
We’ve previously drawn attention to Patrick Byrne; he is a uniquely credible character in the exposure of the massive election fraud of November 2020.  He has recently weighed in on Mike Lindell’s upcoming Cyber Symposium with this:  “I Predict: In Mike Lindell’s South Dakota Reveal this Week, Data will not...

The Arizona election audit is ground zero for exposing fraud in the 2020 election. Who is acting innocent, and who is acting guilty? Tune in to listen to Lori Stillwagon Roman, President of the ACRU--the conservative alternative to the ACLU. A fourth DC cop associated with January 6th commits suicide...what in the world is going on? Congressman Chip Roy is raising the subject of impeachment of Biden for what is happening at the border. He's on solid ground...

People need to see the big picture and not just the individual battles. The left is at war with America. Important battles: Jan. 6th prisoners; voting integrity, covid lockdowns. Americans are re-learning the rare and precious concept of individual freedom.

Election fraud deniers want to silence all questioning by announcing that (1) all claims of fraud have been ‘debunked’ (without evidence); (2) courts have reviewed the evidence and dismissed the claims; (3) the claims are just random, unrelated s**t thrown against the wall to see if anything might stick; (4)...

There’s a tsunami of righteous indignation sweeping America. That’s because a relentless barrage of ruling class lies is finally being seen not only as a relentless barrage of lies, but as lies all tilting in one direction and serving the same purpose. Let’s review the ruling class story lines that...

Washington Post reporter Jon Swaine emailed me on Thursday April 29, 2021, with a list of questions about my interview of Russ Ramsland on my AmericaCanWeTalk show.  Mr. Ramsland has appeared on the show several times, but I believe the focus of Mr. Swaine’s interest is on Mr. Ramsland’s appearance...