First Five

Americans are waking up to their own government as a government of lies, just like in the Truman Show. The amount of lies is unsustainable, the American people will not tolerate it. Law and order cannot be maintained without truth. #Lies #Truth #AmericaMatters...

Blinken in China, says US not in favor of Taiwan’s independence, just like Biden saying a minor or limited incursion by Russia into Ukraine not a problem. The Biden cabal green-lighted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and now the Biden cabal is green-lighting CCP invasion of Taiwan. #Blinken #Biden #China #Taiwan #AmericaMatters...

George Washington as ‘Father of Our Country’ is the ultimate role model for Presidential demeanor, judgement and fidelity to the Constitution and the cause of human freedom. America needs new George Washington-caliber leaders of exemplary character. #FathersDay #Fathers #Leaders #AmericaMatters...

Sen. Charles Grassley took to the floor of US Senate and announced that FBI’s FD 1023 that describes bribery allegations involving Biden. There is no possibility of preserving a functioning Republic with an FBI that lies and conceals criminal presidential behavior from elected Representatives of the people. #FBI #Biden #Left #AmericaMatters...

Trump indictment is transparently politicized, weaponized lawfare, not justice. Protesters in Miami must stay peaceful during Trumps court appearance, but the Biden cabal wants violence to justify further reactive tyranny. #Trump #Indicted #AmeircaMatters...

SPLC adds “Moms for Liberty” to ‘hate groups’ because Moms for Liberty says that “Gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder that is being normalized by predators” and more things alike. Americans MUST wake up, SPLC is a profoundly anti-Christian hate group SPLC must be publicly denounced and discredited at...

The average age of D-Day troops was 19 years old and nobody believes America today has enough 19 year olds willing to take the cliffs of Normandy to defend freedom. America's warriors today don't face the bullets and bombs of the German army, they face the mockery of leftist mobs...

It was the three-year anniversary of BLM riots in Washington, DC. ZERO prosecutions by DC District Attorney of BLM rioters and relentless prosecution of J6 ‘unlawful paraders’. It is impossible to reconcile the behavior of DC prosecutors with anything remotely resembling justice based on truth, honesty and fairness, this is...