05 Sep Why It Matters – The September 5th Show
BOB in Europe & What Time It Is in America
The Band of Brothers responded to a clear physical assault on America and freedom
- They knew their cause was just and righteous
- They were not fearless; they fought despite their fears…which IS courage
- They were aided by an ‘underground’ of support from common people
- Could the carnage they faced have been lessened if Churchill’s warnings had been heeded?
America in 2023 is under all-out assault…more comprehensive than in WWII
- The war is so far more mental than physical—v. leftist mockery mobs, MSM snobbery, elitism
- Abundant warnings are being shouted from the rooftops
- An ‘underground’ of MAGA patriots has solidified and is now above ground
- Plenty of fear among Americans…but growing evidence of courage to act in spite of fear
Stakes and stark choices are clear
The leftist assault MUST be defeated
The Paxton Impeachment Trial
Context matters
- Ken Paxton defeated RINOs at every stage of his career…and they hate him for it
- Paxton as AG has gone after election fraud, and is investigating Big Pharma
…and the ruling class hates him for that, too
- Grounds for impeachment were well known well before the Nov. 22 election
- Texans spoke clearly with their votes: they want Ken Paxton as AG.
In this context, impeachment is a barely disguised ruling class attempt to overrule Texas voters
ØTexas House is run by Democrats (see MQS’ documentary “The Texas Heist”)
ØTexas House did not pass legislation to meet conservative priorities
…but had time for an ambush impeachment, sprung at the end of the session?
ØNothing about the impeachment process was transparent, fair or consistent with due process
Texas Senate should Dismiss the Impeachment charges for flagrant violation of due process
If the Texas House is really serious, then re-initiate impeachment proceedings
openly, by the Reps, on the record, under oath, with defense
I am running for RNC Committeewoman for Texas
The election will be conducted at Texas GOP convention in May 2024
A 4 year term serving in a 153 member group
New website: www.DebbieG4rnc.com – Full details on who I am and why I’m running
American Patriots MUST stand up and fill every ‘lane’ needed to restore this country
ØRNC Committeewoman for Texas is a lane I feel uniquely qualified to fill…so I am stepping up to fill it
The RNC MUST be newly and freshly connected with, responsive to and respectful of the MAGA base voters…and I intend to be a force to make that happen
I welcome and treasure any and all support from ACWT listeners!
Please go to my website and get involved!