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The First Five   Debbie takes up the shootings of police officers in Dallas.  America is clearly at a crossroads.  The trashing of the police; the sewer of social media—all need to be examined by thoughtful people.   Too many lies are being fomented by social media, and they are influencing the most ignorant...

The First Five   Debbie uses this July 4th weekend to introduce the new name for the show, “America, Can We Talk?” and focus on the meaning of American liberty in 2016.   Quotes from the founders and other prominent Americans are included throughout the show.   Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, ret’d) joins Debbie...

The First Five Debbie speculated on the what-ifs of the Brexit vote last week; this week we know the outcome—but what does it mean for America?  America’s founders enshrined the commitment of government to protect the rights of the individual; UK voters on June 23rd reaffirmed their own commitment to the...

The First Five   On this show on Father’s Day, Debbie takes a look at the upcoming Brexit vote on June 23rd. Very similar factions in the UK as are in the US; nationalism and sovereignty also; and the all-important issue of Islamic immigration and Islamic refugees. Englanders are increasingly wary of...

The First Five   Debbie leads the talk radio response to the Orlando catastrophe. This was an Islamic terrorist attack. Repeat: this was an Islamic terrorist attack. Every discussion of what to do next must start from this baseline, and Americans must not be oblivious to the actual teachings of Islam. The...

The First Five   Debbie takes up the precious American value of freedom of speech. John Guandolo and CAIR (a front group for the terrorist group Hamas) have squared off in Texas. CAIR wants to shut down anyone speaking anything other than praise for Islam and Islamic teachings. The Holy Land Foundation...

The First Five   On this Memorial Day weekend, Debbie takes up Obama’s visit to Hiroshima.  He voices the standard leftist worldview that is premised  on the moral equivalency of all things.  But the moral rationale for dropping the bomb was to end a war started by Japan, Italy and Germany--who had the...

The First Five   Debbie takes up the case of Ben Rhodes and the Iranian nuclear deal. Ben Rhodes, graduate student in fiction writing becomes a national security advisor to Obama, despite no military experience, no foreign service experience, no foreign policy experience whatsoever. But a writer with the ability to manipulate...

The First Five   Debbie takes up the case for #NeverHillary; it is compelling and is far more serious than anything the #NeverTrump crowd is talking about. “Congenital liar” Hillary is showing her character again, with her IT assistant Brian Pagiliano now denying the existence of any emails between the two during...

The First Five   Debbie takes up the reality of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. Person, party and principles: where will Americans turn now? This GOP campaign has been so disturbing…an analogy to Ty Cobb and the repetition of lies is instructive. Donald Trump is a dangerous ‘person’ to latch onto; principles...