10 Jan Show Highlights – Week of January 6, 2020
Highlights from this past week on ACWT:
Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described.
President Trump laid out a compelling case to the American people about the decision to kill Iranian General Soleimani. Understanding the level of murder, mayhem, and destruction for which he was directly responsible, makes the US military action compelling, and the Democrat opposition outrageous.
Clare Lopez, national security and Iranian expert, shared her insights on the tense situation with Iran following America’s decision to stop Iranian General Soleimani from killing more Americans.
Kevin Freeman, author, and host of the Economic War Room show, joined me to reveal that America is enabling and legitimizing China’s expansionist mission and its repression of its citizens via American dollars invested in Chinese companies listed on American stock exchanges. Senator Rubio and others are pushing legislation to stop this.
Dr. Everett Piper, author of Not a Daycare, Washington Times columnist, and former President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, described why the Christianity Today editorial calling for Christians to support the removal of President Trump was wrong, close-minded and actually detrimental to the values that Christian Americans cherish. Lots of good talking points wrapped up in this interview.
Even some Democrat Senators are tired of Speaker Pelosi’s antics, and are calling on her to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate, and end the delaying tactics.
Senate Republicans, led by Senator Hawley, proposed a resolution authorizing the Senate to take action to dismiss the Articles of Impeachment even if House Speaker Pelosi continues to refuse to send those articles to the Senate. Pelosi’s sinister plan to let the impeachment linger over the President’s head all year long may be foiled if this resolution passes.
The radical anti-American Leftist march (also known as the women’s march) is coming up again later in January. Time for women across America to say #NotMyWomensMarch!
Iran’s mass funeral procession and reports of widespread national mourning over the death of General Soleimani is orchestrated street theater, according to Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad.
Golden Globe zingers amuse conservatives, annoy Hollywood, wake up (maybe?) a few American viewers, and reveal the hypocrisy of entertainment media. Plus, it was fun to watch the zingers.
The DOJ’s flip flop on sentencing for Lt Gen Michael Flynn, now calling for prison time after saying he deserved none, should cause alarm bells to go off!
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On AmericaCanWeTalk, I talk truth about America, and about why the stories and news of the day, matter to you.
Because America Matters,
Debbie Georgatos
Host: America, Can We Talk?