
America, Can We Talk? is growing! ACWT is now LIVE four-days-a-week, Monday thru Thursday at 3pm! America, Can We Talk (ACWT) is now airing live four days a week, Monday through Thursday, at 3pm Central time, with video podcasts from the state of the art studios of the Real News Communications...

Though apparently since scrubbed/deleted, take a look at this tweet:       Let’s go ahead and stipulate to the usual ‘anyone can post anything…doesn’t prove anything’ truism, but then let’s look at other issues in ‘Chrissy Blasey’s’ testimony.  And before we do, let’s not forget that there is not and never has been...

From Visual Capitalist, in April 2018:  “Over 90% of all [internet] searches are conducted via Google platforms”. From Wikipedia, describing the US government acting under anti-trust law to break up Standard Oil in 1906:  Standard Oil’s market share of refined petroleum stood at around 70%. Those simple facts only hint at the...

In summary form, here's why: Understanding the full dimensions of FISA-Gate is a shortcut way to learn of the exceptional nature of what the Founders intended government to be (the long way is to spend years tracing the development of government philosophy in world and American and Christian history)   The...

A big week lies ahead for America and the world.  That’s how consequential will be today’s scheduled release of a reported 1.2 million documents assembled by Inspector General Michael Horowitz in his investigation of the behavior of the FBI and Department of Justice regarding, broadly speaking, the 2016 election and...

The cultural upheaval going on in America in 2017 can be positive, even restorative, as it exposes the corruption and immorality that have infected sports, entertainment, media, etc.  It is imperative that this upheaval include a cleansing of government and its investigation and law enforcement functions. Unraveling the Las Vegas mass-murder...