Quick Clips

Clip of Interview with Texas Representative Brian Harrison (R, HD10), X: @brianeharrison, https://House.Texas.gov/members/10. “They are growing government in Austin at rates that would make D.C. Democrats blush!” - Representative Brian Harrison (R, HD10) @brianeharrison shares the shocking budget tied to the “Texas DOGE Committee” “Texas voted Republicans in office as the...

Clip of Interview with Texas Representative Brian Harrison (R, HD10), X: @brianeharrison, https://House.Texas.gov/members/10. “They are growing government in Austin at rates that would make D.C. Democrats blush!” - Representative Brian Harrison (R, HD10) @brianeharrison shares the shocking budget tied to the “Texas DOGE Committee” “Texas voted Republicans in office as the...

Interview with Tom Homan, Border Czar under President Donald Trump, @RealTomHoman, @Border911Live, President & CEO of BORDER911. Former Acting ICE Director, Retired Federal Agent To Watch the Full show: https://rumble.com/v5yodxb-interview-with-tom-homan-full-episode-acwt-interviews-12.12.24.html Follow Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk Show Host Website: http://americacanwetalk.org Twitter: https://x.com/DebbieCanWeTalk Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@AmericaCanWeTalk OBBM: https://www.obbmnetwork.tv/series/america-can-we-talk-207873 Instagram:...

Frank Gaffney & Debbie Georgatos discuss the threat China presents to America. For a vast library about the Present Danger of China go to: https://presentdangerchina.org/ Interview with Frank Gaffney. National Security Expert. Founder of Center for Security Policy. Author, The Indictment (and many other books), Securing America Substack, Present Danger...

Frank Gaffney & Debbie Georgatos discuss why Globalism may sound nice but it will quickly eradicate Freedom. For a vast library about the Present Danger of China go to: https://presentdangerchina.org/ Interview with Frank Gaffney. National Security Expert. Founder of Center for Security Policy. Author, The Indictment (and many other books),...

Frank Gaffney & Debbie Georgatos discuss Frank’s latest book & China and the globalists desires to destroy the Judao-Christian West. Interview with Frank Gaffney. National Security Expert. Founder of Center for Security Policy. Author, The Indictment (and many other books), Securing America Substack, Present Danger China Founder, Sovereignty Coalition co-founder. @frankgaffney Read...

Chad Jackson is the simply extraordinary producer of the documentary “Uncle Tom II” which brilliantly addresses cultural Marxism. He is the co-producer/writer of the 2022 Documentary Film: Uncle Tom 2 Follow @chadojackson Watch the Trailer of Uncle Tom 2: imdb.com/video/vi236634649/?ref_=vp_rv_ap_0 Watch the full interview with Debbie Georgatos & Chad Jackson: https://rumble.com/v5pdeu8-interview-with-chad-jackson-full-episode-acwt-interviews-11.14.24.html Follow Debbie Georgatos, America Can...

Black Men are moving away from the Democrat Party “Prior to the Civil Rights Movement, 3 out of 4 black children were growing up in a home with both parents. After the Civil Rights Movement 70% of black children are growing up in single mother households.” Chad Jackson, Co-producer/Writer of the...