Full Shows

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhSK_2vVtic Free Markets Proven “Fairest of them all” Star Parker: Joe Biden’s Announcement & Assault on America’s Discrimination laws Left-Wing Censors on the Warpath Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTo-a_Fro7I America Stands with Israel: Embassy AND Golan Heights Gaza’s Rockets, America’s Interests & Left-Wing Allegiance to Palestinians Jared Kushner’s Peace Plan & America’s Middle East Role Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3uKa_eV8y4 National Day of Prayer & CA Targets Priests James Carafano & President Trump’s Immigration Options Militant Transgenderists at Google & Everywhere Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth, and our...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOXm8Jb9pYM Texas candidate Fundraises for Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar AG Barr testifies & SpyGATE “MoveOn” Mission Underway CA Teachers’ Unions LOSE a battle with Charter School rockstar Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqnimcJT4PQ Does America Care about NYT & growing Anti-Semitism? Danger to America if China Controls 5G US Socialists try redefining “freedom” AS Venezuela explodes Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogGqY2juMw8 Candace Owens’ take on Joe Biden Blexit vs. Biden: Race in America NYT, Latest Synagogue Murder, & Trump’s Holocaust Remembrance Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth, and our increased...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4ieAsv_zcw “We are Christchurch” but not Sri Lanka? Truth about Christian Persecution in this World: Open Doors USA Chief Strategy Officer WYBO joins me AND Lyin Joe Biden kicks off campaign with a LIE Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWoNeqQT6A Does it Matter WHY Democrats Subpoenaed Trump’s Taxes? Nick Adams, Founder of FLAG, joins me in studio Democrats’ 2020 Strategy: Bribe Them All Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzwVEATU9Gg CRACKDOWN on Illegal immigration Colleges Teach America that LIBERALISM NEEDS an enemy Talking TRUTH about America’s Prosperity Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth, and our increased participation in the...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eKeKN9xHxY Message from ISIS in Syria, Sri Lanka & Nigeria Deep Dive on Climate Change: Earth Day 2019 Ignore Mueller: Impeach Trump? Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: https://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth, and our...