First Five

Fifteen ballots to elect McCarthy in exchange for ‘concessions’ is not a failure, embarrassment, or otherwise deserving of criticism or mockery. It also did NOT harm the GOP brand. “Concessions” agreed to by McCarthy should never have been necessary to win. #GOP #Republicans #KevinMcCarthy #AmericaMatters...

Detroit school board orders removal of Dr. Ben Carson’s name from the name of a high school, to be replaced with the name of an early black woman doctor. Not a harmless, quirky little anecdote, part and parcel of a political agenda to drive traditional pro-American ideals out of the...

Dystopian disconnect between American ‘rulers’ and the American people has never wider and it's growing ever wider. Several things have been going on in America, like rigged elections, overrun borders that are dangerous to America citizens, and even nefarious plandemics. #Elections #Borders #Plandemic #AmericaMatters...

The evidence of fraud in the AZ election is overwhelming; it smacks of ‘intentionality’ and nefariousness. It is plainly at an outcome-changing level. Kari Lake’s lawsuit over the Arizona mid-term election will put judicial integrity to the test. #KariLake #Arizona #MidTerm #AmericaMatters...

Musk’s exposure of the ‘Twitter Files” causes major weekend upheaval. Twitter Files show active collaboration and ‘collusion’ among Twitter, DNC, Biden campaign to control relevant presidential campaign news. #Twitter #SocialMedia #Left #Musk #AmericaMatters...