Virus as Leftist Weapon; John Guandolo; Masks/Social Distancing – Fruit of Bad Models

Virus as Leftist Weapon; John Guandolo; Masks/Social Distancing – Fruit of Bad Models

Articles reviewed in preparation for the May 7th show:

Virus: Left’s Weapon to Destroy America

The third wave of the left’s attempted destruction of America



Interview John Guandolo

Throwback Thursday: Jihadis at the Highest Level of Government

Is Coronavirus a Chinese Biological Attack?

Be Alert to Marxists Controlling the Coronavirus Narrative to Advance Totalitarianism

The Communist Takedown of America

Minneapolis’ Call to Prayer Ushered in by Communist-Jihadi Cabal Controlling MN


Masks & Social Distancing: Fruit of the Poisoned Models 

NYC cop union head demands an end to enforcing social distancing