Full Shows

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fEa8I_ppKo “Eliminationism” & 2020 Elections Church Shooting & Biden’s Buffoonery VA: Gun Confiscation & 2A Sanctuaries NYC Anti-Semitism: DeBlasio Blames . Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jkNI4Cx62k Debbie is going on break this week and will return on Monday, December 30th. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUH-dSBsaLA Impeachment: New Hoax, Same Swamp Dems Impeached Voters A Monopoly on Relentlessness The Gift of America Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb2tp-Rnj-8 Impeachment = LEFTIST takeover of America: RESIST Interview: Socialism in VZ & America Rosemary Collyer: “Shocked I Tell You” Can AG Barr Handle His Job? Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c801AVnqtw0 Lt Gen Michael Flynn: Justice Denied After Pensacola: Raymond Ibrahim, Scholar of Islam. Joins Me Impeachment Imbroglio Cluster Women Trump Supporters Vs Carly Fiorina Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow4vEy_W4gg Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn & President Trump Impeach.Org, Soros & What’s At Stake “Giuliani & Comey & Nunes: Oh my” Bill of Rights Anniversary Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqp2LB1_Cvg UK Brexit Vote AGAIN today Former UK candidate George Farmer joins me Impeachment, Coup, AND The Hidden Hand Trump Fights BDS: New Jersey Jews Murdered Congress Legislates? USMCA Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMbuL2t5r5Q Hillary Claims UK’s Boris Johnson = Russian Stooge Joel Gilbert talks Trayvon & the Zimmerman Lawsuit Biden taunts “fat” voter Congress Legislates? USMCA Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfHIDF4TvVg Seeking Judicial Review = Impeachable? Impeachment: Hilarious & Shocking Reactions Homeless vs Homeowners The Peleton Wars Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZTu7O1AJGg Blockbuster Jobs Report Islamic Terror @ Pensacola IG Report Ukraine, Impeachment & Lindsay Graham Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk/ America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with...