Why It Matters – The September 1st Show

Why It Matters – The September 1st Show

Chase UN-Cancels Lt. Gen. Flynn


  • After cancelling Flynn family credit cards for ‘reputational risk’, Chase rescinds cancellation…says it was a ‘mistake’
  • Unlikely Chase made a mistake…more likely—they bowed to the leftist mob insisting on cancelling Flynn, but then public outcry led to pushback from other Chase customers that made a public apology necessary for Chase’s overall commercial well-being

Major, important takeaways from the Chase/Flynn ‘incident’:

  • American patriots have much more market clout than they realize
  • American patriots far outnumber leftist mobs, but patriots are not professional agitators
  • Watch for continued organizing efforts among American patriots voting with their dollars

Corporate America is a weathervane – it will shift if the political winds shift


Public Communist/Indoctrination Schools


Project Veritas releases video:  earnest, ‘AP Government’ public school teacher proudly proclaims desire to teach communism to seniors in high school; to persuade them to become revolutionaries against American government, and reward them accordingly

LA teacher’s union leader speaks out:  No harm from closing public schools; students learned about consequences of attempted coup and insurrection; no big deal if a few math lessons missed

  • This is why home-schooling is expanding dramatically
  • This is why school choice initiatives are gaining broad traction throughout the country

Americans intuit the truth of America’s founding ideals

and they want them taught, not distorted and denigrated

by taxpayer-funded schools


ACWT Summit & UPCOMING Special Shows


September 18 Summit shaping up as tremendously relevant, hugely impactful

Get your tickets now!  And tell your 25 best friends to do the same!

Great upcoming lineup of Thursday, “Members Only” Show Guests

  • 9/2: Peter McCullough – on healthcare freedom in the covid era
  • 9/9: Col. Allen West – on running for Governor of Texas
  • 9/16: Col. Matthew Lohmeier – First Commander of US Space Force

These are stellar American leaders at a time when leaders are in short supply

Become a member of ACWT and tune in!

$5 per month, or $50 per year


Biden’s “Team” Divided


Biden finishes speech claiming that no one saw the collapse of the Afghan govt. coming…

…within hours of Biden finishing his speech, intel community leaks to Reuters a transcript of a

July 23 Biden call with Afghan president that suggest both saw it coming

            …which immediately makes Biden look like a liar to the American public

Internecine battles within administrations are not new, but this is especially dangerous

…because no one really knows who is running the White House, and now competing factions inside the government are “outing” Biden’s lies. Not just a problem within America, but a further signal to the world of weakness, ineptitude, and betrayal inside America’s leadership.

America is in unprecedented times … very troubled waters


To insist on accountability and honesty