
Jeffrey Tucker keeps probing and questioning everything about the covid episode in general and about Anthony Fauci in particular.  And the truth is looking darker and uglier every day. His post below springs from the recent public exposure of Dr. David Morens, Fauci’s longtime No. 2 at the NIH. What...

Jeffrey Tucker is taking on the mantle of courageously writing about…what millions are thinking…but are afraid to confront. His latest at The Epoch Times goes right to the core question that is crystallizing for serious people anxious about America’s future:   Does the CIA Run America? Excerpt: …let’s just say...

This is one of Jeffrey Tucker’s best*. There can never be enough intelligent review and analysis of what took place over the past several years; the global and national collapse of character and conscience all at once has simply been stunning.  Jeffrey Tucker is a Tier 1 reviewer. (Another spectacular...

This post by Jeffrey Tucker is a timely and succinct summary of the nation-threatening phenomenon called the Deep State. The bottom line: The deep state is not awesome. It is the enemy of freedom and human rights and the biggest threat to progress that we face. _________________ Is the Deep...

These last few years have tested serious thinkers.  Coming to grips with the notion that there can be deliberate, humanly plotted mass manipulation on a global scale…just boggles the mind. Jeffrey Tucker is coming to grips with all of it and is often putting his thoughts on record.  The post...

Jeffrey A Tucker is a serious thinker who keeps inquiring about and pondering what has happened and is happening in America and the world…and is starting to understand why it is so hard to accept.  _______________ @jeffreyatucker For those of us schooled in the persistent incompetence of government to get...

Jeffrey Tucker is an American voice of conscience…and he is not going to let go of the unconscionable malfeasance behind the entirety of the covid episode.  And he shouldn’t. An excerpt: The silence is not golden. It’s dangerous. It is even treacherous. The Covid response ruined everything the world identified...

Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute has the instincts and critical thinking skills that used to be assumed to exist in the profession of journalism.  He’s applying them in a recurring review of what exactly took place before, during and after the 2020 ‘pandemic’.  His latest column continues to connect...

Don’t be deterred by the title; Jeffrey Tucker is a serious, humane thinker, and he has put together a sort of collective soul-searching that is going on around the world as serious people start to come to grips with the strong gut feeling that the horrendous global travails of the...

This might be Jeffrey Tucker‘s most important piece.  It is a profoundly unfortunate instinctive habit among human beings to believe that those who have amassed great wealth (particularly in a free market economy and not by corruption) are also in possession of great wisdom across all human affairs. Mega-wealthy-Bill Gates-as-expert...