Why It Matters – The January 22nd Show

Why It Matters – The January 22nd Show

Trump in Davos


This is what a confident and courageous leader looks like

ØGo right to the home turf of globalism, and extol ‘America First’
ØCall them out on their doomsaying and ‘expert’ predictions that were all wrong

Climate hysteria called out specifically; just latest in a series of bogus predictions

ØProclaim the formula of freedom, less taxes, less regulation, more trust in people
ØExpose the unfair history of trade agreements

President Trump is rising in the world’s estimation notwithstanding the Left’s screaming


Impeachment Theater & Danger


Paying attention to the impeachment farce arguably gives it respect it does not deserve

But a few observations:

Eric Ciaramella newly revealed talking in the WH in 2017 about removing Trump

ØNot a real whistleblower
ØImpeachment is not as a real focus on a real issue; just the latest in coup plotting

Senator Marsha Blackburn showing some spine:  This is a ‘political farce’

Bolton kerfuffle is ridiculous;  Cipollone as “witness”  over the top

ØIf executive privilege doesn’t apply to the President and his lawyer, and his National Security Advisor, there is no executive privilege

Impeachment is helping Trump’s re-election; Hurting America on the world stage; House Dems are trivializing America and the Constitution


Trump Rolls On: Anchor Babies, Refugees & Trade


ØThe President marches forward with the agenda he ran on; keeping his promises

This is a President acting like a President

ØThere are estimated to be 33,000 anchor babies per year…

New visa rules would question why a pregnant woman can’t defer a visit the USA

ØTravel restrictions considered for 7 more countries w/ significant Islamic population…

…some with disturbing record of visa overstays

ØChina Phase 1 trade deal is YUGE; Phase 2 could be bigger; USMCA = another win

Major new trade deal with UK expected

It’s no surprise:  Trump rally in Milwaukee – 57% NOT Republicans

Trump rally in Wildwood, NJ – 100,000 requests for 8,000 seat venue