25 Jun Why It Matters – The June 25th Show
Cultural Marxism and Speech
FSU Student Senate President removed for comments to Catholic friends regarding factual ways BLM public agenda violates Catholic teaching (e.g., abortion; transgenderism)
Replaced by ‘Palestinian’ student who proclaims Israel to be like Nazi Germany
Cultural Marxists do not have a better idea; they are not promoting a more perfect union
- They are sowing division and hatred according to their godless view of the world,
And innocent students and Americans are manipulated by the Marxists
How many more examples will it take to wake up American patriots en masse?
Principled push-back is possible and essential
American patriots must rise up
FB: MAGA = Terrorism
Project Veritas videos expose Facebook ‘moderators’
When she sees a photo of a person with a MAGA hat, she will block it as terrorism
- These people are serious
- These people have paid jobs at Facebook
- These people have been educated to believe that love of America equates to terrorism
The price of false teaching and indoctrination that has festered for decades on American campuses is becoming clear…and the bill is coming due
The American people MUST rise and reverse this
It is a generational task; it will not be corrected in one election
Covid Truth: Numbers & Economy
So much has been learned, but is NOT changing policy
- Covid not nearly as lethal as feared; it is NOT the plague
- No ‘scientific’ evidence shelter-in-place has helped anything
- New cases now are overwhelmingly of the mild variety, often asymptomatic
- Isolated geographic instances of ICU strain NOT indicative of system wide problem
YET elected officials are in love with nanny state/dictatorial powers
Americans must insist on a return to trusting freedom and free people as the remedy
Government provides information and guidance
Americans decide how to take care of themselves
and their families, friends and neighbors