The Incomparable Elizabeth Nickson…

The Incomparable Elizabeth Nickson…

…strikes again, in this latest post:  “A brutalist regime dies in absurdity, illogic, and circus animals passing for leaders.

“Finger on the pulse” of America doesn’t begin to describe Ms. Nickson’s range and insight as to what is really going on around the world in general and America (and Canada) in particular.  She’s no dealer in bogus hopium.   She senses right and wrong, good and evil, and has become a one-stop-shop to gather stories from around the world that validate her perspective.

It’s a perspective that sees BIG movements of thought, away from mind-blowing levels of ruling class corruption and amorality, back to a decency and sanity and morality that rebuilds society from the ground up…from what the founders called ‘we the people’.  The founders weren’t offering hopium; they were setting a foundation in eternal ‘self-evident’ truths.  Ms. Nickson appears to have an innate understanding of exactly that.



A brutalist regime dies in absurdity, illogic, and circus animals passing for leaders.