18 Nov Hell Hath No Fury Like the American People Defrauded
It’s hard not to cringe when pundits like Andy McCarthy pontificate on the President’s legal chances of prevailing in the 2020 election. McCarthy recently noted:
“This is the president’s fatal problem. No matter which battleground state we analyze, there is always a mismatch between the impropriety alleged and the remedy that it could yield. Where Trump is strongest, as in the Supreme Court case, the yield in votes is a relative pittance. Where Trump’s claims are weaker and hotly disputed, the president is asking for mass disfranchisement, which no court is ever going to order.”
McCarthy is a smart and experienced lawyer, and his opinions are no doubt earnestly held. But he apparently either can’t sense or blithely dismisses what’s going on in America.
The ‘sleeping giant’ the Japanese famously feared after bombing Pearl Harbor was not the Beltway ruling class; it was the American people. Because once the American people awakened to understand the war actually being waged on them, their patriotic resolve kicked in, and there was no way they would be defeated. They would outthink, outwork, outfight and out-sacrifice their enemies. And they would not stop until their enemies were destroyed.
Every American with an ounce of common sense and integrity (and that is a minimum of the 73 million Americans who voted for Trump) knows this election was stolen. It’s not remotely a close question. Nothing adds up to make sense out of Joe Biden drawing the most votes in the history of presidential elections. It did not happen.
And the theft of the 2020 election is no less a direct and premeditated attack on America than was the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The leftist enemies of this country do not hide their ends or means. They will lie, cheat and steal until they impose godless tyranny on this nation; until they have infiltrated and taken control of every institution of America and reset every narrative with a false foundation of America as systemically racist and deserving of defunded police; covid as the bubonic plague nullifying the Bill of Rights; secular humanism as the state-sanctioned religion; and Joe Biden as the most popular man ever to ‘win’ the Presidency.
Every bit of this is lies.
The obvious plot to steal the election—(1) planting and/or exploiting the pandemic to open up the use of mail in ballots; (2) using mail in ballots to plug the hole in early voting manipulation—i.e., the early voting tabulation algorithms can’t quite predict the turnout on Election Day, so if they have underestimated pro-Trump turnout on Election Day, the mail in ballots are the plug for that hole—i.e., they can be manufactured to make up the difference; (3) coordinating the actions of the MSM on Election Night to call states early for Biden, and give swing states extra time to determine how much fraud would be necessary to overcome Trump’s lead; and (4) maneuvering quickly after Election Day to anoint Biden as “President-elect” and begin another false narrative of inevitability and concession-for-the-good-of-the-country—is simply too obvious. Americans see it.
And then all the fresh initiatives to re-lockdown all over the country over a virus that data now shows is readily treatable and 99+% survivable—it just screams: “this is all a plot to take down American freedom under the Constitution once and for all”.
The Marxists no doubt feel they are riding high right now, with a successful revolutionary overthrow of America in sight.
Probably most of the Japanese military were riding high on December 8, 1941. And to borrow one of the great twitter memes of 2020, probably Germany was riding high when it was “the projected winner of World War II”. That is…until Churchill said there would be no concession; only fight.
Japan and Germany didn’t succeed, and neither will the globalist leftist/Marxist/Democrats.
Andy McCarthy thinks it all comes down to laws on the books and precedents in the courts. It doesn’t. It comes down to whether truth still exists; whether it is still the foundation for the American concept of justice; whether it is in fact a power or just a word.
Here’s the answer, Andy: truth does still exist, and America is founded on it. And the only real law—call it the law of God—demands that justice be based on truth. And when moral, righteous indignation erupts among the American people because of a brazen denial of truth, truth is soon seen as a power that cannot be contained by all the globalist pundits and financiers and lawyers and judges in the world. In the words of the Bible, ‘on whomsoever it (truth) falls, it will grind him to powder.”
Even if the grotesque injustice of this obviously stolen election is not overturned by the process called ‘law’ and the people called ‘judges’, it is not going to confer legal legitimacy or authority on a President Joe Biden. It can’t, and it won’t. Because the law either has the power of righteousness—conformity to moral standards—behind it, or it’s nothing.
So where does that leave America in mid-November 2020? It’s interesting that President Trump himself said recently “I can’t tell you what’s going to happen” at roughly the same time he was saying “I don’t concede anything’.
We’d guess his team’s efforts may not have a specific strategy or target besides full exposure to the American people of the scope of the 2020 election fraud. The American people will take it from there.
Is ‘take it from there’ a coded call to violence? No. It’s a responsible reminder of how to get past violence. Tell the truth and respect the truth. President Trump won this election in a landslide vote of the American people. To American lawyers and judges and governors and legislatures: respect that result and implement it. The screaming of the left may materialize in spasms here and there, but it will ultimately collapse into oblivion. It’s just a bunch of bullying lies.
The left still doesn’t grasp the fury of the American people once awakened. But it will, soon.
Eric Georgatos blogs at America Can We Talk?