08 Jun Why It Matters – The June 8th Show
DeSantis Combats CCP
Suspicions are rising:
The original blocking of the ‘Wuhan lab leak’ story may have been because many US politicians, media companies, and corporations have a vested interest in friendly relations with China and in access to Chinese markets…and lab leak allegations could ruffle CCP feathers…
So…silence allegations with “conspiracy theory!” & “Orange Man Bad and can never be right!”
- Hunter Biden laptop suggests Biden family compromised by CCP
- Election fraud evidence now implicating China
A generation of US political and business leaders have been asleep to the threat of communism to American freedom…but not Florida Governor Ron DeSantis—
who is calling out the CCP and waking up American politicians across the country
Barack Defends CRT & Attacks White America
Obama actively defending critical race theory…spinning a story that
- Right-wing media is stoking fears among white people of changing US demographics
- The American people are well-meaning but haven’t fully reconciled their evil past
- Opposition to HR 1 involves the right trying to rig elections
- Americans don’t fear other Americans; they love their fellow Americans
They fear a loss of America’s founding ideals in a Marxist revolution
- Americans don’t deny any mistakes or flaws of the past; they show by decades of action a determination to correct and rectify them
- Opposition to HR 1 is opposition to all forms of election rigging/cheating
The MAGA Agenda has fully exposed anti-American, radical leftism
Obama will not be able to re-hide radical leftism (his or others)