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Articles reviewed in preparation for the March 4th show: BEST News of Super Tuesday AOC-aligned progressive candidates fall flat in Super Tuesday contests Trump's Super Tuesday results: Broad appeal beyond a united GOP Winners and losers from Super Tuesday    Congressional Candidate Jim Simpson joins me Phil Haney: My Friend and Colleague, Assassinated Jim Simpson for Congress   Trump Supporter...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the March 3rd show: Super Tuesday Wagon-Circling  Polls show big bounce to Biden ahead of Super Tuesday  Ukrainian court throws wrench into Joe Biden’s 2020 election plans    Dr. Everett Piper of “This Is Not a Daycare” Fame joins me  How modern education has destroyed the next generation's soul    Coronavirus, China Collapse? The...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the March 2nd show: Biden & the 3Bs: Dem Doomsday Joe Biden Wins South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary A warning: Socialist Bernie Sanders vows to govern through executive action Bloomberg Implies Voters in 2016 Were Wrong to Rebel Against ‘Intelligentsia’   Coronavirus, Kudlow & CPAC Trump Rises, Even with a Coronavirus Recession Officials...

NeverTrumpers and anti-Trumpers feel they have a new wind at their backs as the coronavirus spreads. Some already speculate that the virus is a significant threat to Trump’s re-election prospects, due to its capacity to trigger a recession by way of the collapse of supply chains that involve China sourcing...

Highlights from this past week on ACWT: Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described. For links to each full show from this week: Monday February 24 Tuesday February 25 Wednesday February 26 Thursday February 27 For specific topics: Socialists in America have turned violent, confrontational, and strident. Here is why. California Governor Newsom announced in his State...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the February 27th show:   Strident Socialism in America  Bernie followers stalk a Democrat candidate & trap her in her car Bernie supporter says Milwaukee will burn if Bernie loses Pelosi says she’d be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket    Filmmaker Curtis Bowers joins me in studio  Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit    TrumpTrainRolling...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the February 25th show: Bernie Helps Hamas, Boycotts AIPAC  Bernie Sanders Goes to War Against Pro-Israel AIPAC, Accuses It of ‘Bigotry’  Joel Rosenberg, Bernie & HAMAS   Bunni Pounds & Trayce Bradford: Christians Engaged  FROM PRAYER TO ENGAGEMENT: Political Parties - Should Christians Get Involved With Them?  Engage: The 4th Box of...

Thanks to American Thinker for posting on February 27, 2020! Most Americans’ knowledge of Philip Haney, if they have any at all, comes from the obituary/eulogy type commentary that has followed the news stories of his death by gunshot last week. The generic MSM commentaries don’t do the man justice; the...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the February 24th show: PolitiChicks PolitiChicks   Newsom’s Communist “Reveal” Gavin Newsom Says Doctors Should Write Prescriptions for Housing Transcript of Governor Gavin Newsom State of the Union Gavin Newsom, Poster Boy for Liberalism, Confirms the Dark Direction of Socialized Medicine   Bernie loves Fidel Even Anderson Cooper’s polite interview with Bernie reveals Bernie’s...