Why It Matters – The June 13th Show

Why It Matters – The June 13th Show

FBI Protects Biden, Endangers America


Sen. Charles Grassley took to the floor of US Senate yesterday….

Announced that FBI’s FD 1023 that describes bribery allegations involving Biden…

ALSO includes recitation of facts regarding existence of 17 audio recordings involving Joe and Hunter Biden and Ukrainians


  • The FBI redacted info about these tapes from the US Congress
  • The FBI was willfully hiding evidence of Biden’s criminal behavior from the US Congress

There is NO possibility of preserving a functioning Republic with an FBI that lies and conceals criminal presidential behavior from elected Representatives of the people

Wray should be impeached and removed from office

the FBI should be figuratively razed to the ground

America MUST start over with ‘federal’ law enforcement


Impeachment vs Treason


Standard for impeachment defined in the Constitution as ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’

  • Treason is the highest of ‘high crimes’ for a President to commit

ØBiden family’s receipt of bribes from Ukraine becoming irrefutable

ØHunter Biden laptop signals financial payoffs from CCP-linked enterprises/initiatives

If the US C-in-Chief acts because of personal financial interests to favor enemies of the USA–

…is this aiding and abetting an enemy of America?  …in clear violation of the oath of office?

Biden family corruption is the most serious and compromising in US history

All Americans are put in danger by this brazenly corrupt behavior

Impeachment and removal ought to be bipartisan and prompt


July 4th & YOU


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Loneliness Police & Senator BS’s Newest Free Lunch Scheme

Sen. Chris Murphy has taken up Surgeon General’s ‘advisory’ re loneliness

  • Actually promising to introduce legislation to address loneliness

Sen. BS joining with AOC to introduce legislation for 3-meals-a-day from public schools

Murphy and BS are highlighting the stark difference between America vs. socialism

  • No one likes loneliness or hungry children
  • BUT fighting loneliness and providing meals as part of public education are NOT govt’s business under the American Constitution

Families centered around faith, self-reliance and self-govt under God ARE America’s foundation for addressing individual and collective problems

big govt as God never works…instead, it makes everything worse

Americans should reject Murphy, BS and AOC’s proposals…as BS


Best Homerun EVER: Girls’ Softball Team


University of Oklahoma women’s softball team won third straight national title

  • 53 straight wins; 29 shutouts !!

Post national championship press conference:

  • Three ‘diverse’ OK stars individually but unanimously highlight love of Christ

as their preeminent guide and motivation

  • Video clip of this conference has gone viral

Congrats and Thanks to OK Women’s team for contributing to America’s reawakening!

A perfect illustration of true American diversity AND true unity