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First Fifteen   Today is Easter Sunday, an appropriate time to dig in to the substance of America’s challenge with Islam.  Debbie reviews important commentary from former US Attorney Andy McCarthy and moderate Muslim activist Dr. Zuhdi Jasser about the critical distinction between the teachings of Islam and individual people who identify...

First Fifteen   Debbie takes on the subjects of trade, tax policy, and job growth.  Americans need to understand that manufacturing jobs can disappear without regard to government policy.  The Chesapeake Bay Bridge was a tremendous advance for everyone in that area—except the steamboat industry.  Steamboat jobs were lost forever once the...

First Fifteen   Debbie reviews the three groups now opposing Donald Trump:  the hard left (such as’s “Black Lives Matter”), the Republican establishment and ‘movement’ conservatives.  It is the movement conservatives who have the most principled concern about what Trump actually stands for.   Congressman Jeb Hensarling calls in to talk about he...

First Fifteen Debbie takes a look at the Left’s determination to define the “new normal” for a variety of behaviors and issues, and encourages listeners to refuse to kowtow.  Think about the Seattle man who got away with undressing in a girls’ gym/showering facility, by claiming transgendered feelings at the time—and...

First Fifteen   Debbie takes a detailed look at the stunning ways our Department of Justice is refusing to support proof of citizenship as a condition to voting.  This is ultimately the core issue at the heart of the ‘amnesty’ debate.   Rick Green, candidate for “Place 5” on the Texas Supreme Court, calls...

First Fifteen   Debbie steps away from the immediate back-and-forth of the presidential campaigns to catalog the scope of the mess the next President is going to inherit.  The national debt, the economy, the borders, education—across the board, Americans are living in precarious times.  The choice for President deserves deep attention.   Texas House...

First Fifteen   Debbie’s first fifteen commemorates the greatness and goodness of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away earlier in the day.  A Reagan appointee, Scalia was the conservative intellectual powerhouse of the Court.  It is imperative that the Republican controlled Senate refuse to confirm anyone nominated by Obama in...

First Fifteen  Debbie takes a detailed look at the subject of immigration, and the very troubling history of Marco Rubio’s efforts to ‘reform’ immigration law.  Phyllis Schlafly has issued a 15 page history that is very harsh but very accurate regarding Senator Rubio’s words and actions. Also in the first hour:  Obama visits...

First Fifteen   Debbie’s First Fifteen address the crying need for the American political conversation to get far more serious.  Debate gamesmanship and insult-based campaigns are just not equal to the challenges of the times.   The show turns to the proposal for a Convention of the States to address the out of control...

First Fifteen   Debbie’s first fifteen talk about the Trump candidacy; National Review’s unusual compilation of denunciations of Trump; and America’s need to get past symbolic candidates to real American leaders.   Prominent American author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza calls in to talk with Debbie about his latest book “Stealing America”—and the lessons he...