31 May Why It Matters – The May 31st Show
Political Persecution in America: J6 & More
No excuse any longer for DC prosecutors or DC judges…
- J6 was NOT an insurrection, and everyone knows it
- Feds were key to staging the event and whipping up emotion, and everyone knows it
- Hands-off treatment of BLM rioters is indefensible…an unconscionable double standard
ØTime to stop the Stalinist railroading of innocent J6 protesters who did nothing wrong
ØTime to stand for truth, integrity, honesty and fairness in administration of justice
ØTime to uphold American standards of due process for J6 defendants and Lawfare victims
Conscience matters in America…follow it!
Deeper Point of Paxton Impeachment
Texas House has made itself the national poster child for the core conflict of this era:
ØA ‘ruling class’ that thinks it is better and wiser than American voters
…and therefore must control who wins elections
Texas statute explicitly bars impeachment of elected officials for actions prior to election
- Precisely intended to let voters decide who they want in office
- Candidate strengths and weaknesses debated by election campaigns, decided by voters
- No elite group has the power to overrule voters on issues already debated and decided
TX House impeachment of AG Paxton is straight-up, in-your-face defiance of Texas statute
Texans are red—conservative and angry—because their elected reps condescend to them
Paxton impeachment may be a pivotal, ‘existential’ moment
for the GOP in Texas…and America
Biden’s Latest Ministry of Truth Tactic: GDI
Biden cabal insistent on treating all political opponents as terrorists…as threats to America
…it’s really war on traditional American values…pure Marxist revolution
‘Global Disinformation Index’ (GDI) is a govt tool for ‘tracking’ ‘riskiest’ purveyors of ‘disinformation’
…all of which turn out to be conservative publications that question cabal narratives
EXAMPLES–Reputable studies have recently shown:
- The more vaccinated you are, the more likely you are to contract covid
- Covid did NOT arise from nature
Did you know of these studies? If not, why not? This is govt censorship in action
None of Biden cabal behavior is normal; none of it is grounded in American ideals
It is an attempt to overthrow Constitutional America
Americans MUST awaken to it and MUST stop it
Taxpayer-Funded HATE in NYC
CUNY commencement speaker a proud, raving, viciously hateful anti-Semite
- Reveling in the opportunity her classmates gave her to rail on Jews
CUNY is taxpayer-funded by New Yorkers
Is New York still capable of recognizing this poison? Of denouncing it?
Speaker has the right to free speech…but audience has the right to be disgusted
…and taxpayers ought to have the right not to subsidize obviously bigoted opinion that has a known history of inciting violence
NYC Mayor Adams is at last re-thinking illegal immigration and sanctuary cities
Maybe he will also reawaken to the poison of anti-Semitism