Upcoming Show – November 1, 2015

Upcoming Show – November 1, 2015


Debbie Georgatos,  Host

Ladies, Can We Talk?  Sundays 6 to 8PM  CST

Live in North Texas on 660AM The Answer

Live Online anywhere at:  http://tinyurl.com/LCWTListenLive

Podcasts of all shows available at americacanwetalk.org.

On Ladies, CWT? we talk truth about America, and about what the news of the week means to you.

This week on Ladies, CWT? we will try to talk about (probably cannot fit it ALL in during the two hour show…)

The GOP Debate & Presidential race …
Frayed race relations… who is burning black churches in St. Louis?
BlackLivesMatter protesters disrupt Hillary
The budget deal
Obama’s Democrat policies hurt working women— so Hillary wants to expand them ..?
Veterans Administration reforms stymied by big public unions and EPA snubs Congressional subpoenas — and Congress is powerless?
REINS Act to the rescue
HIllary’s fundraising soars after Benghazi testimony …  after she was proven to have lied ..

Guests this week on Ladies, CWT:


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STAR PARKER, founder of Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE, at http://www.urbancure.org), which is dedicated to fighting poverty, and restoring dignity through faith, freedom and personal responsibility. Star’s life story and passion to inspire Americans to embrace all that is good and great about America, will inspire you! Hear what she thinks of the BlackLikesMatter movement.




Screen Shot 2015-10-31 at 12.15.50 PMREGGIE LITTLEJOHN, founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and driving force behind the Save A Girl campaign in China, dedicated to ending forced abortion and saving girls’ lives.  A Yale law graduate, Reggie left her law practice behind to found her organization and join the fight against forced abortion.




Leading Ladies in the second hour this week are: 

Chris Davis & Mari Sullivan

ChrisDavisSmallPic MariSullivanSmallPic







Speaking up for America (always!), 

Debbie Georgatos
Ladies, Can We Talk?
“Where ALL issues are women’s issues”
Thanks for listening every Sunday to Ladies, Can We Talk?
Feel free to email me at [email protected] with your comments.

Ladies, Can We Talk?