01 May Why It Matters – The May 1st Show
Human Nature Thrives on Freedom (Socialism Smothers Everything)
Biden admin wants creditworthy borrowers to subsidize un-creditworthy borrowers
Separating reward from effort simply assures no one will make the effort
If everyone gets the same grade in a class, no one will try to get a high grade
èA race to mediocrity
Separating consequences from behavior will assure that the behavior continues
No penalty for theft è theft will continue
Making the play-by-the-rules people subsidize those who don’t play by the rules
èNobody will play by the rules
Socialism promotes lawlessness and slothèSociety decays and degrades
Freedom promotes human flourishing
Leftist Crime & Trans Policy Defy Human Nature
A developing pattern of rapists ‘transitioning’ so as to be placed in women’s prisons
èResult: Prisons experiencing more rape and abuse of women
How can anyone not know why this is happening?
How can anyone pretend that this is ok?
Humoring fashionable lunacy has never carried such a steep societal cost
Children are being scarred for life
Suicides are rising
Line-drawing on matters of morality has been washed away
Time for an unequivocal NO to trans ideology
Chinese Threat at Joe’s Southern Border
Videos of military-aged single Chinese men coming in at southern border are going viral
Americans are right to ask what is going on?
There is NO peaceful explanation for this phenomenon that is credible
There are many belligerent and nefarious explanations that are increasingly credible
…and very disturbing
Formation of an occupying army???!!!
ØWhat would activate it?
Why wouldn’t an American President stop this or at least investigate?
This is Woman’s Hour: Feminism Today
Feminism was in many ways disguised leftism
- Touting professional advancement for women seems positive
…except when accompanied by the denigration of motherhood
- Supporting freedom from domestic/sexual abuse is positive
…except when accompanied by advocacy of rampant sexual license in place of morality
- Feminism as leftism has been fully exposed by trans ideology
Trans ideology is the absolute end of women’s sports; it is an insult to women’s rights and equality
But it is consistent with leftists’ view of transhumanism and godless ‘carbon unit’ identity
American women MUST rise to lead the complete rejection of trans ideology