
Mark Steyn observes the dystopian weirdness of many 'western' 'leaders'. Abraham Lincoln famously hoped for a new birth of freedom out of the carnage of Gettysburg and the Civil War.  It's time to renew that hope and see it through to fruition in 2022. ______________________________ "Freedom"'s Just Another Word for ...

Remote Learning Causes Car-Jackings: Who Knew?   Mayor of Chicago…that’s right, the leftist Mayor of Chicago: Blames rise in car-jacking and other crime on remote learning Kids are bored…so they go car-jacking and committing crime This is the upside-down nature of the leftist worldview… …the complete loss of moral teaching and moral order; the...

Magnificent! __________________ Viral Video, Freedom Will Win if Canadians Stand Together The message here is right over the target. {Direct Rumble Link} Make it viral. Every institution and agency are aligned against freedom; but they are the few – we are THE MANY. They may control and twist the legacy and corporate media, but we are...

Dr. Robert Malone is quickly becoming the voice of conscience in the confused and corrupted field of medicinal 'science' and Big Pharma.  Heartily recommend his Telegram channel for his near daily postings/reflections.  You will learn a lot, and be heartened that there are physicians and research scientists who still have...

Jeffrey Tucker at the Brownstone Institute continues to rise in prominence; the Epoch Times continues to feature his essays on current events.  His latest intelligently expands on our earlier post: SCOTUS AND VACCINE MANDATES – CRY OR SCREAM, TAKE YOUR PICK. From Tucker's piece: What absolutely cannot happen in any free, civilized,...

Connecting Covid Dots   The covid pandemic as a ‘plandemic’ is concerning more and more Americans Big Govt, Big Health, Big Pharma, and Big Tech want to dismiss this as conspiracy theory But lots of ‘dots’ accumulating Coronavirus gene-sequencing patents in early 2000’s Fauci predicts in 2017 that a pandemic will occur during...

Dr. Robert Malone drew attention to this essay this morning; in his words, "it is beautifully written, heartwarming, uplifting. It may help bring the sides together." We won't reproduce it in full in this post; you can click through to read it yourself HERE. It's long...