relief.  He passed the Congressional Review Act and held extensive oversight and field hearings to build a record of public support for regulatory relief initiatives in energy, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, healthcare, transportation and technology sectors.   Another issue that he championed was the elimination of the marriage penalty in the Federal Tax Code.

David served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to Attorney General Edwin Meese III, and as special assistant to President Reagan for Domestic Affairs.  During the first Bush administration, he served as executive director of the President’s Council on Competitiveness and assistant to the Vice President.  The Competitiveness Council coordinated the cost/benefit review of major regulations and promoted legal reform measures.

David is a co-founder of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy and serves on the Board of Directors.  He remains active with several free market and conservative think tanks and grassroots organizations.  David has also had stints at the Hudson Institute and as a Professor of Economics at Ball State School of Business.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the January 21st show:

Women’s March: Deceptive Labeling & Outrage Orgy 

Women March as Politics, Equal Rights, Dominate Discussion

Our Mission- Women’s March Mission


DACA & Senegal & Women & Shutdown 

What I learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump is Right 

Wasting Away in ChuckSchumerland by Clarice Feldman

There are 3.6 Million ‘DREAMers’- a number far greater than commonly known 


Cruise through the news  

Earmarks: From Lambs to a Favorite of Legislators 

Apple to pay $38 Billion in taxes on cash overseas, Build new U.S. Campus

We want to help America,’ Apple CEO Tim Cook says of moving foreign money back to US

 Trump Backs GOP Efforts to Explore Bringing Back Earmarks 

 List of Tax Reform Good News

Judging the Travel Ban and Judges  

Professor claims ‘meritocracy’ in math class is a ‘tool of whiteness’: report

Vowing to ‘rip’ Trump ‘a new one,’ Obama in his ex-presidency devolves into third-world coup-plotting 

Which Sinkhole States are most at risk from the GOP tax bill? 


Bunni Pounds CD-5 & the Right to life March 

Bunni Pounds for Congress in Texas CD-5 

Hope for Change at 2018 March for Life 

At least 71 Cities that held March for Life rallies in 2018 


Fusion GPS about to get Nuked 

‘Worse Than Watergate’: ‘Shocking’ House Intel Memo Allegedly Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials 

Adam Schiff: Keep the #Releasethememo secret because Americans wouldn’t understand


Trump & Women & Accomplishments 

Trump Quietly Makes History for Women Ahead of Women’s March





The January 14th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Fred Fleitz, Center for Security Policy

Fred Fleitz is a Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs with the Center for Security Policy, a former CIA analyst, news commentator, and public speaker. He served for 25 years in national security posts with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the State Department, and the House Intelligence Committee staff.
Fleitz has appeared on many U.S. and international TV and radio programs, including on Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BBC, ITN, Sky News, Sky News Arabia, CBC, CTV, The Blaze, One America News and others. Fred’s op-eds articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, National Review, Investor’s Business Daily, the Jerusalem Post and other publications.
Fred’s work for the Center has focused on terrorism, radical Islam, the Middle East, the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs, and intelligence reform. Fred has been a leading voice in print and media interviews against the nuclear deal with Iran and helped expose secret side deals between Iran and the IAEA that allowed Iran to inspect itself for evidence of its past nuclear weapons-related activities.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the January 14th show:

Trump & Immigration – Why Dems want…S’Holes 

Censure resolution planned against Trump for his “Racist Statements’ 

Of Crudeness and Truth


Immigration Bill by Goodlatte 

The House Chairman’s Plan for Immigration Reform 

Leaked Memo: DREAMers are Critical to Dems Future Electoral Success


Fred Fleitz –Iranian Deal 

Thought on the Iran Protests  

Trump should kill the Iranian Deal, for the Dissidents and the Protesters 

President Trump, Ignore the Iran Deal “fixers’ and just kill it 

Trump’s Iran Gamble


Cruise through the news 

Hundreds of men show up for Dallas School’s Breakfast with Dad’s event 

Obama rips Fox News Viewers: “You are living on a different planet” 

Here’s the List of Conservative Leaders who impacted American Culture in 2017


IG Report coming Fusion GPS & Mueller  

Anatomy of a Farce 

Creeps on a Mission: Michael Horowitz is Really Investigating the Investigators 

10 Takeaways  From Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS Senate Testimony 

The Dossier Rehab Campaign



 19 Insane Tidbits Form James Damore’s Lawsuit about Google’s Office Environment 

Undercover Videos expose Twitter’s Dirty Secrets



The January 7th Show (2018)

Guest interview – Mark Krikorian, Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies

Mark Krikorian, a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues, has served as Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) since 1995. The Center, an independent, non-partisan research organization in Washington, D.C., examines and critiques the impact of immigration on the United States. Animated by a pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision which seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted, the Center was established in 1985 to respond to the need for reliable, fact-based research in the immigration area.
Mr. Krikorian’s knowledge and expertise in the immigration field are sought by Congress, as well as the mainstream and new media. He frequently testifies before Congress and has published articles in numerous outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and elsewhere. He is a contributor at National Review Online, and has appeared on all major cable and broadcast news networks.

Guest interview – Dr. Dawn Buckingham, Texas State Senator and TX GOP Victory Chair for 2018

Dawn Buckingham’s forefathers were among the first settlers to Texas seven generations ago, and that tough, independent, pioneer spirit is deeply rooted in her personality. Dawn spent her early years growing up on Fox Run Farm until the family moved to Austin. While she graduated from Westlake High School, Dawn remains a country girl at heart as an avid hunter and outdoorswoman. Her commitment to service began early when she served as a volunteer fire fighter, and she is a graduate of the A&M Fire School.
Dawn lived at home and worked two jobs to pay for college at UT Austin, graduating Magna Cum Laude and debt-free. It was also during college that Dawn met the love of her life and husband of 23 years, Ed Buckingham. Dawn and Ed both received their medical degrees from the Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; Dawn practices as an Oculoplastic and reconstructive surgeon, and Ed as a facial plastic surgeon. In her daily practice, Dawn helps patients improve their sight and specializes in reconstructing eyelids.
Dawn’s commitment to service and recognition for her work has allowed her to hold leadership positions in local, state, and national medical organizations. She also volunteers regularly in her community with her teenage children to continue the legacy of service.
During her tenure as a trustee on the Lake Travis ISD School Board, Dawn’s conservative approach helped cut unnecessary costs while maintaining high quality instruction. Currently, Dawn holds a gubernatorial appointment as the vice chair of the State Board of Educator Certification. Additionally, she has served as the Lieutenant Governor’s appointee on the Sunset Commission, where she reduced the size of government and increased efficiency of government services.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the January 7th show:


FBI Launches New Clinton Foundation investigation 

The Clock Ticks for the Clinton Foundation 

Restoring the Rule of Law to the Protection of Classified Information 


As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save its Collusion Tale 

Reps Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan: It’s time for Jeff Sessions to go, as shown by the latest FBI leak 

Byron York: What the Trump Dossier Criminal Referral Means  


Mark Krikorian, Center for Immigration Studies 

Debunking Dreamers.  The most successful propaganda campaign ever waged by progressives can be reduced to a single word: dreamers. 

POLL: Most voters agree with Trump, END Chain Migration and Reduce overall immigration 

Illegal immigration on border surges back to Obama levels 

DACA Fix vs. DREAM Act: Moving the Goalposts 

The Logic of a DACA deal



Voter Fraud Commission 

Trump cancels Voter Fraud commission, says cost of legal battles was too much  

Trump disbands voter fraud commission after states refused to cooperate on claims that at least 3 million people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton


Trump administration dramatically expands off shore drilling 

Trump’s little-noticed war on Hidden Taxes


Nikki Haley & the UN: Iran and Funding 

Russia berates the US for calling UN Security Council meeting over protests in Iran that have left at least 21 dead                                      

Haley announces $285M cut in the 2018-19 UN operating Budget 

Nikki Haley Stares Down UN and Lets the Entire World Know Where US Stands on Iran Protests


Trump mental health AND New Book


The Psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: This is an “emergency 

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can’t be sure if parts of it are true



The December 31st New Year’s Eve Show (2017)

Links to articles reviewed for, and themes discussed in this special year-end show:

Patriotism Gap 

A Tale of Two Patriotisms

Themes of the December 31st (New Year’s Eve) show: 

ONE OVERRIDING GOAL is to reassert that truth exists and can be

Learned and discovered and shared. 

Re-introduce the truth about America– to America again

 Recommit to and Demand Truth  

         Restore reverence for the idea of truth and its existence and importance …

         … insist truth exists independent of opinion  

Re-introduce the truth about America to America again, and what patriotism is   

Change the immigration system and the refugee policy 

Continue to re-assert American Sovereignty 

Defend free markets and capitalism — Tell the truth about socialism and its evil ugly stepsister Communism, in the public square 

Root out the Rot of the Deep State 

Restore our institutions and Rule of Law as the Norm—Mueller investigation and Crimes of Obama era must be talked about

Reassert that Culture and Families Matter



The December 24th Christmas Eve Show (2017)

Links to audio/video clips reviewed for the show:

President FDR Christmas Eve Message of 1943

President Reagan Christmas Message to the Nation 1983

President Reagan Christmas Message 1981

President George W Bush surprise visit to troops in Iraq in 2003- troops ecstatic

President Trump Christmas Speech at the Lighting of the National Christmas Tree 2017


The December 17th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Dr. Everett Piper, President Oklahoma Wesleyan University

Dr. Everett Piper is the fifth president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, located in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. In his 14 years as president of OKWU, Piper has become known for his defense of intellectual freedom. He is passionate about providing education that models a way of thought, life, and faith, in a critically engaged community honoring the primacy of Christ, the priority of Scripture, the Pursuit of Truth, and the Practice of Wisdom.

Dr. Piper advocates tirelessly for cultural courage grounded in the conservation of time-tested truths, and is the 2016 recipient of the Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom. His commentary on religion, education, and politics challenges the intolerant tolerance of today’s academic community. Dr. Piper is the author of Why I Am A Liberal, and Other Conservative Ideas and the viral op-ed, “This is Not a Daycare, It’s a University”.

Guest Interview – Dr. Roslyn Layton, Visiting Scholar – American Enterprise Institute

Roslyn Layton is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where she focuses on evidence-based policy for information, communications, and digital technology industries. Using empirical methods, she assesses regulations and policies for digitally connected domains such as mobile wireless, telecom, cable, internet, online advertising, e-government, media, software, financial technology (fintech), and telehealth, among others. Dr. Layton is also a visiting researcher at Aalborg University Center for Communication, Media, and Information Technologies and a vice president at Strand Consult, both in Denmark.
Dr. Layton served on the 2016–17 Federal Communications Commission Presidential Transition Team. She has worked on the adoption of technology by emerging countries, produced independent research on the mobile technology industry, and studied issues such as information technology, telehealth care, and fintech for a variety of firms. She has worked in Europe, India, and the United States.
Her studies and reports include “How Title II harms consumers and innovators” (AEI, 2017) and “Beyond Net Neutrality: Policies for leadership in the information, computing, and network industries” (AEI, 2016). In the popular press, she has been published in The Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report, and Forbes, among others.
Dr. Layton has a Ph.D. in business economics from Aalborg University, an M.B.A. from the Rotterdam School of Management, and a B.A. in international service from American University.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 17th show:

Net Neutrality Decision

The Internet is Free Again

Net Neutrality is dead. Long live the internet



10 Things an Intersectional Feminist Should Ask on First Date


Not a Day Care 

This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University


Tax Bill Passed

GOP passes its final tax plan – Here’s what’s in it

Why Marco Rubio is dead wrong on Taxes


President Trump removes some vocabulary from CDC

Trump bans CDC from using words like Transgender, diversity and entitlement 


Trump removes climate change as national security threat 

Trump Admin to Remove Climate Change From List of National Security Threats


 NYC subway bomb & ongoing threat

Bangladeshi Officials:  NYC subway bomb attack suspect Akayed Ullah followed radical preacher


Chain Migration 

DACA Amnesty Chain Migration Would Exceed Four Years of US Births



The December 10th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Claire Lopez, Former CIA Operative, and VP at Center for Security Policy

Clare Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and a member of the Board of Advisors for the Canadian Mackenzie Institute. In 2016, she was named to Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign national security advisory team. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Formerly Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a 2011 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute.

Already an advisor to EMP Act America, in February 2012 Ms. Lopez was named a member of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security, which focuses on the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) threat to the nation. She serves as a member of the Boards of Advisors/Directors for the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, the United West, and the Voice of the Copts. She has been a Visiting Researcher and guest lecturer on counterterrorism, national defense, and international relations at Georgetown University. Ms. Lopez is a regular contributor to print and broadcast media on subjects related to Iran and the Middle East and the co-author of two published books on Iran. She is the author of an acclaimed paper for the Center, The Rise of the Iran Lobby and co-author/editor of the Center’s Team B II study, “Shariah: The Threat to America” as well as The Tiger Team’s “The Secure Freedom Strategy: A Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement.” She co-authored “Gulen and the Gulenist Movement” with CSP’s Vice President for Outreach, Christopher Holton, and “See No Shariah: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Line of Defense” with Frank Gaffney, CSP President.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications and French from Notre Dame College of Ohio and an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a military commission to join the CIA.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 10th show:

How President Trump is doing …

Trump’s Cutting off the Liberals Supply Train


Mueller Mess continues

Did the DOJ Misuse the Steele Dossier to Spy on Trump


W/ Clare Lopez

Saudi Arabia & Jerusalem 

A Month After Arrests in Corruption Probe, Saudi Arabia’s Attorney General Issues New Statement


Moving US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

Nikki Haley: US Embassy Move in Israel ‘absolutely the right thing to do”


SCOTUS & Refugee ban

Supreme Court allows Full enforcement of Travel Ban



Al Franken’s Resignation Speech 

Exit the Clown (Senator Franken’s Resignation speech) 

US Media Yesterday Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle In Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened 

SCOTUS on wedding cake 

NFL and its charities



The December 3rd Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (ret’d)

“Sheriff [David] Clarke has demonstrated true leadership and courage in doing what’s best for his constituents despite enormous pressures to go along with the political correctness of the day. Instead of “going along to get along,” Sheriff Clarke has stayed true to his oath, true to his badge, and true to the people he has promised to serve and protect. In our estimation, Sheriff Clarke will go down in history as one of the greatest statesmen and sheriffs of our time.”

Quote from Richard Mack, Founder of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 3rd show:

Flynn Indictment

Charge Against Flynn is More Evidence that Mueller has Nothing

FBI Stonewalls Corruption Probe

ABC suspends Brian Ross after false Flynn Report

Mueller Investigation: Politics, Not Law Enforcement or Counterintelligence

What the Flynn Plea Means


Kate Steinle Jury Decision

San Francisco’s Shame


Alexa is a Social Justice Warrior

Amazon’s Alexa is a CRAZY SJW LIBERAL: Louder with Crowder


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 

Richard Cordray Delivers the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Punchline


Senate Tax Bill 

Senate Passes Tax Reform Bill: Here’s how is affects you


Snowflake Update: Moral Idiocy, College campuses & the James O’Keefe event 

Conservative speaker shouted down, arrested during “It is OK to be white” Event at UConn

Professor fired for defending student’s marriage views asks top court to rush his appeal

University event highlights 14 ways ‘whiteness’ oppresses society

Trump and Pocahontas …

What Trump knows about Pocahontas and the CFPB



The November 26th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Founder and President, The America Conservancy 

The America Conservancy brings together a growing movement of citizens, artists, economists, scientists, parents, authors, scholars, medics and other friends exploring sanity and True North in a confusing century. Founded by Kelly Monroe Kullberg, TAC is re-learning the story and principles of our nation now undermined by aggression, debt and poor leadership. It is focused on finding the wellsprings of cultural wisdom and how to renew our culture for the benefit of future generations.

Ms. Kullberg also serves as the Founder and Director of Project Development and Director at The Veritas Forum, Inc. Ms. Kullberg edited and co-authored the best-selling Finding God at Harvard: Spiritual Journeys of Christian Thinkers (1996) and taught senior electives at Harvard College in film and C.S. Lewis while serving as a chaplain to the Harvard Graduate School Christian Fellowship from 1988-1997.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 26th show:

Texas Trooper slain on Thanksgiving was father of three, 15-year veteran of the force 

Why Aren’t any NFL Players Kneeling over this Pennsylvania Cop Shooting? 

The Race War no one can win 

Black Friday, Thanksgiving Online Sales climb to record high 

US Growth Forecasts are on the Rise 

Turns out Trump Didn’t Ruin the Economy

Theresa May’s Warning for the Republican Party 

How December could make or break the Trump presidency 

America Conservancy project 

Home website of American Evangelicals 

Resistance Royalty: Pelosi, Soros Headline Left’s Biggest Dark Money Conference 

Kevin Dowd Summarizes Populism for His Sister Maureen’s Liberal Readers: Trump Has 43.2M Twitter Followers; NYT Has 3.1M Subscribers 

Escape from North Korea 

Twitter allowing BuzzFeed to dictate which accounts are propaganda accounts 

Islamist Extremists Gather Near DC to Promote Jihad 

 Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire George Soros 

Trump Taps Mulvaney to head CFPB, sparking confusion over agency’s leadership 

George Soros’s $18 Billion Tax Shelter

Walsh: We need More Masculinity in our Culture, Not Less 

Republicans flee from McConnell in 2018 primaries 

George Soros’s $18 Billion Tax Shelter


The November 19th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Chris Gaubatz, Understanding the Threat

As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home.

Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and asset protection, as well as insurance sales.

In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia.

While working at the CAIR MD/VA office, Chris uncovered a fraud scheme being perpetrated by CAIR’s “immigration attorney” who was defrauding Muslims in the community and lying about handling their immigration proceedings. In fact, he was not even a licensed attorney. When that office was shut down by CAIR in an effort to conceal this criminal activity, Chris was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington, D.C.

During his time there, Chris obtained over 12,000 pages of documents from Hamas/CAIR and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings.

The entire story is featured in the book Muslim Mafia authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz (Chris’ Father).

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 19th show:

French Academic: Create a Muslim State within France to Avoid Civil War

Terror-linked CAIR &NYC’s de Blasio team up for ‘Social Justice”

NEW VIDEO of Robert Spencer at Stanford, better sound: Dean Nanci Howe thanks fascist students as they disrupt event

Chris Gaubatz, VP of Understanding the Threat

 Apple’s Diversity Chief out after outcry

Almost 1300 MS-13 gang members arrested in Nationwide Bust

3 UCLA Basketball Players thank President Trump, apologize for shoplifting in China 

Neil Gorsuch: Scalia’s Views on the Constitution are not going anywhere on my watch 

 Leeann Tweeden on Senator Al Franken 

 Dem Lawmaker says House paid out $15 million in harassment settlements

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey will vote for Roy Moore 

Here are the Most Insane Media Reactions to the Allegations against Senator Al Franken 

Revelations from new book about the Steele Dossier


The November 12th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Stephen Moore

From Wikipedia:  Stephen Moore is an American writer and economic policy analyst. He founded and served as president of the Club for Growth from 1999 to 2004. Moore is a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. In 2014, The Heritage Foundation announced that Moore would become its chief economist. In 2015, Moore’s title at Heritage changed from Chief Economist to Distinguished Visiting Fellow. Moore is known for advocating free-market policies and supply-side economics. In 2017, he left Fox News Channel to join CNN as an economics analyst.

Moore’s work continues to appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and various publications including The Weekly Standard and National Review.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 12th show:


         Museum of African American History

         Charlottesville unrest was a factor for many Virginia voters

         A spotlight on human dignity


Roy Moore       

         Roy Moore vs the Swamp


Tax bill and Steve Moore

         Nine Differences in the Senate’s Tax Bill

         Senate GOP reveals different approach on tax reform

U.S. unemployment drops to lowest in 17 years

         GOP Tax bill would add $1.7 trillion to the debt: CBO


Veterans Day

         Video of President Trump speaking in Vietnam

         Three Takeaways from Trump’s First Day in Beijing


Hillary and the Dossier

         Lifting the Steele Curtain


Millennials and socialism

         Millennials aren’t satisfied with capitalism — and might prefer a socialist country, new study finds

         The First Three Phases of the Downward Slope from Freedom to Communism

         The Bolshevik Revolution Reveals Six Phases from Freedom to Communist Misery


Donna Brazile

         La Donna Brazile Sings, On and off Key



Texas Church shooting

         Atheism and the Texas Shooter


GLAMOUR’s Unworthy “Women of the Year” … 



The November 5th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Katherine Kersten, Senior Fellow at Center of the American Experiment

Katherine Kersten, a writer and attorney, served as a Metro columnist for the Star Tribune (Minneapolis) from 2005 to 2008, and as an opinion columnist for the paper for 15 years between 1996 and 2013. She was a founding director of the Center, and served as its chair from 1996 to 1998.

Katherine has written on cultural and policy issues for a variety of publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Christianity Today, Policy Review, American Enterprise, and First Things. For two years, she served as a regular commentator for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”  Her recent expose regarding the Edina, Minnesota school district has brought considerable attention to the spread of political correctness into K-12 education.

She has also appeared on numerous radio and television shows, both nationally and locally.  She has been a guest of commentators such as Hugh Hewitt, Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham, and has been featured on FOX News and MSNBC,  as well as NPR’s “Talk of the Nation;” the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s “As It Happens;” NBC’s “A Closer Look with Faith Daniels” and “Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel.”

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the November 5th show:

First Five

Ugly History of the Pledge of Allegiance and why it matters


8th anniv: Ft. Hood Anniversary & NYC Terrorist Attack & Diversity Visas

Six years later Obama finally Calls Fort Hood a Terrorist Attack

Why Did New York Deputy Commissioner say NYC jihad massacre “isn’t about Islam”?

What to know about New York City Terror Suspect Sayfullo Saipov

Here’s what you need to know about the diversity visa lottery program


Kathy Kersten and Schools and future …

A Curriculum of Public Indoctrination in Edina’s Public Schools

Whose Values?  Educational Excellence Threatened by Ideology in Edina Schools

Racial ldentity Politics are Ruining Edina’s fabled Schools


VA Governor’s race

The uncivil war in Virginia’s race for governor


NOV 4th ANTIFA marches

ANTIFAIL: Low Turnouts At Nationwide ‘Refuse Fascism’ Protests


Petition to Remove Mueller

Republicans just introduced a resolution to remove Mueller from the Trump-Russia investigation


Bowe Bergdahl 

US Military Code of Conduct

DID 6 soldiers really die looking for Bergdahl

How did 6 Die after Bowe Bergdahl’s Disappearance



TRUMP blasted as “blowhard’  by George H.W. Bush in Last Republicans’ book  

George H.W Bush calls Trump a “blowhard” in new book


Ferguson: A Dramatist Corrects Journalists


Brazile book:  Hillary stole election

Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic Nominee



The October 29th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Dr. Kelli Ward, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Arizona


Wife, mom, doctor, senator – Kelli Ward has a lot to be proud of. From humble beginnings as a coal miner’s granddaughter in West Virginia, Dr. Kelli Ward is a graduate of Duke University, the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, and A.T. Still University. While in medical school, she met her husband Michael, an emergency physician who has served for over 33 years in the US Air Force and Air National Guard. In 1999 they moved to Lake Havasu City, Arizona where they built their family and their businesses.

Kelli entered politics by running for a seat in the Arizona State Senate in her effort to defeat Obamacare. After winning a tough primary election in 2012, she was unopposed when running for reelection in 2014. While serving in office, she continued to practice medicine in the emergency departments in Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Arizona.

During her time in office, she sponsored legislation that enabled small businesses in Arizona to thrive, protected our second amendment, decreased the size of government by consolidating redundant departments, and protected vulnerable students in our schools. In her last year in office, nineteen of her bills were signed into law.

Noted as the most conservative member of the Arizona State Senate, in 2015 she announced her candidacy for the United States Senate against 34-year incumbent John McCain in the Republican primary in the 2016 election. Despite being outspent 10 to 1, Kelli held McCain to his lowest historical primary total ever at 51%.

In October 2016, Kelli announced that she would challenge Republican Senator Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s biggest foes, in the 2018 primary election.  Senator Flake recently announced he would not seek re-election in 2018, leaving Dr. Ward as the leading conservative candidate to replace him.

Guest Interview – Dr. Everett Piper, President, Oklahoma Wesleyan University

Dr. Everett Piper is the fifth president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, established in 1909.

In his 15 years as president of OKWU, Piper has become known for his passionate defense of conservatism. He advocates tirelessly for cultural courage grounded in the conservation of time-tested truths, and is the 2016 recipient of the Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom. Dr. Piper is the author of Why I Am A Liberal, and Other Conservative Ideas and the viral op-ed, “This is not a Daycare, It’s a University”. His op-eds are routinely featured in local and national news outlets and he serves as a regular guest on talk-radio across the nation.**

A native of Hillsdale Michigan, Dr. Piper and his wife Marci, along with their two sons, have served as OKWU’s First Family since August of 2002. Dr. Piper actively participates in the Bartlesville community, and serves on a variety of councils and boards relating to Conservativism, leadership, public policy, and community leadership.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 29th show: 

Kelli Ward Interview

 Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate

 Our View: The Litmus Test for All Arizona Candidates


Dr. Everett Piper interview 

 Note from Dr. Piper to Oklahoma Wesleyan University Students 

Trump Administration officially apologizes for tea party targeting 

Prager University takes legal action against Google and YouTube for Discrimination


Race relations and tension in America: WFAA and the NFL protest … 

NAACP issues American Airlines travel warning after ‘pattern of behavior’ 

Texans Bob McNair apologizes for saying NFL can’t have ‘inmates running the prison’


HILLARY and Fusion

 How Team Hillary played the press for fools on Russia 

Robert Mueller should resign 


OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class ‘single digits’


The ‘Never Trump’ Construct

The president’s fiercest critics still do not grasp that Trump is a symptom, not the cause of the GOP’s internal strife. 

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier


The October 22nd Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Rebecca Friedrichs, School Teacher and Supreme Court Litigant re Teachers Union Dues

Rebecca Friedrichs is a veteran Orange County educator.  She is the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit representing 10 teachers who argue that being forced to pay teacher union dues violates their right to free speech and freedom of association, because those funds are often used to lobby for causes they oppose and to support political agendas in direct conflict with their own beliefs.


Guest Interview – Robert Alt, CEO, Buckeye Institute

Robert Alt is the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Buckeye Institute, where he also serves on the Board of Trustees.
Alt’s leadership has been the catalyst for The Buckeye Institute’s exponential growth since he took the organization’s helm in 2012.  He has since founded The Buckeye Institute’s esteemed Economic Research Center and Legal Center, from which the Buckeye team not only imagines public policy victories but compels them with sound data, objective research, and strategic litigation.
Alt is a nationally recognized scholar with expertise in legal policy including criminal justice, national security, and constitutional law.  Prior to heading The Buckeye Institute, Alt was a Director in the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies serving under former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III at The Heritage Foundation, where he regularly advised Members of Congress and Supreme Court litigants on complex legal arguments and strategy.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 22nd show:


Unions Act as if They’ve Already Lost

The Supreme Court may soon ban so-called fair-share fees

Employee Freedom Update: Who are Mark Janus and Rebecca Friedrichs?



In Case You Missed It: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director During The Russia Uranium Investigation

The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal

Trump’s DHS Pick Aided in Bush Hurricane Katrina Response, Let 30K Illegal Aliens Take US Jobs

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Silence of the scams


Obamacare Subsidies: GOP wants to reinstate them

At Least a Dozen Republicans Back Senate Plan to Restore Obamacare Subsidies

Millennials LOVE Trump’s tax plan when they think it’s Bernie’s

GOP raises record small donor contributions


Nov 4 “Refuse Fascism” march

Nov 4 ‘Refuse Fascism’ Occupy redux funded by Soros, Marxist orgs



Obamacare of the EPA-Ethanol Mandate

GOP browbeats Trump’s EPA into expanding Obamacare of energy



The October 15th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Jeff McCoy, Pacific Legal Foundation

Jeff McCoy is an attorney at PLF’s office in Sacramento, where he works on cases involving environmental regulations and private property rights. Prior to joining PLF, Jeff was a staff attorney at Mountain States Legal Foundation in Lakewood, Colorado for five years. During his time at Mountain States he litigated cases protecting individual liberty, the right to own and use property, limited and ethical government, and the free enterprise system. His work included helping secure victory for a Wyoming private property owner in United States Supreme Court case Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States.

Throughout his career, Jeff has worked for various organizations that promote individual liberty and limited government. Besides Mountain States, Jeff worked as an intern for the Cato Institute during the spring of 2008 and, after his first year of law school, Jeff worked as a Charles G. Koch fellow at the Institute for Justice’s Seattle office. In 2017, Jeff returned to his state of birth to join PLF and continue his work helping people fight against government overreach.


Guest Interview – Reed Hopper, Pacific Legal Foundation

Reed Hopper is a Senior Attorney in PLF’s Environmental Law Practice Group. He oversees the Foundation’s Endangered Species Act Program that is designed to ensure that species protections are balanced with individual rights, the rule of law, and other social values. Reed also oversees PLF’s Clean Water Act Project that targets illegal federal regulation of local land and water use.

Reed has always had a strong patriotic spirit and a desire to serve his country. Before joining PLF in 1987, Reed served as an Environmental Protection Officer and Hearing Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard where he gained a love for the law. He also loves our constitutional way of life and cannot tolerate injustice. PLF affords him the opportunity to rectify unjust actions perpetrated by overreaching government. He enjoys getting up each morning to fight for a just cause.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 15th show:


Jeff McCoy PLF Attorney on RedTape Rollback 

A “Regulatory Game Changer”    How Congress and the Administration can use the CRA to kill hundreds of rules that were never reported to Congress


Reed Hopper: PLF Attorney on EPA SCOTUS litigation 

U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether the EPA can evade judicial review 


Federal Judiciary Nominees 

Scalias All the Way Down


Las Vegas 

What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Stay in Reno 



Donald Trump, Bob Corker Feud on Twitter as Establishment Republicans Burn


UNESCO withdrawal 

The United States Withdraws from UNESCO 

Trump’s Middle East Master Stroke



Take Back Your Diamonds, Take Back Your Pearls, What Makes You Think I was one of Weinstein’s Girls? 

The Democrats are Shocked! 

(Hillary) Clinton calls Trump a ‘Sexual Assaulter’ but Gives Bill a Pass 

Hollywood’s Heinous Casting Couch Culture That Enabled Harvey Weinstein


Obamacare Subsidies 

Speaking of Sabotage

(Trump is undoing Obama’s sabotage) 

Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts


Comey Memos Battle 

Government wants to argue in secret why it doesn’t want to disclose the Comey memos


Iranian deal Non-certification 

Trump was right to put the Iran Nuclear Deal on Death Row 

Trump’s Iran Speech Finally sets facts of sham nuclear deal straight 


NFL & Race 

WaPo; To many Americans, being patriotic means being white 

NFL Retreats on Policy that would require NFL Players to Stand


Austria’s Young New Leader


The October 8th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Raheem Kassam

Raheem Jamaludin Kassam is a British political activist and editor-in-chief of Breitbart News London, and a former chief adviser to UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage. Kassam is a former Muslim, and is author of the new book ‘No Go Zones: How Shariah Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You’.


Guest Interview – Frank Gaffney

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is Founder, President, and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, a not-for-profit, non-partisan educational corporation established in 1988. Under Mr. Gaffney’s leadership, the Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters.

Under President Ronald Reagan, he acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy. He served as chairman of the High Level Group (NATO’s senior politico-military committee) and as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy under Assistant Secretary Richard Perle. He was also a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 8th show:

Trump & North Korea

Trump on North Korea: ‘Sorry, but only one thing will work!’

 Trump May Have Just Revealed the Meaning of the ‘Calm Before the Storm Comment – People are in Disbelief


Assange, Mueller and the Trump Dossier 

Julian Assange Says He Will Provide Evidence Russia Narrative Is False in Exchange for Pardon

Rohrbacher: Assange has absolute proof of who gave him DNC Emails — and it Ain’t the Russians

Collusion and the Trump Dossier


Frank Gaffney & McMaster, and Iranian Certification 

Rockets, grenades fired at Kabul airport after Mattis arrival

 Factions forming as Congress attempts to curb U.S. spy power

 Frank Gaffney: Insubordinates Around President Trump Pressing him to stay with Iran Nuclear Deal

Muslim Brotherhood Political Infiltration on Steroids


Raheem Kassam

Raheem Kassam’s book No Go Zones: How Sharia Law is coming to a neighborhood near you

Kassam: Replacing Columbus Day with ‘Indigenous People’s Day”? Why Not Just Scream “I wish I was never even born!’



Senator Rubio asks Army to remove ‘’Social organizer’ Spenser


The October 1st Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin

William G. “Jerry” Boykin was the United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush from 2002 to 2007 and retired general officer. During his 36-year career in the military he spent 13 years in the Delta Force and was involved in numerous high-profile missions, including the 1980 Iran hostage rescue attempt, the 1992 hunt for Pablo Escobar in Colombia, and the Black Hawk Down incident in Mogadishu, Somalia. He is an author and teaches at Hampden–Sydney College, Virginia. He is currently executive vice president at the Family Research Council.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 1st show:

Neighboring mayor rips San Juan mayor, praises Trump: Cruz is not doing her job

Everything (That’s Not Sexism) Is Racism 

American Sniper widow Taya Kyle to NFL: ‘You have lost me’

Health Secretary Tom Price Resigns After Drawing Ire for Chartered Flights

Obama admin officials used private planes on the taxpayers’ dime

College Professor: Believing in Hard Work is White Ideology

Congress Passes Unconstitutional Resolution Attacking Free Speech – Trump Eager to Sign It


The September 24th Show (2017)


Guest Interview – Dr. Carol Swain

Dr. Carol M. Swain is an award-winning political scientist, a former professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, and a lifetime member of the James Madison Society, an international community of scholars affiliated with the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. Before joining Vanderbilt in 1999, Dr. Swain was a tenured associate professor of politics and public policy at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Swain is passionate about empowering others to raise their voices in the public square. She is an author, public speaker, and political commentator.


Guest Interview – Dr. Patrick Moore

Dr. Patrick Moore is a Canadian activist, and former president of Greenpeace Canada. Since leaving Greenpeace, Moore has criticized the environmental movement for what he sees as scare tactics and disinformation, saying that the environmental movement “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism.”

He has sharply and publicly differed with many policies of major environmental groups, including Greenpeace itself on other issues including forestry, biotechnology, aquaculture, and the use of chemicals for many applications.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 24th show:

NFL and race 

Poll: Anthem Protests biggest reason NFL Viewers stopped watching


The real scandal Unmasking &  Spying 

Obama Weaponized Government Agencies Against Opponents


 Dr. Carol Swain – SPLC, race relations, statues & history

What it’s like to be smeared by the Southern Poverty Law Center


Dr. Patrick Moore – CO2 & Hurricanes and Climate 

Climate alarmists would kill civilization 

NOAA: Global Warming and Hurricanes: Overview of Current research results 

Hooray for carbon Dioxide! Its helping to feed the world’s hungry


Trump & UN

 President Trump’s speech at the UN


Making Obamacare go away… 

Last Chance to Tackle Obamacare…Graham-Cassidy Bill



The September 17th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Evan Feinberg – Executive Director, Stand Together

Stand Together believes some of the most important work being done in America today is the result of individuals and organizations solving problems in their communities. Faith-based organizations, volunteer groups, businesses, and community leaders are breaking through barriers to help others break the cycle of poverty, improve their lives, and make the world a better place.

Stand Together identifies, supports, and celebrates these catalysts for social change. Stand Together provides training and resources to help them build operational capacity, and encourages these catalysts to think like entrepreneurs in order to promote acceleration, scalability, and risk-taking.

The mission of Stand Together is to unleash the power of community to solve our country’s toughest problems and help people improve their lives.

As the executive director of Stand Together, Evan Feinberg provides vision, enthusiasm, organizational leadership, and direction. Evan is an experienced leader in non-profit management and social welfare causes. He previously served as the president of Generation Opportunity, a Millennial advocacy organization, and in various roles on Capitol Hill.


Guest Interview – J.J. Koch, Dallas Lawyer and Expert on Hurricane/Floodplains Policy

Lost in the coverage of Hurricane Harvey is the question of why there is so much residential development where flooding is an obvious and high risk.  Attorney J.J. Koch, who is also a candidate for Dallas County Commissioner, has studied federal and state policy and has ideas for reducing the damage from the next Harvey.



Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 17th show:


Hillary and the Rule of law


New Hillary Emails Warrant Special Prosecutor


Finally! Judge Orders Investigation into lawyers who helped Hillary Clinton Destroy Private Emails


WSJ Here’s What Really happened to Hillary by Kimberley Strassel


Emails: Hillary Clinton invited Putin to Clinton Foundation Gala


Race in America and St. Louis


Alan Dershowitz: ‘Violent” Antifa movement is trying to tear Down America


The Hard Right and the Hard Left Pose Different Dangers


Trump, racism and the Media’s obsession


Protesters smash windows in 2nd violent night near St. Louis


Meet Evan Feinberg and Stand Together


Constitution Day


One way to break free from the crushing Constitutional Crisis


London & Terror as new norm and 9.11 speeches


18-year-old man arrested in connection to London subway blast


Second Man Arrested over London Train attack


Radical’ Islam absent in 9/11 Addresses by Trump Admin


DeVos turning corner on due process


Betsy DeVos Stands up for Due Process Right in Campus Sexual Assault cases



The September 10th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Rich Higgins, Former Director of Strategic Planning, National Security Council

Rich Higgins ran the Pentagon’s Combatting Terrorism and Technical Support Office before joining the President’s National Security team.  Higgins is considered by some observers to be the most knowledgeable and strategically savvy man inside the national security apparatus with regards to the Islamic Movement and its marriage to the hard-left Marxist Movement.  He was dismissed from the NSC by H.R. McMaster in July 2017.


Right View Roundtable Panelists – Jeni McGarry and Mari Sullivan

Jeni McGarry is one of the original “Leading Ladies” who served as a panelist for “Ladies, Can We Talk?” before it became “America, Can We Talk?” in 2015.  Jeni has for the past six years served as Chief of Staff for Tarrant County (Texas) Commissioner Andy Nguyen.  She previously served as Campaign Director for the Stephen Broden for Congress campaign in 2010, and prior to that was Director of New Media for the Dallas County Republican Party.


Mari Sullivan moved to Dallas in 1982 to work for a group of real estate developers in Arlington, Texas before becoming Senior Counsel at Fannie Mae in the Dallas regional office. She practiced law in the areas of real estate and finance and retired from Fannie Mae in 1995.  Mari is active in politics and neighborhood organizations and serves on the Dallas Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy.  She has extensively volunteered in numerous political campaigns,  and is past president and an active board member of the East Dallas Boys and Girls Club.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 10th show:


Rich Higgins Memo


DACA and Dreamers

Dreams, Delusions and Duplicity by Mark Steyn

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Announcement Ending DACA

DACA Fraud Rate at 40 to 50%

Hillary saying in 2014 children of illegal immigrants should be sent home

0:50 to 1:05


Confederate Era Statue Removal

The Far Left Won’t Stop- Will they try to burn the Constitution next?

Dwaine Caraway to Mark Davis re why Robert E Lee statue had to come down

04:54 to 05:50


Trump makes Harvey Relief/Debt Ceiling deal with Pelosi & Schumer 

Trump signs his massive deal with Democrats on Harvey relief, debt ceiling into law

Sen. Ben Sasse rejects Trump-Schumer-Pelosi deal, introduces ‘clean’ Harvey funding bill



Democrats attack religious liberty advocates ahead of major Supreme Court battle



The September 3rd Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Brett Loyd, President and CEO of The Polling Company (founded by Kellyanne Conway)

Brett Loyd is the President and CEO of the polling company, inc./WomanTrend, a privately-held corporation currently in its 21st year of operation.  The firm is headquartered in Washington, DC and maintains an office in New York City.

Mr. Loyd has served as a Strategy Analyst, Polling Director and Outside Advisor for a multitude of Congressional, Senatorial and Gubernatorial candidates, national political committees, and for 2008, 2012 and 2016 Presidential candidates. Most recently, Mr. Loyd served as a pollster to the Trump-Pence Presidential campaign, becoming one of the few pollsters to accurately forecast the 2016 Presidential Election.

Having experience in both corporate and campaign politics, Brett has provided advice and market research strategies for a variety of lobbying firms, trade associations and Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Loyd has also served as a Lecturer and Consultant for universities and international government relation firms; developing, implementing, and teaching public policy to students, professors, and diplomatic staff representing over 90 countries.

Brett Loyd is a graduate from Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa. He and his wife currently reside in Washington, DC, with their dog Falkor.

Millennial Roundtable Panelists – Matt VanHyfte and Drew Wicker

For the first show of every month, “America, Can We Talk?” has a ‘millennials only’ rotation of Right View Roundtable panelists joining Debbie.






Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 3rd show:

DACA related links:

GOP lawmakers urge Trump to leave DACA alone, let Congress handle legislation

ILLEGAL aliens allowed to work LEGALLY for federal government?

Paxton: Tuesday deadline for Trump to decide on DACA still stands

Trump uncovers evidence of Dreamers loophole hidden by Obama  (Path to citizenship)


“NO USA at all” Antifa chant (audio)  0:08 to 0:15

Pelosi on leftist Antifa members: Lock them up

How American Anarchy Parallels China’s Cultural Revolution

Comey & Hillary

Confirmed: Comey decided he wasn’t going to refer Hillary for prosecution long before FBI Investigation was over

 Statues controversy

Those who don’t fight evil fight statues

Blocking Trump nominees & How to stop it

How Senate leaders can use existing rules to end Democrat Stonewalling


5 problems with Politico’s Cartoon Mocking Texas Flood Victims

We live in fear of the online Mobs

America’s post-Charlottesville nervous breakdown was deliberately induced


North Korea Claims Test of Hydrogen Bomb for Long-Range Missile a Success


The August 27th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Jennifer Marshall – Vice President of the Heritage Foundation

A vice president of The Heritage Foundation, Jennifer A. Marshall runs the think tank’s Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity. In that capacity, she oversees research into a variety of issues that determine the strength and character of American society.  Issues explored by Institute researchers range from marriage, life, and religious liberty to health, education, and welfare to the application of America’s founding principles to today’s challenges.

Marshall also edits Heritage’s annual Index of Culture and Opportunity, which tracks key social and economic trends to determine whether important indicators of opportunity in America are on the right track.

In 2010, National Journal named Marshall one of Washington’s 20 “power players” in recognition of her work on school choice and other education reforms.

She has spoken at national and international forums, testified before Congress and appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” and PBS’ “To the Contrary.”

Marshall holds a master of arts in religion from Reformed Theological Seminary, a master’s degree in statecraft and world politics from the Washington-based Institute of World Politics, and a bachelor’s degree in French from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill., where she also earned teacher’s certification. She currently resides in Arlington, Va.

Roundtable Panelists – Kerby Anderson and Lorie Medina

Kerby Anderson is the Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government).
He serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.
His two-hour daily radio program, Point of View is carried on 300 radio stations across the nation.
He produces the Viewpoints radio commentary (over 250 stations) and is a contributor to the daily Probe radio program (over 600 radio stations). He is a regular guest on Fire Away (American Family Radio). He has appeared on numerous radio and TV talk shows including the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club.

Lorie Medina is an original member of the ‘Leading Ladies’ of “Ladies, Can We Talk?”, which has become America, Can We Talk?   She is now a regular on the Right View Roundtable.  Lorie is a conservative activist and political consultant, and has recently taken on the Chief of Staff position for newly elected Frisco, Texas Mayor Jeff Cheney.



Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 27th show:

The Heritage Foundation 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity

President Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Trump pardons Sheriff Joe

Sheriff Joe wins Pardon from President Trump

Trump Pardons Former Sheriff Joe


Ninth Circuit rules coach cannot pray on the field

Court rules high school football coach cannot pray on the field

Coach Prays, Ninth Circuit Says No — Blame Supreme Court Conservatives

Confederate and other Statues— worth fighting over?

Congressman Wants To Save Columbus Statue From De Blasio’s Political Correctness Commission

167 Year Old California Catholic School Removes Statues of Mary and Jesus to be More Inclusive


Trump attacks media…and NYT answers

NYT: We’re Journalists, Mr Trump, Not the enemy


ESPN president says station wanted to protect Robert Lee from TROLLING as he defends pulling the Asian-American sportscaster from Charlottesville football game because he shares same name as a Confederate general

Christian Ministry Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation

DNC donations DOWN and GOP UP



The August 20th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Karin Agness, Founder and President of Network of enlightened Women (NeW)

Karin Agness is the Founder and President of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), the nation’s premier organization for conservative university women. She is also a contributor to Forbes and Senior Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum. She was a Spring 2016 Resident Fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics. A graduate of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia School of Law, she has spoken and debated on more than 50 college and law school campuses.

In October 2014, Karin was selected as one of Fortune’s 55 most influential women on Twitter, and in 2012, Karin was selected for the Forbes 30 under 30 list for Law and Policy.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 20th show:

Network of Enlightened Women   

Excluding Conservatives from Female Empowerment Campaigns Is Bad Politics and Bad Business 

What Women Want 97 years after winning the right to vote



On Charlottesville, Trump & anti-Americanism

Trump full statement condemning racism and KKK etc

Tim Scott Statement

Trump in His Classically Inartful Way, was Right

Deroy Murdock: Both sides were to blame for Charlottesville violence

AP Notices: Democrats may be Making a Mistake

Confederate Monuments Removed or Vandalized Across US



IRS ordered to lay it on the line (Identify employees who targeted tea party groups)


Police officers shot and killed

Florida Shooter

Six officers shot, one dead in Florida and Pennsylvania


Stabbing & Car Attacks in Europe Involving Religion of Peace 

Several wounded in Russian knife attack, attacker shot dead  

Finland attack likely terror 

Deadly Barcelona attack is worst in a day of violence in Spain


Google/Apple Monopoly 

First Amendment in Peril  (Google, Apple MONOPOLY …)


 Steve Bannon Departure 

Republicans contemplate a White House without Steve Bannon



The August 13th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Peter Cove, Co-Founder of America Works of New York, Inc.

Peter Cove co-founded America Works Of New York Inc. Mr. Cove is a social activist and businessman, is one of the nation’s leading advocates for private solutions to welfare dependency.

In experimenting with alternate approaches to training, he created millions of dollars’ worth of private-sector investment for what would otherwise have been a fully government-funded endeavor. Mr. Cove has appeared on national television and has been quoted in major newspapers, business and public affairs publications. He has testified on aspects of unemployment before Congressional committees in the House and Senate. In 1995 The Entrepreneur Of The Year Institute gave Mr. Cove its distinguished Socially Responsible Entrepreneur Of The Year award for his achievements with America Works. Mr. Cove holds a BA in sociology from Northeastern University. .

Guest Interview – Patrice Onwuka,, Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum

Patrice  Onwuka has worked in the advocacy and communications fields for more than a decade. Prior to joining IWF, Onwuka served as national spokeswoman and communications director at Generation Opportunity, and worked at The Philanthropy Roundtable and the Fund for American Studies in policy and media roles. She also held consulting roles as a speech writer for a United Nations spokesman and a manager for a student travel program to South Africa.
Born in the Caribbean, Patrice immigrated with her family to Boston where she grew up and completed her education. She earned her bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Tufts University and a master’s degree in international relations from Boston College. Patrice’s unique background fuels her passion to defend freedom and faith in America.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 13th show:

North Korea

Obama Administration knew about North Korean Miniaturized Nukes by Fred Fleitz

You Can Thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for North Korea’s Nukes (2016 editorial)

Flashback: That time that Bill Clinton Said North Korea would dismantle its nuclear program  (analogy to Iran)

Trump to meet with Tillerson, McMaster amid North Korea Crisis

McMaster says threat of North Korean nuclear weapon strike ‘impossible to overstate”

UN votes 15-0 to smash North Korea with heavy sanctions



Google’ Ideological Echo Chamber

Dear Mr Google Manifesto (from woman Chemical engineer)

That sexist memo could cost Google employees

David Brooks calls for Google CEO resignation

Why I was fired by Google

Fired Google engineer James Damore says company “like a cult”



About Patrice Onwuka

The Shameful Blackout of Thomas, Sowell and Williams

Report: Black women are working hard but ‘our country is not working for them’

Serena Williams Swings but Misses with Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

‘Stay away’ from Charlottesville rally urges Va. Governor

The Left’s Identity Politics Poison

The Liberal Crackup   Liberals should reject the divisive, zero-sum politics of identity and find their way back to a unifying vision of the common good

Stanford class on abolishing whiteness

The Battle of Charlottesville: At least two hurt etc



The August 6th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Merrill Matthews of the Institute for Policy Innovation

Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.”  He is a health policy expert and contributor at He also serves on the Texas Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Dr. Matthews is a past president of the Health Economics Roundtable for the National Association for Business Economics, the largest trade association of business economists. Dr. Matthews also served for 10 years as the medical ethicist for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Institutional Review Board for Human Experimentation, and has contributed chapters to several books, including Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate and The 21st Century Health Care Leader and, in 2009, Stop Paying the Crooks (on Medicare fraud).

He has been published in numerous journals and newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s, USA Today, Forbes magazine and the Washington Times.  He was an award-winning political analyst for the USA Radio Network.

Millennial Right View Roundtable Panelists – Drew Wicker and Jeremy Wolf

For the first show of every month, “America, Can We Talk?” has a ‘millennials only’ rotation of Right View Roundtable panelists joining Debbie.






Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the August 6th show:

The Likely Road ahead for the Mueller Investigation

The Other Addiction Crisis Facing America: Government Spending

 When Trump Touts Made in America He Should talk energy too

 California, Senate Republicans, join forces in bid to bail out Obamacare

Obamacare & Prognosis for Repeal- Fuelner

Steve Bannon Is Now Pushing for Stricter Regulations on Facebook and Google (and US Rep Keith Ellison agrees with Bannon)

Salon Author: Let’s Make Google, Amazon and Facebook Public Utilities

Facebook starts debunking fake news with related articles

Facebook will auto-load related headlines to debunk “fake news 

YAF challenges SMU on 9.11 flag display policy

9/11 display relocated due to ‘triggering, harmful’ messages


Clip from Jim Acosta at WH press conference:

Trump backs TRUE immigration reform with RAISE Act




The July 30th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Kim Crockett of the Center of the American Experiment

Prior to joining Center of the American Experiment, Kim Crockett served as corporate counsel to a national bank and had a long legal career in commercial real estate law. She enjoyed a decade at home with her young children before returning to the law and public policy. Kim, who is an enthusiastic student of the American Revolution and the written U.S. Constitution, has been a member and officer of the Federalist Society since 1984 when she founded the student chapter at Penn Law in Philadelphia.
Kim became President of the Minnesota Free Market Institute in 2011, an SPN member and educational arm of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota. The Center and the Minnesota Free Market Institute combined forces in 2012, with Kim joining then President and Founder Mitch Pearlstein as Executive Vice President to fortify the Center as the leading voice in Minnesota for conservative and free market policy.


Right View Roundtable Panelists – Kerby Anderson and Camara Clifton

Kerby Anderson is the Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government).
He serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.
His two-hour daily radio program, Point of View is carried on 300 radio stations across the nation.
He produces the Viewpoints radio commentary (over 250 stations) and is a contributor to the daily Probe radio program (over 600 radio stations). He is a regular guest on Fire Away (American Family Radio). He has appeared on numerous radio and TV talk shows including the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club.

Camara Clifton is a native Texan, lifelong conservative, pro life and political activist, volunteer. She has been a frequent political commentator on local television and the FOX Radio News network since 2010. Camara’s Christian faith guides her path.

Camara’s successful marketing career took her to Chicago and San Francisco where she showed courage displaying  Republican stickers on her cars. Five years working (for affordable housing) in Wyoming increased her knowledge and understanding of the land use problems facing Western states. Extensive international travels intensified Camara’s belief in the rule of law, American Exceptionalism; and, confirmed her understanding that an entrepreneurial spirit is intrinsic in all humans.

Camara is the proud mother of a very independent young woman. Camara’s greatest hope for all Millennials is that they, too, will recognize the gifts of freedom which must be protected – for the survival of our Republic and the fate of the world.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 30th show:

Transgender Policy could cost Billions

Trump tweets reveal plan to bar transgender people from serving in the military

Charlie Gard Dies in Hospice

Bill Whittle etc. Charlie Gard healthcare system

Cruz: Americans Betrayed by Republicans That Failed To Honor Promise To Repeal Obamacare

Trump warns of ending health-care ‘bailouts’ for Congress, pushes Senate for majority rule

Zuckerberg’s American tour


What Has Happened to Minneapolis?

Costs of the Somali refugee



‘Collusion’ Collapses: Dem Congressional Espionage Ring Takes Center Ring

Who Paid for the ‘Trump Dossier’?

Republicans Call for Second Special counsel to look into Clinton, Comey, Lynch

Where’s the DNC Server?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scanners


The July 23rd Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Fred Fleitz of the Center for Security Policy 

Fred Fleitz is a Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs with the Center for Security Policy, a former CIA analyst, news commentator, and public speaker. He served for 25 years in national security posts with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the State Department, and the House Intelligence Committee staff.

Fleitz has appeared on many U.S. and international TV and radio programs, including on Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BBC, ITN, Sky News, Sky News Arabia, CBC, CTV, The Blaze, One America News and others. Fred’s op-eds articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, National Review, Investor’s Business Daily, the Jerusalem Post and other publications.

Fred’s work for the Center has focused on terrorism, radical Islam, the Middle East, the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs, and intelligence reform. Fred has been a leading voice in print and media interviews against the nuclear deal with Iran and helped expose secret side deals between Iran and the IAEA that allowed Iran to inspect itself for evidence of its past nuclear weapons-related activities.


Right View Roundtable Panelists – Jeni McGarry and D’Rinda Randall

Jeni McGarry is one of the original “Leading Ladies” who served as a panelist for “Ladies, Can We Talk?” before it became “America, Can We Talk?” in 2015.  Jeni has for the past six years served as Chief of Staff for Tarrant County (Texas) Commissioner Andy Nguyen.  She previously served as Campaign Director for the Stephen Broden for Congress campaign in 2010, and prior to that was Director of New Media for the Dallas County Republican Party.



D’rinda Randall is also one of the original “Leading Ladies” who served as a panelist for “Ladies, Can We Talk?” before it became “America, Can We Talk?”.  Now working in private industry, D’rinda was formerly very active in Texas conservative politics, serving as District Director for Texas State Senator Bob Hall; Director of Constituent Services for then State Senator, now Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton; and District Director for then State Representative now State Senator Van Taylor.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 23rd show:

Ted Cruz bill on Congress & Obamacare

Our Self-Interested Senators by Kimberly Strassel

Rep Garrett and other House GOP Leaders announce intent to issue discharge petition on Obamacare repeal

Transcript of Trump interview with NYT  and Media haunted by all the precedents they set colluding with Obama

Justice Department hits back at report citing anonymous sources that Sessions may have lied about Russia contacts

Trump Dossier Firm Founder will take 5th Before Congress

Mueller probes possible money laundering by Manafort 

Fred Fleitz on Iranian Deal, #1   

Fred Fleitz on Iranian Deal, #2

BOLTON: Trump must withdraw from the Iranian Deal  

More on withdrawing from the Iranian Deal

Citing recusal, Trump says he would not have hired Sessions

Clip—Trump saying Sessions recusal unfair…

Temple Mount attack in Israel — Israel considering returning bodies of killers

Fact-free Israel-bashing comes to Capitol Hill

Three Israelis Stabbed to Death by Palestinian Terrorist During Shabbat Dinner in West Bank Settlement


The July 16th Show (2017)

Guest In Studio (Minneapolis) Interview – John Hinderaker of Powerlineblog

John H. Hinderaker is one of three original contributors to the Powerlineblog, which was formed in 2002, and in the intervening years has become nationally known as one of the best sites on the web for conservative perspective and commentary.

Mr. Hinderaker  practiced law for 41 years, enjoying a nationwide litigation practice. He retired from the practice of law at the end of 2015, and is now President of Center of the American Experiment, a think tank headquartered in Minnesota.

Mr. Hinderaker lives with his family in Apple Valley, Minnesota. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Harvard Law School. During his career as a lawyer, he was named one of the top commercial litigators and one of the 100 best lawyers in Minnesota, and was voted by his peers one of the most respected lawyers in that state. He was repeatedly listed in The Best Lawyers in America and was recognized as Minnesota’s Super Lawyer of the Year for 2005.


Right View Roundtable Panelist – Mari Sullivan

Mari Sullivan moved to Dallas in 1982 to work for a group of real estate developers in Arlington, Texas before becoming Senior Counsel at Fannie Mae in the Dallas regional office. She practiced law in the areas of real estate and finance and retired from Fannie Mae in 1995.  Mari is active in politics and neighborhood organizations and serves on the Dallas Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy.  She has extensively volunteered in numerous political campaigns,  and is past president and an active board member of the East Dallas Boys and Girls Club.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 16th show:

Posts by guest interviewee John Hinderaker





Donald Trump Jr. releases his emails re Russian Meeting

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

YOU’RE FIRED! Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct

Facebook cowers and complies with sharia

EPA’s Pruitt Asks for TV Climate Debate 

The global warming fraud explained in one simple chart

Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

San Francisco Transit Withholds Surveillance Tapes To Avoid Creating Racial ‘Stereotypes’



YAF Names The Dirty Dozen: Most Bizarre and PC College Courses  2016-2017


The July 9th Show (2017)

Guest In Studio Interview – Lt. Col. (ret’d) Allen West

During his 22 year career in the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel West served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was a Battalion Commander in the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and later in Afghanistan. He received many honors including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals and a Valorous Unit Award. In 1993 he was named the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year.

In November of 2010, Allen was honored to continue his oath of service to his country when he was elected to the United States Congress, representing Florida’s 22nd District. As a member of the 112th Congress, he sat on the Small Business and Armed Services Committees and was instrumental in passage of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

He is also a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regularly writes for numerous media outlets.

Right View Roundtable Panelists – Lorie Medina and Wade Miller

Lorie Medina is an original member of the ‘Leading Ladies’ of “Ladies, Can We Talk?”, which has become America, Can We Talk?   She is now a regular on the Right View Roundtable.  Lorie is a conservative activist and political consultant, and has recently taken on the Chief of Staff position for newly elected Frisco, Texas Mayor Jeff Cheney.




Wade Miller has served as the Senior Regional Coordinator for Heritage Foundation, served in the United States Marine Corps and is an infantry combat veteran with multiple deployments including Iraq and the Horn of Africa. After completing his military service, Wade enrolled at The University of Texas at Dallas and majored in Political Science. While attending university, Wade served as a Bill Archer Fellow and as an intern for the President of The Heritage Foundation, Dr. Edwin J. Feulner.  After completing his Heritage Foundation internship, Wade went on to the American Enterprise Institute Summer Institute.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 9th show:

Iraqi forces declare victory over ISIS in Mosul   

Not many good North Korea options if pressure fails: Tillerson

North Korea could take out Entire US electrical power grid

Smoke rises over Hamburg as Merkel’s free speech gamble hangs in balance

Trump’s Defining Speech: In Poland he asks the West to Defend its Values of Faith and Freedom

US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley Scorns UNESCO Hebron Vote as an Affront to History

The Three Seas Summit (restoring energy independence and therefore freedom to former eastern bloc countries otherwise dependent on Russia)

List of cosponsors (of ENLIST)

ENLIST Act Would Undermine Military, Facilitate Insider Attacks

de Blasio flies to G20 to join anti-capitalist protesters (day after police officer murdered in NYC)

CA Dems sue college students for successful recall petition drive

Trump infuriates EU by talk with Theresa May at G20 about “quick” UK trade deal

Amnesty for Military Service is Wrong:  A Marine’s Perspective (from ACWT’s Right View Roundtable participant Wade Miller)


The July 2nd Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Talmage Boston

Talmage Boston has practiced law as a commercial trial and appellate litigator in Dallas, Texas, since 1978. He has been recognized in Texas Monthly as a “Texas Super Lawyer” every year since 2003.  He has also been recognized among the “Best Lawyers in America,” and “Top 100 Attorneys in Dallas/Fort Worth Region.”

In addition to maintaining his full-time law practice, Talmage has written Raising the Bar: The Crucial Role of the Lawyer in Society (TexasBarBooks 2012), which includes a foreward by Dick Thornburgh, former Attorney General of the United States under Presidents Reagan and Bush, and dust jacket endorsements from former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III; former Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson; CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin; Baylor University President Ken Starr; and lawyer turned best-selling novelist Richard North Patterson.

Talmage has also written two critically acclaimed baseball history books, 1939: Baseball’s Tipping Point (foreword by John Grisham, Bright Sky Press, 2005) and Baseball and the Baby Boomer (foreword by Frank DeFord, Bright Sky Press, 2009), and has been inducted into the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame as a Media Member.

Guest Interview – Dr. Tom Lindsay

Tom Lindsay, Ph.D., is director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Higher Education. He has more than two decades’ experience in education management and instruction, including service as a dean, provost, and college president.

In 2006, Lindsay joined the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) staff as director of the agency’s signature initiative, We the People, which supports teaching and scholarship in American history and culture. He was named Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of the NEH in 2007.

Lindsay received his B.A., summa cum laude, in Political Science, and went on to earn his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. Oxford University Press recently published Lindsay’s American Government college textbook, Investigating American Democracy (with Gary Glenn). He has published numerous articles on the subject of democratic education, many of which have appeared in the world’s most prestigious academic journals, including the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, and the American Journal of Political Science. 

Lindsay has published articles on higher-education reform in Real Clear Policy, Los Angeles Times, National Review, Inside Higher Ed, Washington Examiner, Knight-Ridder Syndicate, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, American Spectator, and Austin American-Statesman, among others. He has just accepted an offer to become a contributor to Forbes.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 3rd show:

Reagan’s Farewell Address to the Nation

Senate leaders consider Cruz option to avoid Obamacare insurer requirements

Supreme Court Trinity Lutheran Church decision – saying ‘no’ to discrimination against religious groups



The June 25th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Brandon Logan

Brandon J. Logan, J.D., CWLS, is the Director of the Center for Families and Children at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Before joining the Foundation, Brandon represented hundreds of children as attorney and guardian in child welfare courts throughout Texas. He is certified as a Child Welfare Law Specialist by the National Association of Counsel for Children. Brandon has also represented parents, grandparents, and foster families in custody and adoption cases across the state.


Right View Roundtable panelists – Kerby Anderson and Lorie Medina

Kerby Anderson is the Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government).

He serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.

His two-hour daily radio program, Point of View is carried on 300 radio stations across the nation.

He produces the Viewpoints radio commentary (over 250 stations) and is a contributor to the daily Probe radio program (over 600 radio stations). He is a regular guest on Fire Away (American Family Radio). He has appeared on numerous radio and TV talk shows including the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club.


Lorie Medina is an original member of the ‘Leading Ladies’ of “Ladies, Can We Talk?”, which has become America, Can We Talk?   She is now a regular on the Right View Roundtable.  Lorie is a conservative activist and political consultant, and has recently taken on the Chief of Staff position for newly elected Frisco, Texas Mayor Jeff Cheney.




Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 25th show:

Articles by Brandon Logan




Senate Healthcare bill

The Senate Health Care Bill Misses a Key Opportunity. Here’s What Should Be Done.

The GOP’s Obamacare: Out: Repeal & Replace.  In: Copy & Paste

The Senate’s Health-Care Advance


Alarm Bells in Illinois

Politicians in Illinois continue to bicker as state careens toward fiscal disaster

A Budget by June 30, or Illinois faces unprecedented ‘junk’ status



GOP’s Karen Handel Beats Democrat Jon Ossoff in Georgia

Trump: No Welfare for Immigrants for First 5 Years

Earth to conservatives: Trump has granted executive amnesty

Supreme Court: There’s no ‘Hate Speech’ exception to the 1st Amendment

Number of refugees admitted to U.S. drops by almost half

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on why Senators Kamala Harris and Claire McCaskill ignored her at last week’s hearing

A proven method for Conservatives to take back the Republican Party

The GOP Establishment Thinks the Fix is In:  Here’s How You Can Spoil Their Scam


The June 18th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Stephen Moore

From Wikipedia:  Stephen Moore is an American writer and economic policy analyst. He founded and served as president of the Club for Growth from 1999 to 2004. Moore is a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. In 2014, The Heritage Foundation announced that Moore would become its chief economist. In 2015, Moore’s title at Heritage changed from Chief Economist to Distinguished Visiting Fellow. Moore is known for advocating free-market policies and supply-side economics. In 2017, he left Fox News Channel to join CNN as an economics analyst.

Moore’s work continues to appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and various publications including The Weekly Standard and National Review.


Right View Roundtable panelists – Missy Shorey and Mari Sullivan

Missy Shorey is the CEO and President of Shorey Public Relations, an agency specializing in energy, elections and economic development. A seasoned strategic communicator with proven expertise in PR and marketing, Missy has achieved particular success in conceiving and directing nationwide initiative-based campaigns for top-tier clients, including government agencies, U.S. Senators, public companies and innovative private sector entities. Prior to founding Shorey Public Relations, Missy led multi-million dollar practices at Hill & Knowlton PR/Public Affairs and Ogilvy Public Relations. She served as an expert consultant to the U.S. Department of State, and she has years of Capitol Hill experience as a U.S. Senate staffer.


Mari Sullivan moved to Dallas in 1982 to work for a group of real estate developers in Arlington, Texas before becoming Senior Counsel at Fannie Mae in the Dallas regional office. She practiced law in the areas of real estate and finance and retired from Fannie Mae in 1995.  Mari is active in politics and neighborhood organizations and serves on the Dallas Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy.  She has extensively volunteered in numerous political campaigns,  and is past president and an active board member of the East Dallas Boys and Girls Club.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 18th show:

Violent Rhetoric leading to Violence: Scalise shooting

Rage is all the rage: Peggy Noonan

Who’s to blame for baseball attack?

Introducing Steve Moore…

No, Trump did not cause Obamacare to fail

Trump budget drains the swamp

Trump budget will supercharge America’s economy

Coal’s Colossal comeback

Links on the Mueller/Russia/Comey story

Short Andy McCarthy clip about the fishing expedition by Mueller under guise of a counterintelligence investigation

Mueller’s Mission in WSJ

Should Trump Fire Mueller? 

Part two

Part three

Part four


President Trump undid the Cuba deal

Trump rolling back Obama’s Cuba policy

National Security Presidential Memorandum on Strengthening the Policy of the United States Toward Cuba


Congress’ inaction is undermining Trump agenda

Do nothing Congress creating deadly enthusiasm gap for GOP


Minnesota police officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Officer Acquitted in case that drew worldwide publicity

The Coming Democrat Civil War

The Democrats should spend some time with Camille Paglia this weekend

What is Robert Mueller Investigating (since collusion is not a crime)?



The June 11th Show (2017)

Special Guest Interview – Dr. Kelli Ward – US Senate Candidate, Arizona

Wife, mom, doctor, senator – Kelli Ward has a lot to be proud of. From humble beginnings as a coal miner’s granddaughter in West Virginia, Dr. Kelli Ward is a graduate of Duke University, the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, and A.T. Still University. While in medical school, she met her husband Michael, an emergency physician who has served for over 33 years in the US Air Force and Air National Guard. In 1999 they moved to Lake Havasu City, Arizona where they built their family and their businesses.

Kelli entered politics by running for a seat in the Arizona State Senate in her effort to defeat Obamacare. After winning a tough primary election in 2012, she was unopposed when running for reelection in 2014. While serving in office, she continued to practice medicine in the emergency departments in Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Arizona.

During her time in office, she sponsored legislation that enabled small businesses in Arizona to thrive, protected our second amendment, decreased the size of government by consolidating redundant departments, and protected vulnerable students in our schools. In her last year in office, nineteen of her bills were signed into law.

Noted as the most conservative member of the Arizona State Senate, in 2015 she announced her candidacy for the United States Senate against 34-year incumbent John McCain in the Republican primary in the 2016 election. Despite being outspent 10 to 1, Kelli held McCain to his lowest historical primary total ever at 51%.

In October, Kelli announced that she will challenge Republican Senator Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s biggest foes, in the 2018 primary election.

Right View Roundtable panelists – Penna Dexter and Wade Miller

Penna Dexter is a radio commentator and columnist for various Christian conservative outlets. She is a frequent commentator and guest host for Point of View Radio Talk Show with Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Moody Broadcasting Network and the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s columns appear at Baptist Press and the Christian Post blog page. Penna is an executive at Todd Dexter & Associates, the integrated marketing consulting company founded by her husband, Todd Dexter.


Wade Miller, the Senior Regional Coordinator for Heritage Foundation, served in the United States Marine Corps and is an infantry combat veteran with multiple deployments including Iraq and the Horn of Africa. After completing his military service, Wade enrolled at The University of Texas at Dallas and majored in Political Science. While attending university, Wade served as a Bill Archer Fellow and as an intern for the President of The Heritage Foundation, Dr. Edwin J. Feulner.  After completing his Heritage Foundation internship, Wade went on to the American Enterprise Institute Summer Institute.


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the June 11th show:

The Kids are Not Alright Millennials vote in UK

Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack IRAN-BACKED TERROR AGENTS TAKEN DOWN BY FBI AND NYPD

A vast conspiracy of silence kept the ‘Russia collusion’ story alive

VAST Numbers of elected officials KNEW Trump NOT under investigation
5 Arab nations cut ties to Qatar; country says Kuwait trying to mediate

Anti-sharia marches planned across the country …

NINE issues Trump could act on (instead of Comey Drama)

President Trump and President al-Sisi Confirm Unity Against Qatar Funding Terrorism

Do Republicans who criticize Trump face peril? Jeff Flake is about to find out

(See Politichicks interview with Kelli Ward a few days ago here)

What Comey Told Us About Trump

After surprise loss in election, British PM May refuses to resign

Religious Tests for US office? Sanders and Vought

CHOICE Act chipping away at Dodd-Frank

OSSOFF vs HANDEL Georgia election runoff

Referendum on Trump?

Most expensive House race in US history set for June 20- and outside money flooding in for Dem Ossoff

Priorities for Blockbuster Year for Conservatives




The June 4th Show (2017)

Guest Interview – Kimberly Strassel, Columnist and Member of the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal







Millennial Guest Panelists – Jeremy Wolf and Allie Beth Stuckey



Links to articles reviewed for the June 4th show:

Dennis Prager on Why Conservatives Still Attack Trump 

Jonah Goldberg on why Dennis Prager’s Never Trump Analysis falls short 

Trump to bail on Climate Deal, #1

Trump to bail on Climate Deal, #2

Kimberley Strassel & WSJ:  Interview

 Her recent piece on the Deep State and the EPA  

Backchannel …Joy Reid and Kimberley Strassel

Kimberley Strassel speech at Hillsdale: The Left’s War on Free Speech  

Harvard has separate graduation for black students…    

Commencement speaker round up—

Yale Diversity award goes to Students who yelled at professors over Halloween costumes, #1

Yale Diversity award goes to Students who yelled at professors over Halloween costumes, #2

University of Missouri struggles to rebuild image after hits to reputation, enrollment

Notre Dame Students walk out during Pence Speech

Trump Russia story starts to make sense 

Portland Mayor and free speech  

Antifa group demands removal of Sam Houston Statue

San Diego unified school district sued over anti-Islamophobia campaign, #1  

San Diego unified school district sued over anti-Islamophobia campaign, #2  


The May 28th Show (2017)

Guest Panelist –  Kerby Anderson 

Kerby Anderson is the Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government).


He serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.


His two-hour daily radio program, Point of View is carried on 300 radio stations across the nation.


He produces the Viewpoints radio commentary (over 250 stations) and is a contributor to the daily Probe radio program (over 600 radio stations). He is a regular guest on Fire Away (American Family Radio). He has appeared on numerous radio and TV talk shows including the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club. 


Guest Interview – Jeff Gault


Jeff Gault is the Chairman and CEO of the Army Scholarship Foundation. 

The mission of the Foundation is to provide college scholarships to the sons and daughters of those who have served our nation honorably as soldiers in the United States Army and to provide college scholarships to spouses of enlisted soldiers serving on active duty in the United States Army. The vision of the Foundation is to increase its fundraising and visibility in order to encourage more applicants to apply for scholarships and to be able to provide larger scholarships to an increasing number of deserving applicants. The Foundation sees this effort as a means to reward Army families for the sacrifices our soldiers make every day to serve their nation and as a way to help their spouses and children likewise become leaders in American society.


Memorial Day organizations that can help


Jacob Schick story Veteran suicide prevention


Links to articles discussed on the May 28th show:


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Dept breaking 18 years of tradition

Fourth Circuit Decision on Trump refugee order, Part 1 Fourth Circuit Decision on Trump refugee order, Part 2
DHS Kelly says you’d never leave your house if you knew what I know about terrorism


Egypt and Manchester

Trump statement on attack in Egypt: Civilization at the precipice Coptic Christians Killed in Egypt Terror attack in Manchester

Katy Perry and Navy SEAL


Trump Foreign Travel

Full text of Trump’s Saudi Arabia speech

TRUMP Speech in Saudi Arabia & British rock concert bombing  

Trump’s Clarity on Saudi speech

President in Exile Obama interfering with Trump’s foreign policy

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson saying Palestinian/Israeli peace will help settle Middle East tensions: Is He Clueless?


Democrat Rob Quist loses in MT House race to body-slammer Greg Gianforte

Liberal Dems in Despair

Where is the justice??


The May 21st Show (2017)

Guest Interviews – Dr. Sterling Burnett

  1. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. is a Heartland research fellow on environmental policy and managing editor of Environment & Climate News. Prior to joining The Heartland Institute in 2014, he worked at the National Center for Policy Analysis for 18 years, ending his tenure there as senior fellow in charge of environmental policy. He has held various positions in professional and public policy organizations, including serving as a member of the Environment and Natural Resources Task Force in the Texas Comptroller’s e-Texas commission.


Guest Interviews – J.D. Rucker of the Federalist Party

JD Rucker is Editor of The New Americana as well as Soshable, a Conservative Christian Blog. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, and founder of both Judeo Christian Church and Dealer Authority. He drinks a lot of coffee, usually in the form of a 5-shot espresso over ice. Find him on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.


Roundtable Panelist – Lorie Medina

Lorie is an original member of the ‘Leading Ladies’ of “Ladies, Can We Talk?”, which has become America, Can We Talk?   She is now a regular on the Right View Roundtable.  Lorie is a conservative activist and political consultant, and has recently taken on the Chief of Staff position for newly elected Frisco, Texas Mayor Jeff Cheney.