Why It Matters – The July 30th Show

Why It Matters – The July 30th Show

Olympic Sized Mockery of Christianity


French Olympic Committee apology for mocking The Last Supper seems hollow

ØThey knew what they were doing; almost certainly had sign-off byFrench govt

ØBizarre determination to mock Christianity starkly contrasts with fear of insulting Islam

Christians do not have a single voice to speak for them—

…but there is a collective gut-feeling of revulsion…of refusal to just ‘let it slide’

The Last Supper is a profound event in Christian history

Introduced the sacrament; invited repentance, reformation, holiness

It did not encourage or celebrate sexualization and sensuality

…TV ratings for Olympics are likely to go down as a direct result of this mockery

Christianity is foundational to Western Civilization

It should be honored not mocked


The Insufferable Kamala & Deep State Gaslighting Mission


Kamala Harris:

ØThe least popular VP in the history of polling

ØNever received a single Democrat vote in a presidential primary

ØWasn’t able to draw even 100 people to first rally event

Kamala Harris is on record:

ØFacilitating the lawless border invasion (which she blamed on climate change)

ØFavoring mass amnesty for illegal immigrants

ØSupporting antifa after riots

ØFavoring defunding of the police

Massive gaslighting to deny Harris’ demonstrable record is obvious…and ridiculous

She was the “Border Czar”; she is the Most liberal Senator; she is NOT popular

DNC at critical point in next two days—will they stick with her?


Message to Deep State From Venezuela 


Venezuela illustrating the breaking point of stolen elections that are too obvious

ØMaduro is NOT popular, and everyone knows it

ØVenezuelans are NOT accepting his re-election as legitimate

ØVenezuelans are pouring into the streets

…praying the Lord’s Prayer

…tearing down statues of Maduro and Chavez

ØVZ police/military are fumbling…many are allied with the people and NOT the govt

Too soon to tell how Venezuela will emerge, but the US Deep State should be worried

ØThe American people will NOT accept another stolen election

ØGaslighting effort to legitimize Harris as popular is NOT believable or sustainable

US Deep State ought to refocus on foreign adversaries

Not on controlling US domestic politics


Election Fraud Fight: Fearless Relentlessness Required


Filthy voter rolls and programmable voting machines are the death knell of honest elections

ØPointing this out triggers officialdom’s mockery, arrogance, obstinacy, defiance

America has been blessed by patriots who have stood up to the onslaught and spoken truth

ØTina Peters…soon to go on trial in Colorado for pointing out the rigged machines

ØDr. Douglas Frank, Seth Keshel, David Clements—

…each has crisscrossed the country at great expense in money and time

…each has been the target of very personal hit pieces

…each has been rejected by both wings of the Uniparty


America’s elections will not be restored by more poll workers or better ID-checking

Massive overhaul is needed; patriots must make it happen