Why It Matters – The December 17th Show

Why It Matters – The December 17th Show

J6 & Democrat Tyranny: Rachel Powell & John Strand


Justice ‘system’ treatment of J6 protesters is the most egregious, broad-based  abuse of the Rule of Law in American History

1.A brazenly stolen election in 2020, followed by…

2.A brazenly Deep State-engineered ‘insurrection’ narrative, followed by…

3.A DC Uniparty/Ruling Class of prosecutors and judges imposing totalitarian enforcement of lies on American citizens who did nothing more than exercise First Amendment rights

4.A prison administrative system embracing cruelty, depravity, immorality in treatment of innocent American citizens


Trump is RIGHT to plan on Day One pardons…but that should be only the beginning

ØCompensation/reparations for the unspeakable, wholly un-American treatment they have received is a MUST


Trump Cabinet Nominees vs GOP Senators


Sen. Tillis typifies the US Senate ‘Club’ that refuses to honor the will of the American people

  • Tillis has voiced the threat that just four Senators can block Trump appointments

The American people understand the Senate’s ‘advice and consent’ role, BUT

  • Tillis and others use it to cloak a ‘defy-the-people and defy-Trump and do-what-we-want’ attitude that the American people just OVERWHELMINGLY and EMPHATICALLY rejected

Across the USA, including in Texas, there remains a resisting strain of ruling class elitism that is determined to believe it has the right and the authority to ignore the people

ØThis is a huge miscalculation of the American spirit…and that spirit is likely to rise up ever more fiercely against the Tillis-types…look for early primary candidates gaining attention


The 2024 Election was a watershed moment in US history; the Senate needs to ‘get it’