
No one wants to post information so graphic it could literally make you sick. But yesterday’s repost of Roger Simon’s “Say Good-bye to the ‘Islamophobia’ Hoax” inevitably causes a reflexive hope among the naive and underinformed that concerns about Islam are overblown; that “I know a Muslim and she’s nice”;...

Militant atheists often carry an aura of elite intellectualism, which is why they can seem, initially, alluring to innocent, inquisitive minds:  they’re just so smart; their atheism must be intelligent, too…so many of those Bible-thumpers are just so simple-minded and primitive; the atheists must have it right. But then along...

A Steyn column is often a bracing jolt of ice water on a sleepy face…but delivered with so much insight and discernment, it deserves attention. Not all have yet heard of the government’s execution of Peanut the Squirrel, but they need to.  Few events encapsulate the malignancy of totalitarian godless...

Mark Steyn is a functioning mature adult…which seems pretty rare among names in the news.  His latest post highlights how completely ridiculous America’s ruling class, including its propaganda media arm, have become.  We’re living through ‘fall of Rome’ stuff for sure, yet millions can see it clearly and CAN reverse...

Americans would rather not think about the things Mark Steyn writes about…but increasingly, they can’t avoid them.  As Steyn says:  “We are close to a point of no return here, but the Dems are determined to blow past that.” ___________________ Incuriouser and Incuriouser Well, it’s the morning after, and...

Three years ago, before J.D. Vance had won his seat in the US Senate from the state of Ohio, Mark Steyn did a brilliant monologue on Fox News Primetime…in which he captured a whole lot of reasons he (Steyn) was drawn to Vance as a very strong up-and-coming leader.  Worth...

There is a creepy feel to all the overwrought reaction to the Trump-Biden debate.  Joe Biden has been mentally unfit for office since before he ran in 2020; the 2020 election was rigged and stolen (you don’t even have to understand rigged voting machines to understand that the election was...

Mark Steyn’s latest draws attention to an epidemic of gang rape in Europe.  Not for the faint of heart. The episode in Hamburg’s Stadpark in Germany (and its aftermath)–where those angry about the gang rape were prosecuted more vigorously than those who committed the gang rape–is almost impossible to believe....

“…is not whatever trivia they’re talking about at the next BBC leaders’ debate or even the CNN-framed presidential “debate” this Thursday. The most pressing issue is that the entirety of western civilisation is sliding off the cliff, and very fast.” Mark Steyn’s latest speaks of incidents the average news-consumer–even the...

About as dark as Mark Steyn ever gets…this is hard to read.  But in what particulars is he wrong? Excerpt: “…right now there is no law in America, and, in consequence, no politics. So there is no point in pretending you enjoy benefit of either, and in doing so you’re...