Author: admin

Kari Lake’s Takedown After Absurd Liz Cheney Threat Italian Elections & EU threat. Sweden Too Iranian Anti-hijab protest exploding FBI Gestapo Tactics on Pro-life Dad Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about...

Debbie tells us about the murder that happened in North Dakota. North Dakota man, kills 18 year old because the 18 year old was part of a republican group. The man used the republican group as an excuse or in this instance "other" to kill the 18 year old. #Othering...

Debbie tells how the viral claim of racial epithet shouted at Duke/BYU women's volleyball game deserves more attention. Thorough investigation shows no evidence of any such racial shout. Even from all this there was a university that will never play against BYU again, despite there being no evidence. #Racism #BYU...