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The First Five   Debbie takes up the Democrat playbook to shout ‘racist’ at everyone who questions the efficacy of liberal policies. Hillary’s attempt to align Trump with the KKK is rich, given her late ‘mentor’ former KKK Grand Wizard and West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd.   George Soros is someone all Americans should...

The First Five Debbie takes up the need for constant vigilance against the relentless bias of the media.  Recent examples:  Facebook touted a false story suggesting Colin Powell endorsed Hillary’s email practices; entire talking head panels are gathered to talk about Ryan Lochte’s ‘over-exaggeration’, but not a word about Obama’s $400M...

The First Five Debbie takes up the pivotal Ronald Reagan question:  are you better off now than you were four years ago?  Eight years ago?  The answer is unquestionably and unequivocally, NO.  Just look at the trajectory of the country.  Islamic violence, racial tension, healthcare chaos moving to single payer, home...

First Five   Debbie looks at recent media coverage of terrorist attacks—and the relentlessly skewed and misleading and deceptive way they are covered and reported upon.  Americans must wake up and demand better.  And Americans need to recognize the dangers of the actual teachings of Islam—and the differences of Democrat and Republican...

The First Five   The media montage after Trump’s acceptance speech zeroed in on one word: “dark”. Debbie takes a look at what that’s really all about. With 70% of Americans reportedly feeling the country is on the wrong track, the reality just isn’t bright. And 56% of those who watched Trump’s...

The First Five   For the second week in a row, Debbie talks about racially-motivated violence in America. Healing solutions must be the goal, and Martin Luther King seems to be the last leader who believed such solutions are possible.  Worth thinking about.   Senator Tim Scott spoke about real profiling problems; that’s one...

The First Five   Debbie takes up the shootings of police officers in Dallas.  America is clearly at a crossroads.  The trashing of the police; the sewer of social media—all need to be examined by thoughtful people.   Too many lies are being fomented by social media, and they are influencing the most ignorant...

The First Five   Debbie uses this July 4th weekend to introduce the new name for the show, “America, Can We Talk?” and focus on the meaning of American liberty in 2016.   Quotes from the founders and other prominent Americans are included throughout the show.   Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, ret’d) joins Debbie...

The First Five Debbie speculated on the what-ifs of the Brexit vote last week; this week we know the outcome—but what does it mean for America?  America’s founders enshrined the commitment of government to protect the rights of the individual; UK voters on June 23rd reaffirmed their own commitment to the...

The First Five   On this show on Father’s Day, Debbie takes a look at the upcoming Brexit vote on June 23rd. Very similar factions in the UK as are in the US; nationalism and sovereignty also; and the all-important issue of Islamic immigration and Islamic refugees. Englanders are increasingly wary of...