03 Apr Patrick Byrne – “The Constitutional Crisis is On” – Updated
Yesterday’s America Can We Talk? show covered a story the legacy media will go to its grave to suppress. (Scroll to 41:22 for the start of the relevant commentary, which ends at 50:45).
Patrick Byrne, who has been an interview guest on multiple ACWT shows, is an iconoclastic 21st century American hero who knows as well as any single individual in the world exactly how American elections are rigged and stolen (yes, in 2020 and 2022). He has a unique and powerful intellect, combined with a 21st century version of the traditional independent American spirit that has no patience with lies and liars, especially if they are from or in positions of authority. And he’s on a mission to show the world exactly what he knows. (Behind the paywall of his locals account, you can listen for yourself to get the picture of what he’s talking about.)
Keep an eye on this story. And keep an eye on the Supreme Court of the United States.
Patrick Byrne is very credible.
UPDATED – April 22, 2024
SCOTUS without comment declined to hear the Lake v. Fontes case that Patrick Byrne and others had such hope for.
Byrne has yet to comment on the Court’s decision. He has previously stated that if the Court would not hear the case, he would take action personally to assure wider exposure of elements of the fraud as to which he has personal knowledge. But he was unclear as to what those actions would be.
The institutional lid on the rigged 2020 election continues to appear to be airtight. But Patrick Byrne is a bright and determined man. The final chapter on this story may still not have been written. Continue to keep an eye on this story.