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Highlights from this past week on ACWT: Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described.   Boris Johnson’s Conservative party won a decisive victory in UK elections this past Thursday, paving the way for the UK government to finally honor the will of the people and extract itself from the EU....

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 12th show: UK Brexit Vote AGAIN today  Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU   Former UK candidate George Farmer joins me   Impeachment, Coup, AND The Hidden Hand  The Hidden Hand  DOJ Watchdog Testifies in Congress About Report on Surveillance of Trump Campaign Justice Watchdog Testifies...

Take three minutes to listen to Bill Barr in a December 10 interview with Pete Williams of NBC News. [Update:  the full interview is 24 minutes; NBC chopped it up for various purposes.  You can get to the full interview through the Powerlineblog, here.] If John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey,...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 10th show: Seeking Judicial Review = Impeachable? Democrats expected to unveil articles of impeachment against Trump, focusing on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress   Impeachment: Hilarious & Shocking Reactions Impeachment Dems busy-beaver away … and are only helping Trump - Poll  Turning Point USA: How Californians See...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 9th show: Blockbuster Jobs Report  Jobs report delivers ‘stellar’ news — so why do Dems want to impeach Trump?   Islamic Terror @ Pensacola Radicalized’ Pensacola killer held mass-shooting video party the night before attack: FBI hunts missing Saudi servicemen linked to shooter and probes his trip to...

Highlights from this past week on ACWT: Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described.   Highly skilled cyber security experts/forensic investigators uncovered overwhelming evidence that voting machines used in America are completely (and apparently intentionally) vulnerable to hacking, and worse, that voter tabulation software in those machines not...

Thanks to American Thinker for posting on December 6, 2019! So Nancy Pelosi has apparently decided to go all-in with her call for an impeachment vote.  The standard wisdom on Pelosi is that she is not of the radical left, but she’s cunning, a master tea leaf reader and Swamp survivor,...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 5th show: George Zimmerman speaks We Are All George Zimmerman Now   Impeachment Impending: Senate Prepares Pelosi: ‘No Choice’ but to move forward with articles of impeachment Mitch McConnell playing hardball with Schumer on impeachment trial rules   Bo Snerdley’s New PAC Rush Limbaugh producer 'Bo Snerdley' founds new PAC for black...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 4th show: Turley’s Magnificent Impeachment Testimony Jonathan Turley impeachment testimony Jonathan Turney’s Impeachment Testimony: Democrats Setting Terrible Precedent   Dueling Impeachment Reports  House Republicans issue minority report rebutting impeachment Democrat Impeachment Report Says Trump Abused Power, Despite the Lack Of Evidence Goodwin: Dem impeachment report is Adam Schiff’s latest dud Democrat “Expert”...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the December 3rd show: Vote Fraud Changes Everything N.C. governor vetoes controversial bill to remove names from voter rolls Harvesting Democratic Votes Judge Strikes down North Carolina voter ID OK’d by Voters Kansas judge strikes down voter ID law Election Fraud on a National Scale The Myth of Voter Suppression (video) Data Disprove...