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Highlights from this past week on ACWT: Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described. One of America’s premiere national security experts, Frank Gaffney, founder and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy, joined me to share his views based on 40+ years in the frontlines of national security policy...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the November 21st show: Ukraine Obama Biden Quagmire  MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank FEC Report Shows Democratic National  Committee is $7 Million in Debt  The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the November 20th show: Ukraine INDICTS Burisma Owner  Ukrainian Indictment Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take At $16.5 Million   Impeachment Sham Day 1,035 Entire Devin Nunes Opening Statement today 11.20.19 Volker, Morrison Testimony Completely Vindicate Trump, Destroy Democratic Case for Impeachment   Reagan Economist Arthur Laffer SHUT DOWN Reagan economist's...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the November 19th show: Impeachment: NO Viewers YET 70% “YES”?  70 percent in new poll say Trump's actions in Ukraine call were wrong Americans Ignore Democrats’ Demands to Watch Their Impeachment Farce The Impeachment Clock This partisan impeachment inquiry is more than a waste of time. It imperils democracy   Biggest threats...

Firing Ambassadors & Pardoning Patriots  Ambassadors Flashback: Obama Fired ALL of Bush’s Politically Appointed Ambassadors in 2008 Impeachment Hearings: Marie Yovanovitch Says She Felt Threatened by Trump   Troops Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We’re Supposed to Be Angry at Trump’s Pardons Joe Biden condemns Trump as Unfit for command for pardoning U.S. Troops Pete...

History will not be kind to the participants in the impeachment fraud [Thanks to American Thinker for posting this Nov. 16, 2019] “Sundance” at the popular website “Conservative Treehouse” has posited that the ruling class plan that Americans are about to watch unfold inside the Beltway basically involves a three step process: ...

Articles/videos reviewed in preparation for the November 14th show: Impeachment: Day 1,029  Impeachment hearings! Is that all they’ve got? Devin Nunes Opening Statement CLIP ONE Devin Nunes opening statement 2:23 to 3:39 - closed door audition process - leaks selective THEN 6:18 to 6:53 - drama with tryouts CLIP TWO SAME URL: 6:55 to 7:17 - damage to government and...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the November 12th show: Speech: Tyranny of the “Offended”  University Relocates and Restricts Attendance of Conservative Speaker’s Event Due to ‘Security Concerns’  Addressing The Daily’s coverage of Sessions’ protests Northwestern to Williams: Hold My Beer    SMU’s Dr. Ben Voth joins me  How to Fight Ideological Segregation on Campus How can we fix...