Full Shows

Interview with Liz Collin, Author of They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd. Producer & Narrator of the Documentary: The Fall of Minneapolis, TheFallOfMinneapolis.com Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and...

TEXAS GOP Primary: Propositions AND Judges MATTER! Interview with Darrell Day, Candidate for US Congress, TX CD 32 American Game Changer: Mike Benz Interview with Tucker Carlson Truckers Boycott NY After Trump Trial Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for...

Interview with Rick Green, Founder & President of Patriot Academy. PatriotAcademy.com Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful...

Injustice in America: J6, Trump & Steyn Verdicts Interview with Vince Gallo: Candidate for Texas House HD 63 Interview with Mike Mason & Texans for Responsible Judges KNIVES out on Biden – 25th Amendment Times Ukraine Funding Bill Kneecaps Trump’s Next Term Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a...

Interview with Julie McCarty & Fran Rhodes, True Texas Project Leaders Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful...

Take Our Border Back Convoy & Border Bill Sellout Texas House Candidate Abraham George joins me American “Justice” System: Tina Peters PLUS J6 Middletons James O’Keefe Strikes: DC Sex & Extortion Rot Exposed Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary...

Interview with Clint Dorris, Candidate for U.S. Congress CD 12 ClintDorrisForCongress.com FB: Clint Dorris for Congress. Army Ranger, Combat Veteran/Operation Desert Storm, (1989-2003), Deputy Chief CTIO office of U.S. Space Force, Baptist Church Deacon. Shelley Luther, Candidate for Texas State House, HD 62 Luther4Texas.com @ShelleyLuther Daren Meis, Candidate...

Interview with Mark Davis, Host of the Mark Davis Show on 660AM TheAnswer, @MarkDavis Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America,...

Impeaching Border Buster Mayorkas: Why ? Brandon Gill, Candidate for Congress, TX CD26 Lawfare vs Trump: Where are we now? Biden Bullies Black Americans U.S. Rep Clay Higgins & J6 Eye-openers Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness...

Interview with Chuck DeVore, Chief National Initiatives Officer at Texas Public Policy Foundation and Author. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing...