28 May Hr2: Trump’s Successful First Foreign Trip
Listen to the second hour of the May 28th show, here. Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 28th show, here....
Listen to the second hour of the May 28th show, here. Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 28th show, here....
Listen to the first hour of the May 28th show, here. Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 28th show, here....
I LOVE that we live in a country that sets aside a holiday to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, gave their very lives, to support and defend this country. Many stories of noble sacrifice for America are shared every Memorial Day. Here is one soldier's story (credit to Mark Alexander...
This story sure stirs up the commentariat. Conservative pundits such as Ben Shapiro and David French are running from it as fast as they can. They seem very proud of distancing themselves from theories and questions posited by lesser intellects. Even Sean Hannity, who has given visibility to the story and...
We'd guess that before President Trump is out of office (in 8 years, or 4 years, or 4 months, or something else), there will be many other occasions to comment on his grasp of the Islamic threat. So we'll treat this as ‘Part 1 of Many Parts' to come. President Trump...
The leftist stranglehold on acceptable thought in academia--a/k/a political correctness--can feel relentless and oppressive and, because of the lockstep liberal media echo chamber, can seem to be winning the day against the very idea of truth. But every now and then a Wizard of Oz moment occurs; the curtain is pulled...
List of links viewed in preparation for the May21st show. Right To Govern Ourselves Harvard Study Says Media Very Biased Mueller Must Investigate Everything Obama Obstructing Justice Trump Was Trying To Influence Comey Special Counsel Will Find No Crime Path From Paris Evidence Doesn't Fit Narrative Global Greening Melania Trump No Headscarves White House Still Doesn't Get Islamic Threat Embassy to...
Listen to the second hour of our May 21st show, here....
Listen to the first hour of our May 21st show, here....
The mainstream media, the ruling class of both political parties, and now much of the punditry class have joined in fanning the flames of outrage over the conduct of Donald Trump as President. They are fomenting a fury of anger among the American people, but here’s the untold story: the bulk...