23 Jun Election Takeover Stopped; Bunni Pounds; Chinese Spy 6.23.21
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
Prager & Ivy League Enlightenment...
Cari Kelemen: Author, Consider Homeschooling...
The US Senate stopped HR1/SB1...
Federal Election Takeover Stopped for Now Democrats’ Sweeping Voting Bill Fails to Advance in the Senate Bunni Pounds Interview: IRS Says NO to Christians IRS Determination letter to Christians Engaged Chinese Spy: American Danger The Chinese Defector is a Game Changer...
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse...
Hypocrite Sen. Whitehouse Unmasked Uber-Left, extremely nasty Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has a racism problem Listen to Sen Whitehouse yourself CRT & Race In America How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees If I’m Oppressed?’: Man Blasts Critical Race Theory With Powerful Speech Washington Post is condemned for video urging Americans to set up 'white accountability...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
Father’s Matter 5 Ways Fathers Matter Fathers Matter: The Importance of a Father 5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) Cari Kelemen: Author, Consider Homeschooling Prager & Ivy League Enlightenment Dennis Prager: To save America from left's destruction, take your kids out of public school North Korean Defector After Attending Ivy League School: Even North Korea...