The Trump Verdict, Pearl Harbor, and the Sleeping Giant

The Trump Verdict, Pearl Harbor, and the Sleeping Giant

Millions in America and around the world are outraged after a Democrat jury in Manhattan, in a case brought by an avowed Trump-hater and overseen by a transparently conflicted and spiteful Trump-hating judge, convicted Republican President Trump on 34 preposterous counts related to allegedly falsifying business records. Within 24 hours of the verdict, that outrage was expressed in the form of massive donations to the Trump campaign, to the tune of $52.8 million, a record haul.


To get up to speed on the unprecedented corruption required for this rogue prosecutor to contort the facts into this persecution, check out A Primer on the Trump Case, and a great piece by Clarice Feldman, The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences, as well as the WSJ’s A Guilty Verdict for Trump and Its Consequences for the Country.


In short, the entire case was bogus, a not-at-all-hidden vehicle to destroy a political opponent, and everyone on both sides of the aisle knows it.


This is bigger than a mere political battle against the GOP’s 2024 presidential candidate.


There is an overarching point Americans intuitively recognize, and a fear they feel, that matter greatly. The point is that this conviction is another victory for the domestic Marxist Left in their ongoing mission to destroy the foundations of American freedom and the guarantee of self-governance.  The fear is about whether we Americans can summon the will and muster the sustained fortitude to defeat it.


Since the stolen election of 2020, Americans have watched today’s Marxist Left orchestrate the ongoing invasion at the southern border and the entry into America of millions upon millions of likely enemy combatants, weaponize federal law enforcement agencies against Americans who protested on January 6th, institute and expand government surveillance and censorship, push a CBDC that will eliminate the people’s control over their own money, and attempt to disbar lawyers who filed cases laying out credible evidence of the systemic election fraud the left perpetrates.


Compounding that, the world is in the midst of an exploding lust of unaccountable globalists for centralization of power in their hands, and the growing spread of socialism/communism…and the current administration appears to be 100% on board with this agenda.   They pushed for the now at least temporarily stalled attempt to anoint the WHO with absolute power to control America’s response to future pandemics. They advocate surrender of American sovereignty to the likes of WEF and other globalists in the arenas of faux climate change alarmism and radical pandemic measures and agendas around population control and wealth redistribution. Those who are well-informed are deeply alarmed at all of this.


America and her ideals—including her commitment to individual freedom and to American sovereignty—is the boulder in the road to ALL of these efforts. Donald Trump is the leader that the vast majority of Americans see as the strongest advocate for American freedom and sovereignty. The one who will stand up.


In decrying Bragg’s blatant attack on Trump and millions of his supporters, many have paraphrased the famous statement attributed to Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto after the Pearl Harbor attack: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.”


But here’s the BIG FEAR. The fear millions hold.


It’s the fear that Leftists in America have seized power and are on a rampage to destroy the right of the people to elect their government, and that too few will fight back. The fear that the Leftist takedown of America that is evident to millions around the world will be met with caution, timidity, and an utterly misguided bow to the “we can’t stoop to their level” mindset. That the ruling class will pontificate and bloviate and then do nothing.  That there are no sleeping giants left…or if there are, that they are inexplicably still sleeping.


And yet…


This preposterous Trump conviction is a turning point; it has awakened Americans on both sides of the aisle. I truly believe that the Republican Party and the RNC in particular WILL engage in the fight for American and GOP values as never before. We the People will not tolerate this lawless trial and verdict.



Admiral Yamamoto didn’t say exactly who the ‘sleeping giant’ was that he was afraid of.  But I don’t think he was afraid of America’s ruling class.  I think he was afraid of the American people.  He may have intuitively known their character; their love of country; their capacity to be aroused to ‘terrible resolve’.


I believe that character, love and capacity for resolve live in American patriots today…and the Trump verdict will prove to be today’s Pearl Harbor.


Here are just a few ways today’s terrible resolve can be put into action:


  • The RNC can move up the convention to July 4th– and nominate Trump even before he is sentenced…to make it clear up and down the corrupt New York judicial system that the people are irate and are not going to be denied their preferred nominee for President.


  • Republican DAs can initiate prosecutions in Republican jurisdictions of crimes committed by these Marxists, and in particular they can look for state-based criminal charges to level against federal officials.


  • The GOP House majority should vote to defund rogue agencies.


  • House Committees should move beyond more hearings and fact-gathering and strongly worded letters, and initiate contempt proceedings, including the use of the Congressional Sargeant-at-Arms to arrest and detain those found in contempt.


  • Americans should inundate the offices of their members of Congress with unrelenting calls and texts and emails demanding action.


  • Americans should fly their American flags in the upside-down ‘distress’ position, and buy and fly Trump flags alongside.


  • Peaceful civil protests should spread and expand all over America.



Let’s roll.

