
It’s time to pull the masks off Antifa; the SCOTUS has already upheld the ability to deal with this. The leftwing mockery and denigration of Christianity is as obvious as it is disgusting. Nike’s kowtowing to SJW versions of pc is getting old; Arizona Governor Ducey agrees. AOC’s ‘takes’ at the border indicate she’s just not functional in the real world.

Saw your Facebook post today, calling for Trump to apologize for his remarks about the Charlottesville riots, predicting an unraveling of our national fabric absent such an apology and absent a clear statement that racists were 100% responsible for the violence in that city. Well, let’s get some bona fides...

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 16th show:   FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider  Obama strikes back with limited & proportional attack on Yemen rebels  Obama, aides expected to weigh Syria military options on Friday  An...

First Fifteen   Debbie cuts through the noise about the possibility of a GOP ‘brokered convention’, and explains why it could be so offensive to the base of the Republican Party and to Americans generally. As it stands now, it would be an effort to deprive the people of their...