
Emerald Robinson embodies hope for America.  She’s not fooled and will not be played by anyone’s psyops.  And her ranks are growing. America and Americans do not support barbaric terrorists.  The ‘pro-Palestinian’ protests do not have the air of authenticity…because they are not authentic.  Facts have a way of getting...

Emerald Robinson is an American journalist in the highest and best sense of that term.   She is tough and fearless.  And, as night follow day, she is HATED by the ruling class and leftists everywhere. Her latest post draws attention to the specific Tucker Carlson monologue that never aired but...

There are many Americans still oblivious or naive about what is happening to America under the installed Biden cabal.  Emerald Robinson is not one of them.  She’s a modern-day Paul Revere who has connected the dots and is bravely sharing those connections every week.  God bless her.  Share with as...

Emerald Robinson  @EmeraldRobinson You’re not fighting a civil war against “woke” Americans. You’re fighting World War III against communist nuclear powers who want the USA destroyed. China owns the Biden regime – and it wants to foment a civil war here. It’s called: unrestricted warfare. 12:54 PM · Dec 28,...

Emerald Robinson is a serious thinker who sees the big picture. An excerpt: Consider your present circumstances: your elections are rigged. An illegal regime, using a dementia patient who’s been bribed by China as its figurehead, just forced you to take a dangerous and untested shot — which has already...

Emerald Robinson is a savvy and brave American patriot who has the gift of blunt-speak.  Worth paying attention to. Her latest post reflects the deep stirring traditional Republican voters are feeling as they observe a bewilderingly out-of-touch Republican Party.  New blood is needed, and in a hurry. From the post:  ...

Mention the name Tucker Carlson to anyone, and the first word or reaction out of that person’s mouth almost certainly would NOT be ‘theologian’.  But in his remarks at the 50th anniversary of the Heritage Foundation (reproduced from the Conservative Treehouse website), Carlson showed remarkable spiritual discernment and insight regarding...