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Articles reviewed in preparation for the June 11th show: Brits Covered Up Hezbollah Terror Plan to Protect Iranian Deal  Hezbollah’s London Bomb-Making Plot, the Iran Nuclear Deal and Bruce Ohr    Spygate Progress: Investigating the Investigators   DOJ Letter Reveals Broad Scope of John Durham’s Spygate Investigation- “Much Larger Than Previously Known” US Attorney Durham ‘very...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the June 6th show: US Border: People, Price & Politics Smugglers Send First Caravan of African Migrants to U.S. Senate Republicans Weigh Moves to Block Trump on Mexico Tariffs The Democrats are preventing Trump from securing the border   D-Day’s 75th Anniversary Trump D-Day Commemoration   Speech Nothing Prepares you for Visiting Omaha Beach D-Day by...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the June 4th show: Wash U gives inmates college degrees  Washington University graduates its first class of students in prison   Star Parker joins me: Silencing Christian conservatives & Diversity SAT Scores  Hayley Tschetter Is a Hero School Choice Breaks the Poverty Cycle, Not ‘Adversity Scores” Alabama and Georgia abortion laws on...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the June 3rd show: Trump in UK: The Queen, The Mayor & Brexit Trump Fans Sing for He’s a Jolly Good Fellow as Queen Greets Him at Buckingham Palace Trump calls London mayor Khan ‘the twin of de Blasio, except shorter’   AG Barr Speaks Truth: Dems Quake Transcript in Mueller...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the May 30th show: Texas GOP: Ruling Class Mentality Exposed  Bonnen Says He Will Punish Republicans for Opposing Democrats   Mueller Speaks: Coup Attempt Continues  On March 5, Mueller Told Barr THREE times His Non-Decision on Obstruction Had Nothing TO Do with OLC  No Questions? Nonsense - Mueller Must Testify  Dershowitz: Shame...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the May 28th show: Federal Judge Rules Trump Cannot Exercise Presidential Authority Judge Blocks Border wall Funding Trump in Japan: Pomp and tense circumstance   Lt Col Allen West joins me to talk: EU Nationalist Election Victories: Trump Echo? EU Elections:  Surge in Support for Nationalist Parties, Greens at Expense of...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the May 23rd show: MESSAGE of DEM Subpoenas for Trump’s Financial Records  Judge delivers second blow to Trump over financial records No, Nancy, It’s the Dems Who Are Engaged in a ‘Cover-up’   Trump Leadership vs. Pelosi’s “Cover-up” Caper Democrats Are Painted Into a Corner Pelosi says Trump’s family needs to stage...