22 Mar Sundance/Conservative Treehouse – Patriot Fuel
There is a reason we repost so many columns/comments from Sundance/Conservative Treehouse. He is an American hero; an old school patriot with a rare combination of discernment and insight and ‘plain-speaking’ talent that is immeasurably impactful…and all to the good.
Here’s an excerpt from his latest, and this is spot on:
Opposition to presidential candidate Donald Trump does not originate from a baseline of domestic ideology, or social stuff. The epicenter of opposition to Donald Trump, all of it, stems from the background understanding “there are trillions at stake.”
The people deep inside the global banking and financial system are the originating opposition to Donald Trump. Controlled Lawfare, purchased politicians (both sides), weaponized institutions of government, the intelligence community, corporate media, big tech, all of it, and all the controlled/purchased people within it… are the weapons in the arsenal of those who control banking and finance; the aforementioned are their army.
The awakening continues, and the apoplexy created in the minds of our opposition has caused them to become increasingly visible. Pretenses are being dropped quickly.
Read the full post here: Tucker Carlson Interviews Ron Paul – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)