Emerald Robinson – Conditioning Polls are Foundational to Election Theft

Emerald Robinson – Conditioning Polls are Foundational to Election Theft

Emerald Robinson gets it…she explains in this post exactly what is necessary to rigging and then stealing an election:  the public must be conditioned to believe the rigged result is plausible.  That’s what’s happening right now in the all-out, no-holds-barred effort to prop up Harris.

Harris is supposed to wrap up the official DNC delegate ‘vote’ on August 1st.  It will be interesting to see if the DNC masterminds believe their own bs…or if they know she’s a sure loser and needs to be replaced.  Their allegiance to identity politics probably precludes replacing her at this point, but there will be a lot of off-camera handwringing at the top of the DNC.  They have to maintain the conditioning effort for at least three months, and she needs to stay away from counter-conditioning word salads for three months.  Pretty tall order.


Democrats Must Rig Public Perception Of The 2024 Election First!