Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, January 21st, 2022

Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, January 21st, 2022

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, January 21st, 2022!
     Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described.

Personally … (my weekly note to you):

My Very Fine Friends,

One of the most plainspoken yet entertaining members of the United States Senate, GOP Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, said recently:

“The American people are getting pretty tired of being called a racist or a traitor or a Nazi because they don’t agree with the president’s woke neosocialist agenda. And that is why his poll numbers are on a journey to the center of the earth.”

Kennedy’s flair for humor is legendary (he once said he trusts some in the Middle East as much as “gas station sushi”), but his candor and astute observations are even more valuable. Biden currently “earned” a 54% disapproval rating, with only 28% wanting him to run again. These numbers represent a significant decline of support for him and his agenda just over the past few months.

Biden’s bad polling numbers are cause for optimism, because they show that the American people still love and believe in freedom. They are flat-out outraged by the ongoing assault on America happening right before our eyes. America is growing weary of and less willing to tolerate the unrelenting fear campaign around covid, coupled with the socialist/marxist assault on our fundamental freedom to travel and engage in normal life unless we will surrender our heath care freedom.

But there is another reason for even greater, yet cautious, optimism.

The Biden-Harris-Obama-Soros anti-American cabal that is ruling America may be starting to “lose” even their liberal base.

One tidbit on this comes from a Bill Maher show episode featuring Bari Weiss,  former opinion writer at the far-left New York Times (!) who pronounced herself  “done with covid,” and expressed the same frustration with covid tyranny you hear from millions of conservatives. And Maher’s liberal audience cheered her on!

We of course have a long way to go in restoring the expectation and presumption of freedom in the hearts of the American people, and in rolling back the power and scope of government authority.

But Americans are watching as the UK has now rolled back almost all covid restrictions, and the Czech Republic has scrapped their vaccine mandate, and wondering why America, the Land of the Free, cannot do the same. Relatively moderate Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration challenging their withholding of federal funds based on covid-19 policy and masks in public schools.

Americans are waking up to the fact that the left has been and is trying to use covid to steal freedom, and they do not like it.

Freedom will win in America! Stay in the fight!

Speak Truth About America.
Facts Matter.  Truth Matters.  America Matters.
I’ll talk to you next week. I can’t wait!


Links to this week’s shows:

Whole Shows:

Tuesday January 18th, 2022. – Replayed Fabulous Interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 – Replayed Wonderful Interview with Amber & Mark Archer, Makers of The Mind Polluters Film

Interviews from this week:

John Guandolo Founder of Understanding the Threat, joined me to talk about the jihadi attack on the Dallas-area Beth Israel synagogue, and recent legislation out of Washington to protect against Islamophobia.

Blog posts from this week:

CHANGES in the AmericaCanWeTalk Membership Plan! 

   A new plan for this new year!
     AmericaCanWeTalk offers our listeners a membership program, very reasonably-priced at $50/year!  I would love for all of you to join.
     Starting this year, our membership benefits include a discounted price on our very popular conferences, access to the members’ section of our new website (under construction), participation in our periodic members private Zoom calls, an invitation to join us in studio on our special Thursday shows, and a discount on high quality ACWT products that will soon be available on our website.

But the main reason most people join AmericaCanWeTalk is because they value the news, information, and perspective they hear on the show every Monday through Thursday. Joining AmericaCanWeTalk is one way to stand up against the left wing media lies, bias, and anti-Americanism, and help to spread “truth about America.”

HOW to join: 
Go to THIS LINK to join using your credit card.
OR you can mail a check for $50. payable to “AmericaCanWeTalk” to:
CWT Publications
11700 Preston Road
Ste 660, #264
Dallas, TX 75230

(Paying by check means no CC fees, SO all of your donation makes it to ACWT)

Members can join our Thursday in-studio audience!

PLEASE email me directly at [email protected] if you are a member and would like to be part of the in-studio audience on any Thursday at 3pmCT. Put “Join Studio Audience on (fill in the date)” in the subject line, and we will get back with you.

 When & Where & How to Watch

      AmericaCanWeTalk (ACWT)   

PAST Shows & Interviews:
All of my past shows and interviews are available at my  AmericaCanWeTalk  website. Our website also contains our latest blog posts, a listing of our popular Why It Matters show feature, a copy of our weekly newsletter, and more.
ACWT’s  shows are also available almost immediately after the show on these social media platforms:

    Rumble.com & Gab.com  &  Locals.com &  Parler.com & Clouthub.com & Gettr.

Final tips for this week:

  • Forward this email! Help AmericaCanWeTalk grow!
  • If someone forwarded this email to you, go to my website here to sign up for yourself! Click on the “Subscribe” button on the home page.
  • This show is funded entirely by donations. If you would like to donate, you can do that here.  My message here explains more.

On AmericaCanWeTalk, I talk truth about America, and about why the stories and news of the day, matter to you.

Thank you so much, my very fine friends, for listening and subscribing to AmericaCanWeTalk!

Because America Matters, 
Debbie Georgatos
Host: America, Can We Talk?