Time to Overthrow the Covid Tyranny

Time to Overthrow the Covid Tyranny



  • Spikes in ‘cases’ in the US are related to higher testing volumes and even more related to border crossings by sick people seeking treatment in the US. The data on cases in counties bordering the southern border dwarfs the data in counties away from the border[1].

But much more disturbingly, spikes in cases appear to be driven by officialdom redefining symptoms into ‘cases’. Watch here, and review here. Health ‘authorities’ are going out of their way to define cases more broadly. Why?  Just being careful, right?  But why aren’t they telling the public how their changed methods are causing dramatic increases in ‘cases’? Cui bono?


  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCL) and budesonide (asthma medicine/inhaled steroids) are showing demonstrated efficacy with real doctors and real covid patients in real time. The results are documented; they are voluminous (look up stunningly low covid death numbers in Taiwan, Japan and Singapore, where the inhaled steroid treatments are apparently being widely used). These treatments are readily available; they are not expensive; they shoutthere is no need for a vaccine” and “there is no need to keep the public paralyzed by fear”. Yet American government/public health authorities, at every level, silence these messages. Why? Cui bono?


  • There is no science disputing these efficacious results, but there have been rushed-to-publication, falsified studies seeking to discredit HCL in particular. Why? Cui bono?


  • The mandatory-mask-as-prophylactic theme has every politician saluting it but next to ZERO science behind it. There’s a vague kindergarten notion that a mask assures you’ll cover your cough, and surely that will help. And it’s easy to weave a kindergarten notion into a computer model that projects how many lives would be saved IF it worked, and presto! ‘science’ has proved masks are effective. And yes, the ever-reliable Lancet magazine just published an oh-so-timely ‘peer-reviewed study!’ supporting masks and social distancing, much like the oh-so-timely study that ‘proved’ HCL was ineffective.


  • But where’s the data that shows that one or more weeks of wearing masks caused infection rates to fall in specific geographic region “X”? There isn’t any.



  • The Democrat Party and their MSM propaganda arm are running an old man for President who is plainly suffering from dementia and lack of physical stamina. Public visibility and the rigor of public campaigning are anathema to his prospects. But pandemic-driven orders to stay home and wear masks fit rather perfectly as a reason to keep him at home.


  • Pandemic-driven orders to stay home and wear masks and socially distance also fit rather perfectly with suppressing President Trump’s campaign rallies and generally vigorous campaigning style.


  • And most important of all, the pull-back of economic re-opening caused by panic over a spike in ‘cases’ is putting the economy back on life support, in time to generate bad economic news leading up to the November election.


Sorry, folks, there are no coincidences. But there are too many ‘mistakes’; too many lies. Too many dictates based on fear, not science. Too many inexplicable behaviors of those who are supposed to be acting in good faith in support of public health. Too much decision-making that defaults to the be-all and end-all of a mandatory vaccine. Too many benefits to a rabid left and Deep State and MSM that has no living purpose other than to get rid of Donald Trump, whether by a cratering pre-November economy, paid-for rioting, or pandemic fear-mongering.

It’s just too much to accept as honest or legitimate. The main influence holding this up is Anthony Fauci, through his daily weathervane musings about worst-case hypothetical scenarios—musings that are being allowed to govern the entire country as if we don’t know anything else.

The whole scene feels gamed; it reeks of pure politics and orchestrated manipulation of the American people. It calls for an all-American uprising–how about in the name of ‘divine Providence’?–to overthrow the entire institutional and individual structure that has created and perpetuated this scene.

The American people need a rekindling of the 4th of July spirit. Americans are not ruled by tyrants and dictators. Americans never consented to giving any elected official authority over their freedom to live their lives for two days, much less two weeks, much less nearly four months.

Americans regret deaths from any disease; they support efforts to find preventative and therapeutic cures; and they will voluntarily do their part to minimize the threat of any disease in common sense ways suggested by honest, agenda-free experts. That’s because Americans are decent people who have the good fortune to live where they also have the God-given and Constitutional right to live as free people taking responsibility for their lives.

But Governors like Newsom and Cuomo and Ducey and Abbott—yes, Ducey and Abbott are so-called Republicans—seem to be issuing lockdown decrees because they can; because they relish being the focal point of power and an assumed fount of wisdom and compassion; because they think the media will backstop them; and because they think they can keep enough of the electorate too scared to question them. They are treating people like ignorant serf children, not free adult citizens.

When American elected officials do not fear the people, they become un-American elected officials. (And let’s hope they soon become un-elected officials.)

It’s time they learned what mass civil disobedience looks like; it’s time they are made to fear the people more than they fear a spike in coronavirus ‘cases’.

It’s time for Americans to go to the beach; to take their summer vacations; to open their restaurants and other businesses; to plan for school to be in session and football to be played.

It’s time for everyone to break the unconstitutional, unjust, unscientific, political, fear pandemic scam that has nothing to do with protecting health but everything to do with enlarging, exercising and protecting political power.

It’s time to make the Governors go to their law enforcement agencies to tell them to arrest everybody for violating their orders, and it’s time for those law enforcement agencies to tell the Governors to pound sand—to tell them they are not going to lift a finger against anybody.

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, government can provide information, and experts of all kinds can give free voice to their opinions. May the best be heard and be persuasive.  Government can even strongly recommend certain actions, including wearing masks. But four months into whatever non-plague this is, governors and others have no business and no constitutional authority to unilaterally order American citizens to do or not do anything.   The tyrannical overreach needs to end.

Remember the 4th of July!

Eric Georgatos blogs at America Can We Talk?

[1] Cases per 100k residents as of June 29: High population non-border counties: Maricopa County, AZ: 961, Los Angeles County, CA: 944, Santa Clara County, CA: 206; border counties: Yuma County, AZ: 2,678, Santa Cruz County, AZ: 3,556, Imperial County, CA: 3,322