
Interview with Patrick Byrne, The Enemy Within Docuseries Follow Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk Show Host Website: Twitter: @DebbieCanWeTalk Truth: Instagram: Facebook: Rumble: OBBM: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique...

Interview with Patrick Byrne Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from...

Robert Reich is among the liberals’ favorite liberals–with an erudite intellectual smugness that few can match.  Reich attempted a mocking, you-can’t-be-serious attack on ‘election deniers’–and Patrick Byrne, who is nobody’s fool in the intellectual realm and is also politically independent–took up the challenge of explaining his view as to why...

In about a 46-minute presentation in Frisco, Texas on Saturday, December 12, 2021, Patrick Byrne connected some dots–based on his unique and extraordinary personal life experience–that put the American nightmare of the last five years in context.  The context is deeply, deeply disturbing. Byrne’s story rings true and suggests the...

A very interesting, upbeat piece from Patrick Byrne about the lawsuit to be filed with SCOTUS on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We haven’t seen the lawsuit, and only marginally can claim to know Patrick Byrne.  But our sense about Byrne has always been that along with being an extraordinarily bright...

Byrne’s words: Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and homeschool before he gave them this vaccine. Risch is one of the most academically cited American epidemiologists alive today.

Patrick Byrne is a force in America today.  The intellectual class can’t touch him, and that’s why he makes them increasingly uncomfortable, about both the exposure of 2020 election fraud and the exposure of the plandemic.  His latest on the 1947 Nuremberg Code–and the duty of physicians of conscience today–is...

Patrick Byrne has been the subject of many previous posts on this site (see here and here).  He’s never backed off from his detailed perspective on the election fraud in 2020, and he seems singularly familiar with yet unintimidated by what he calls the ‘goons’.   His latest is a useful...