23 May Why It Matters – The May 23rd Show
Posted at 17:25h
in Why It Matters
Judge Dismisses Kari Lake Election Lawsuit Again
Three-day trial with new evidence—especially surrounding phony signature verification—ends with trial judge finding the evidence was ‘not clear and convincing’
- Kari Lake will appeal
Evidence of a stolen election is Arizona is overwhelming — And the people of Arizona know it
Are judges intimidated by the leftist/communist mobs…and willfully denying truth?
- There can never be justice without devotion to truth and honesty
- No judicial system can survive the brazen denial of truth
- Nothing can confer legitimacy on Soros-funded Katie Hobbs…her ‘election’ was an obvious sham — And the people of Arizona know it
Leftist mobs and Pravda media will proclaim Hobbs’s victory…but it is all a lie
Turmoil will continue in AZ and USA; Judges cannot make a lie into truth