Author: admin

Highlights from this past week on ACWT: Friends, click on any of the underlined words below to go directly to the interview or show clips described. One of America’s premiere national security experts, Frank Gaffney, founder and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy, joined me to share his views based on 40+ years in the frontlines of national security policy... Obama Biden Ukraine Quagmire Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of... Is THIS Impeachment Unpatriotic? Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of... Dem Debate “LowLights” Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of furthering... $75B Medicaid Fraud Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of furthering... Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of furthering that mission,... Obama Biden Ukraine Quagmire $75B Medicaid Fraud Dem Debate “LowLights” Elizabeth Warren’s Killer Tax & Health Plan Is THIS Impeachment Unpatriotic? Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of...

Whether purposefully—to remove Biden from the Dem presidential slate—or inadvertently—out of arrogance and stupidity—Adam Schiff is exposing for all Americans the enormous, abject corruption of the Obama/Biden administration in Ukraine. And there’s more to come. The fraud in Medicaid ought to be enough to end the career of any politician...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the November 21st show: Ukraine Obama Biden Quagmire  MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank FEC Report Shows Democratic National  Committee is $7 Million in Debt  The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies... Ukraine INDICTS Burisma Owner Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of...