The Speaker’s Race; Interview with Tami Nantz of SmartGirlPolitics

The Speaker’s Race; Interview with Tami Nantz of SmartGirlPolitics

Listen to the podcast from the first hour of our October 11th show on 660AM.

Next up for the Speaker’s job should NOT be a matter of whose turn it is; this is about finding articulate, visionary conservative Republican leadership that will actually speak up to Americans about the imperative of stopping the Obama agenda—including passing legislation that Obama vetoes. Obama’s taunting of the GOP in the House needs to stop, and a record needs to be created of GOP solutions and Obama vetoes.


Tami Nantz of Smart Girl Politics calls in to talk with Debbie about responsible approaches to crime, mass violence and the 2nd Amendment. Disarming Americans who need protection—like women and children—isn’t this a real war on women, even a war on children? Tami talks about the empowering benefit of having learned to use a gun.

Listen here.