13 Sep Show Highlights – Week of September 9, 2019
Highlights from this past week on ACWT:
Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described.
Remembering the September 11, 2001 attacks seemed especially emotional for many this year. From my show this week, how we honor 9.11 matters, and Islamic terror attacks thwarted in America since 9.11
Human-trafficking has increased 846% over the last five years in America, and this includes child sex-trafficking. Meet Jeremy Mahugh and Deliver Fund, a unique group of former military and special ops professionals who know how to figure out these networks, dedicated to tracking down the traffickers and bringing them to justice.
Ed Butowsky joined me in studio to talk about his lawsuits against those he says defamed him for conveying a message from Julian Assange/Wikileaks, to the parents of Seth Rich, the murdered DNC staffer, about Rich’s role giving Assange the DNC emails. Courts so far NOT willing to let NPR and other defendants off the hook.
Big implications for the FBI/Mueller investigation if the Russians did not hack the DNC server: who knew and when.
SCOTUS upheld President Trump’s most recent Executive Order relating to non-citizens seeking asylum. Great news given the recent discovery of operators in Mexico who successfully smuggled Bangladesh illegal aliens into the US, a scary fact given that Bangladesh is overrun with ISIS and al Qaeda and other unsavory characters. Story here.
Lt Gen Michael Flynn MAY be on the path to getting justice, due to the tenacity of his attorney Sidney Powell.
NFL quarterback Drew Brees drew an angry attack from LGBTQ advocacy groups for recording a short ad urging kids to bring their Bibles to school for National Bring Your Bible to School Day this year. Guess that tolerance thing only goes one way.
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